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Not really emergency notifications but news, which tbh isn't as important in this case because non-Canadian news orgs aren't affected and are covering it too. So there isn't an immediate risk I don't think.

As for the main point: The problem is that a subset of the population ONLY gets information through one platform. The only way to reach them is through that platform, and not reaching them means excess costs when you have to rescue/treat/otherwise deal with the fallout. It's also the government's job to inform people and keep them safe.

At the same time, the companies need to be regulated by the government. Can't just let them have free reign because they seized control

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I was chatting with a friend, and she mentioned how she tries to at least set up a README, which includes her vision for the project and her plan for the implementation, design, and goals.

Best case scenario is that the planning helps her complete the project herself. Worst case scenario, someone else can pick up where she left off and use her considerations for the project.

I'm thinking of doing that for future projects too

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I don't agree with the solution the government came up with, but the problem still exists and I don't understand it well enough to come up with an alternative solution.

Making news is expensive, and good quality news (not mucked up by corporate interests) needs a way to fund that work. We don't want news to be an outlet for corporations investing in a mouthpiece. So traditionally this was done through advertising.

Now people barely ever click through to the websites so the advertising doesn't work. Meanwhile the places where people ARE seeing the news do have ads. The content is produced by one party, and the profit goes to another.

The problem exists and needs a solution, but I don't know what it might be. Australia brought in a similar law successfully and Facebook/Google came to a deal. Canada might also be able to do that?

The other long term solution IMO is to make the platforms obsolete with things like Mastodon and Lemmy. That might take some time though

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Yep, it works perfectly

Bitwarden has it too, but eggs in one basket etc.

This is something that is probably better if implemented in Lemmy itself. It would be tied to a particular community, and it wouldn't need to cross over between instances.

If someone tried to make a browser extension for it, it would only appear for people using the same browser extension. Some third party apps have it like that, and it's not that helpful.

What's better for a browser extension / app to take on is cross-instance functionality, such as jumping between instances, having buttons / content in the UI, etc. I'm working on an extension for that ( ! ), and while I really want flairs as well, I don't think it would be good for a browser extension.

Once it's implemented in Lemmy itself, then we could probably make it easier to add/remove/view/filter flairs using a browser extension.

I've been using Nova Launcher for years now, but I explored other options a few months ago because of the ownership change. Lawnchair was the best one I found, but I didn't switch to it because it looked like it was missing features I needed. Folders was an important one.

Which version / source are you using for the app? I got a bit lost trying to find a recent version. The last release on the GitHub is from 2018, and the last prerelease is from a year ago. There's also an issue for the folders which I was following, and it actually just went stale:

I also see Lawnchair2, but that looked like a fork or something

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We're actually working on a browser extension for this! It currently supports both communities and posts


We ran into the same issue, federated sites are hard to work with. Right now, the extension has it so that a user needs to right click on a link to be redirected. That way the user can choose which links get redirected, and there's no chance of accidentally redirecting the wrong thing.

There are other solutions (using the API for example), but they seemed to slow the browser down too much. Another proposed feature that hasn't been implemented yet was to redirect when holding down a key (when holding down "r", try to redirect the link).

Feel free to take a look, try it, and you can totally contribute code. It's all open source and we've tried to keep the code simple and easy to verify/contribute.

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That's fair, I've posted here in the past but I'll take it off my list moving forward. I think early on there wasn't much content so it was ok, but now that the community is rolling it's not that relevant

It's good feedback!

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This is amazing, thank you for reaching out to the dev!

This was on the list of ideas for InstanceAssistant, but I didn't know where to start. It is great news that it was added to the original extension.

What's a good place to get/hold domains these days?

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That t-shirt would be cool, but don't have time to properly test our extension before then

I'm looking forward to December when I'll have time to work on it. I'll try to attend some office hours, I didn't know that was an option

I've been working on the ! extension :)

RES initially helped me get into Reddit, so hopefully this helps people get into Lemmy as well

I agree, instance assistant (our extension actually!) handles this, but it would be much better to have it exist natively.

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Sounds good! This was my first dive into browser extensions as well. It's not too bad once you go over the basics. If you give it a try, see the contributing page on the repo's wiki for some resources on how to get started with browser extensions.

A super short summary is:

  • manifest.json is the entry point, it links to HTML files (which represent things like the popup, sidebar) and scripts (which do most of the work)
  • the background script runs all the time (see background.js), and the content scripts run on specific pages (ex. There's one for Lemmy community pages, one for error pages)

If you DO give it a try, we were part way through migrating features from the LemmyTools userscript and that might be a good place to start. I wasn't familiar with userscripts so I didn't make much progress, and can't get back to it for a little while. The issues page of the repo should have LemmyTools related features tagged. If any details are missing, let me know and I'll add them in :)

have control of your local network

traffic of a particular kind

Could you give an example of what this looks like? I'm sure I'll have friends sending me similar articles / YouTube videos. Would be nice to have a simple and accurate analogy

Sorry to those that have already seen this. I'm trying to space out the posts so it's not in a large clump in your feeds. People have different subscription lists, so I'm trying to reach those that haven't seen it yet.

