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Typical garbage take by the Guardian. It used to be a good paper.

And not news. This is an opinion piece/diatribe.

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Tesla paid down much more debt than that before it was as profitable as it is now. $10 billion isn't going to sink Tesla. Or SpaceX. They are both materially valuable in a way companies like Twitter are not.

"Stealing ideas" isn't a thing. Ideas are a dime a dozen. Prototypes are much rarer. The even more difficult part is taking things and mass manufacturing them in a way that people can afford and also want.
There's no scam to manufacturing a million cars a year. Nor is SpaceX remotely a scam.
No matter how much of a dick he is on Twitter it doesn't mean he is stupid and can't build and organize companies that work really, really well. Nothing about doing that depends on someone being a "good" or likeable person.
I don't worship anyone. But I don't make up reality just to fit with my beliefs about how things should be according to my ideology.

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Meh. According to the front page, @Communism is trending. Yet there are no posts and 2 subscribers.
I suppose that is one type of trend.

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Did you mean ride their bike to the library? Yeah. You're right on the money.
Also cars were much less reliable back then. Nothing like breaking down again and walking to a payphone... and that's just the beginning.

Euros don't have to deal with that shit because they are smart enough to organize enough to end that crap.

Whether their hubris is punished or not is of no consequence to me. In some ways the ultimate karma is waking up every day to find out we are ourselves. I'm more concerned with building cool stuff for us to use than with anyone getting what I think is their comeuppance.

You mean invested in it. Then took over as CEO when the board voted the former CEO out because he was spending everything they had without getting close to producing a car they could manufacture.
Telsa never produced any cars until Musk was running it.
The continued success under his leadership for the ramp ups for the Model S and and full on ramp up to mass manufacturing the Model 3 kind of demonstrates that. To say nothing of Spacex.
\What did Eberhard do after Tesla again?
Saying he did nothing of consequence at SpaceX would be claiming that everyone who worked with him there is flat out lying. People don't talk smack about their former employers even if they don't like them or think they are idiots.. But they don't make an effort to praise their abilities in that case either. I'm thinking it is more likely that you aren't exactly in a position to know more than they do.

Twitter would be the only mature company with any previous success that he actually ever bought into and the only one he did not build from the ground up. Eberhard building a crap foundation that needed a lot of rebuilding doesn't count.

I know you don't want any of this to be true because he's a dick. But the world isn't a Hollywood movie where the bad guys get what you think they deserve and only the nice people are brilliant.

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Half the fun is using things for how they weren't intended.

there’s an assumption by older generations that because zoomers have grown up with smartphones that they’ll automatically be proficient with tech as a whole

That's like thinking someone knows how to cook because they can order at McDonalds.

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undefined> I’m so tired of valuing people based on their net worth.

You mean like you just did?
In case you care, which you've already indicated you don't, there are more researchers on the submarine than billionbaires.

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No, it isn't.
Maybe some similarities, but no.

I don't think anything is necessarily wrong with fragmentation. What is wrong with smaller communities?
One problem with Reddit was that larger communities resulted in the lowest common denominator replies. And that dynamic got worse over time, to the point where real people began to sound like repetitive bots or meme-posting bots. Nothing wrong if you like that kind of community but it is nice to also have ones that are much better curated.
I particularly enjoyed the subs where I didn't dare post because I was obviously the most ignorant person there and most of the replies were informed and intelligent. r/Technology was the exact opposite of that.

That's great. Teaching them what it is capable of opens new vistas (not that Vista) and that there are lots of possibilities with other software as well. Not a MS fan at all but Excel is powerful and the point comes through regardless of the platform.

Sure. Just like he was with Tesla, which was never going to succeed, or if it did, be a niche market. Or like his even crazier idea to start a private orbital launch company.
Like one prominent investor said about Elon in general, I wouldn't invest in Twitter but I wouldn't bet against Elon either.

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That's a discussion about working conditions. Europeans aren't having to put up with being available after work hours. Sane workplaces in the US don't do that either.

It stopped being an interesting site years ago, although there were some communities that were an exception. But generally those were the ones with intense moderation and/or small user bases.
Any sub that was regularly on the front page was moronic and close minded and the subs that were their political opposite were the same plus even more hateful and vile.

No one likes a 6% loss. Not in revenue and not regarding ad effectiveness either. Although I'm guessing a lot of the people here are part of the adblocking crowd.

Reddit has been dead a while. It's corpse has been shambling along for at least a few years though.

Which is hilarious considering they are in the opposite situation. Reddit is trying to IPO. Twitter was made private. Two different companies in very different stages of their existence. Which shows what a ridiculous observation this was by Huffman.
You invest when you want to go public and grow. Twitter is a far more mature company with a much larger number of employees.

I'm not going to cry if there are a lot less people here. Half the real people sound like bots on Reddit and the quality of discussions has hit bottom. No loss whatsoever if that isn't replicated.

You can't use your own router? That's insane anyway. Changing the security settings by app seems like the opposite of security.
I understand what you're saying but it doesn't negate what I said. I have email, internet connectivity, and access to information and services.
Having a smartphone doesn't mean you are forced to use it for Gmail and Facebook. I rarely use the internet features on my smartphone and manage quite well. I think people have allowed themselves to get accustomed to a lot of unnecessary shit.

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The people who do don't do research or use the internet to learn about stuff. Or just do "research" on Youtube/social media.

undefined> if you do not check in for attendance with the university’s app, you automatically fail the course

That is completely fucked. I would refuse out of principle and demand an alternative based on my creed/religion. Linux is a religion, right?

You can still follow useful links to those. And make any new ones in threads on other sites of your choice. Leaving Reddit as a regular -ish user a few years ago didn't mean I would never ever visit again. It was just far less frequent and I signed in only once in a blue moon, when it seemed necessary or prudent to get info or interact that was unavailable elsewhere.

What about in winter, when the sun isn't as hot?

How are you able to see what's going on at Twitter? Do you work there in a position where you have a decent overview of the company?
And sure, he might totally run Twitter into the ground. Like I said, I wouldn't put money into the company. But it's about where every other company he has run was, so I wouldn't bet against his success there either.
The idea that if he fails at making Twitter a success means he is an idiot and Tesla and SpaceX are a fluke are delusional though.

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Sorry, using "just" pisses me off too. It's a really arrogant way of saying things, I agree. And yes, it would be a major pain in the ass. That is the kind of thing housewives did while their husbands were at work, which is honestly how it was able to work. And yeah, traffic and cities are much more crowded and sprawled now. I was pointing out it is possible though. And a dumb cell phone can be used for two factor auth. But overall I agree with everything you said. I was being pedantic and technically correct.
Small town life colors my view as well. Things are a lot different than in the cities.

No, we have always had to make a compromise or a choice between sustainability, convenience, or price. The EU just decided to limit that choice to convenience or price.

There's the radio-free zone in VA that has no cell service or wireless devices. You could always live there.

If they are heart-shaped rose-tinted glasses then I'm in.

There are far, far worse industries for exploitation.
The meatpacking industry fast food, and garment industries are an entirely different level of hell than any of those companies. Weird how we don't see nearly the amount of pushback against fast food and fast fashion.

Yep. We remember breaking down in shitty unreliable cars, then walking to a payphone and putting up with whatever shit repair place was available. We remember it well.

That's what cigarettes and books are for. Or booze, drugs. Origami.
Plus you usually met up at someone's house or work.
What you are talking about wasn't a big problem.

All the people who know will be there.

It wasn't that terrible but it was definitely slower. Some things for sure sucked. Now totally different things suck.

Who's "we", white man? I've never had a Facebutt or Twitter account. Or any of the various Facebook sites.

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It's true that is really much worse. It's also true that plenty of people didn't watch much tv then or now.
That's like saying the junk food, malt liquor, and fast food was better.

Yeah, it's only the rich that are standing in the way of us all doing brilliant things. Or doing anything productive or interesting.

It's the punch line to a Lone Ranger joke, when he and Tonto are surrounded by hostile Native Americans.
I realize lots of people use those services. And lots of people remain ignorant, eat junk food and fast food too. No one is forced to consume fast food or its media equivalents, at least not regularly.