cynetri (he/any)

@cynetri (he/any)
0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

vr enjoyer and occasional gamedev living in ohio, usa who uses arch btw

The Tulsa Race Massacre beats it by a few months, May 31st to June 1st. It leveled around 35 blocks of a wealthy black community, partly using firebombs dropped from planes, which was known up until that point as "Black Wall Street". A 2001 commission put the death count somewhere between 150-300 deaths, and noted that the city aided in the massacre.


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What I thought was interesting about this is that apparently not only me, but tons of other people have all kinda felt like LTT has seemed off the past year or so, and this video kinda explained it all

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Might be a controversial take, but I'm concerned about people letting themselves shape sweeping, negative views on things that are (keyword: relatively) minor or just don't fully know the story behind. For example, EA was voted "Worst Company in America" multiple years in a row, when it's really just a software company whose worst sins would probably amount to gross overworking/general poor treatment of their employees. That's bad, but I feel like it's pretty inarguably better than chocolate companies who use child labor to harvest cocoa beans.

It's especially concerning when it extends to global/political issues (this is why I said this might be controversial). We don't tend to realize that we share much more in common with people in other countries than we realize, probably helped by the fact that most news sites tend to leave out details or exaggerate bad parts when talking about governments other than their own (a notorious example is the reporting on North Korea . Here's a good vid about it (CW: very graphic) Not saying it's a wonderful place to live, just that it's exaggerated.) Part of the reason political conversations feel so toxic is because so many of us just don't know a lot of what's going on or what each other is talking about, so we're rarely on the same page. Reading a quick Wikipedia summary and/or article can go a long way

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I never understood this either. "Why are users of an aggressively open-source service so adamant about using open-source software?" Especially when Lemmy's been around for years, so yeah it's cultivated a majority Linux userbase.

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Wouldn't be a proper week without a leak on a War Thunder forum

For all its strengths, Arch is kind of a pain in the ass to maintain. I daily drive it but I risk breaking something if I don't update regularly. My youtube laptop can't update at all anymore from something I don't care to fix (when Firefox breaks then its a big deal lmao) and my main rig needed to use the fallback initramfs for a while after I forgot to update for a while. mkinitcpio -P (I think) fixed it though

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Kinda funny how similar this is to how scab labor is also typically low-quality, expect Reddit is literally not paying anyone anything and decided to kill the goose that lays golden eggs

Idk if it was intentional or not but that last sentence is a great pun lmao

Open-source virtual reality, usually just any VR works too lmao but especially FOSS VR

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I still find it funny that Steve Ballmer called Linux communism lmao

And (if they're American) when they go "well, MY government wouldn't do that!" counter with how Meta has already, numerous times, gotten people arrested for talking about getting abortions on Facebook

To be fair, there's a difference between a tax-funded service or a common utility, and software built by a new company that's getting shoved into production way quicker than it probably shohld

GNU Lynx is the only acceptable browser

  • sent from Firefox on Android

musk is really kinda doing the ADL's job for them lmao

It does go down if you pay things off early, though

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My friend and I tried playing it a few times, and the same thing would happen every time: we'd find nobody until its like 5ish groups remaining, and then get beamed before we knew where it came from. It's probably a skill issue, same thing happened in Warzone except earlier in the game, but we ended up dropping it anyway. Never happens in any other game though.

If it makes you feel any better, they spy on you too!

Based work as always

It's an app that encourages users at a random time to share an image of their immediate surroundings, trying to kind of push an authentic feel. I remember hearing about it from some memes a year or so ago

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It's never really about identifying anything, recaptcha cares way more about data it has on you to determine if you're a human or not. If you've ever tried to google search with a VPN or Tor it makes it really fuckin annoying

I don't think it's just Musk, there was a lot of pushback towards the moon landings in the 1960s-70s as well. People then felt that funds used in these programs would have been better spent on stuff like social programs and improving infrastructure, criticisms that fit pretty well today too. But we could probably have been to mars and back twice if NASA had like even a quarter of the military's budget too 💀

When I was looking to start learning game dev last year, the Unity CEO made the controversial remarks he did like a week into my journey and gave me a reason to switch lol

wasn't linus's issue a rare packaging issue or something that happened and was fixed within a few days' period?

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The Nissan Leaf seems to be the only one worth being concerned about. Don't quote me on this but I remember reading the old ones (like 2011ish to around 2016-17) had poor airflow to cool the battery so they lost capacity quicker

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social constructs aren't totally fake, they're made "real" by social reinforcement. for example, in the 1940/50s it was expected of women that they were "weak", and many who went out of line (by speaking up to their husbands, protesting, etc) were punished by being beaten or worse. the feminist and trans rights movements seek to eliminate the old roles and stereotypes assigned to gender to get rid of the real-world retaliation towards those deemed inferior. in contrast, those who seek to reinforce the old ways continue these systems of abuse.

This article was written in 2007, not to cast doubt on anything I just wanted to clarify for anyone who reads comments first like I usually do

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Sometimes reality really is stranger than fiction. Pavlov VR has a take on this city that my friend and I play on a lot. I always wondered how people travel here. Cool post

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I don't remember messing with the computers thenselves, but I do remember my friends and I finding the password to the public wifi and connecting to it for all of like a day (w/ a VPN so as to not get caught) before getting booted off and the password reset. Rinse and releat a couple times before we couldn't crack it anymore

it's ridiculous how easy it is to use now once you get the basics down. im a bad artist in general, so i mostly use it for editing existing models, but i can also whip up a simple prototyping model pretty quick too. awesome stuff

Definitely keep the original files intact/backup the files before doing anything, but theoretically, I think it should be possible. Likely, though, depending on the game (especially if it's a game not made to be modded) there may be specific things like DLLs that look for a niche Windows component or driver that Proton can't translate and won't work.

That being said, Proton is open-source so there are old versions and forks that may work better, GE-Proton most famously. Also, if the game has built-in mod support or rely on a platform-agnostic runtime like Minecraft Java edition, those probably won't be an issue anyway as the engine/language runtime should handle low-level stuff like that by itself

Yes, I would want to resist it. Life is about ups and downs, and I think the better idea would be to have an open-source augmented reality, maybe through glasses that you wear or contacts on your eyes, that can project shared images, like virtual props that everyone else can see, or just act as a VR HMD and replace all your vision with a virtual world for a while.

But bodily autonomy is very important, give people a choice and let them be informed by publishing the source code, PCB diagrams and all that kinda stuff so they know how it works and that they're not being controlled.

For now

At the end of the day I think peoples' systems should be made with open-source components, like firmware and OS, and then they can choose whether to put closed-source apps on it or not.

That being said, I personally moved away from proprietary social media (except youtube) mostly because they're proprietary, plus ad tracking, so I don't like the idea of throwing it all away just to put another closed-source app on my phone. But that's just me

image isn't loading for me so the only thing i see is the title 💀

I nabbed a 6800 XT for $550 last fall also for VR and the same one's even cheaper now (but the 7800 XT probably has it beat assuming the same or greater performance)

Lemmy isn't known for using bots to fill in gaps in user engegement, mostly

My older brother used to have a Nissan Froniter, I can't remember the year but it was the first year that backup cameras became mandatory. It had a screen but it didn't have touch capability, it was pretty much as you described - only for song names, backup cam, and some other small things. As much as I hate screens in cars I thought that one made sense.

ive always wondered, is underwear ok or is my willy supposed to be flappin in the wind?