These are the last 4 posts :)

From what I've experienced with my extension, every update has to go through a review process. Firefox is pretty fast, chrome takes a few days and edge takes a while (opera hasn't finished reviewing my first version, so I stopped trying with them).

The only time I failed a review was early on when my build script choked and I submitted an empty file to Chrome (whoops). So I can't really tell how good those reviews are, but I'm not planning on testing them. I just know that they exist

I don't have as much experience working with the stack, but from what I've read it seems like Rust is a pretty solid choice for the backend. It also seems like a lot of the upgrades people want are for the front end, so that's what would benefit the most from being simpler.

Typescript makes sense, and a handful of frameworks have typescript support. Would anyone know more about the benefits of using Inferno over something like Vue/Nuxt or plain React?

I guess so, it would still be a problem. Once one extension is caught, it should be simpler to catch the rest.

It's harder to quickly switch stuff up when you need to send the devs new code to put in

Look, honestly: if you want Facebook ot Twitter, go back to them.

This post was to talk about the merits/drawbacks of a potential change, and the constructive comments on the post have been helpful for that. Some of the other 'solutions' that have been posted here feel even more antithetical to the idea of decentralization (ex. redirecting upvotes, having communities follow other communities) so I was looking for a compromise that would address some of the annoyances without making the site another centralized platform. The intent was to allow users to choose how they want to link cross posts together, rather than having the community (or an app/frontend) make the decision for them. We've also been seeing users naturally gravitate to a few instances/communities, so I was looking for ways to redirect some of that traffic back to lesser known spaces.

Regardless, I appreciate the comment. Reading the perspectives on this post helped me see how locking the post completely would cause more issues and annoyances than it would help with. A simple "we are discussing X over on this post, feel free to join" seems like the better compromise.

I was so excited when I finally got it working :)

Thank you!

Hope it helps :)

Sorry to those that have already seen this. I'm trying to space out the posts so it's not in a large clump in your feeds. People have different subscription lists, so I'm trying to reach those that haven't seen it yet.

These are the last 4 posts :)

There are a few userscripts out there which I could integrate into the extension. It depends on when this commit gets pushed into Lemmy core:

After that, it could still be useful if someone wanted to block it browser wide. At that point I'd check if people still want something like that.

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Relevant bit from the post, we will now also be prepping for the Firefox Mobile app, now that they are opening mobile up to all extensions!

This may need some reworking to make it easier to use on mobile. If you have any thoughts, or would like to participate in the preview/dev releases, let me know here or elsewhere :)

For sure, I'll incorporate a TLDR in future posts :)

I recently tried to get some self hosted music going, using old CDs I had for example. It's such a hassle moving things over, even when the automated software tags the files correctly (which only happened half the time)

TV and movies are easy enough to manage your own files for, because it's a lot more organized and categorizable. With music it's a mess, and not something worth doing for me.

Also I listen to so much music that it's nice being able to let it fetch similar music for hours and hours.

I might be able to set something up with the InstanceAssistant browser extension. It would be nice to have it in the main UI, but this could help temporarily.

I'll send a PM :)

There ARE other downsides to this law, outside of the hissy fit Facebook is throwing.

For example, smaller independent news companies don't have the bargaining power to come to a fair agreement with Facebook, like the larger organizations can. A solution to that might be to have some standard rates set up, but again, don't know enough about it

Don't extensions get reviewed by the various stores? I'd imagine an automated check could catch malicious integrations like that.

Maybe not right away, but once they catch wind of one shady extension they could just search the store for any other ones.

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Hope it helps :)

Oh ok thank you I'll look into it!

Thank you!

that's fair :)

Yep I think the defederation point is the big one which causes the idea to break down. I'll edit the post to better reflect my thoughts now

The basic features should work with Lemmy and Kbin, but some of the new ones are unique to Lemmy for now, such as the error page replacement. I've found Kbin a little harder to work with because while it's more flexible, it's harder to make sure I'm avoiding unintended actions.

I don't think there are any limitations with behaw, at least with the current features.

I tested with mobile Firefox on an older version and it did work. However since you have to jump through hoops to install the extension in the first place, I haven't looked into it much more. If you try to install it from the store on mobile, it should say that it isn't compatible. :)

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You're welcome, hope it helps!

This is something we have a workaround on an extension I'm working on. You can right-click on a link and have it open in your home instance

thank you!

Yes fair enough, I'll include a better description as a dropdown in future posts.

Instance Assistant is a browser extension with a handful of tools on Desktop. It started out as a button to redirect to your home instance, but with the help of others we've included a few other functions and are working on more.

You can see more here:

Screenshots here: