0 Post – 194 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Oh man, we need some of that shit in the US. Arrest these right wing media nut jobs and their Jewish laser bullshit.

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I shop at Costco. I don’t mind scanning my card. I suspect anyone who shops at Costco does not care one way one another. This isn’t news, and anyone getting irate about this should find a new topic.

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Obviously it needs to be outside in a field with a lot of tall buildings.

I live in a blue state. Almost all of the kids I see nowadays are mixed race. This sort of shit is almost over. As soon as the boomers die out, there won’t be a majority white voter.

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It’s hurting it in the USA too. All the lefties I know who own Teslas are pretty much ashamed of them now. None of the maga are suddenly going to start buying electric cars.

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It’s illegal to kill a looter and a rioter.

If my mother wasn’t a terrible person, a liar, and a manipulator, I wouldn’t have abandoned her when she finally broke the camels back.

Good. Shut that shit down

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Can I sue to avoid sharing a bathroom with anyone?

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Nobody wants that crazy beach.

Must have been “Blue MAGA”

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Using “f-bomb” and LGBT in the same sentence is dangerous

Hopefully it’s outside.

Hey, don’t be shitty parents and we won’t abandon you 🤷‍♂️

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He needs to be hauled to the gallows, French style.

That would… make me angry. So angry. Noooo…. Don’t!


Any Americans here give a shit about embryos?

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I can see Walmart caving, but Costco? Yeah right. As long as that chicken is $5, no one is leaving.

Water isn’t wet. Wetness is a property that occurs when a liquid adheres to a solid surface due to cohesive and adhesive forces. Water molecules exhibit hydrogen bonding, creating a network, but they themselves aren’t ‘wet’ until they interact with another material.

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They don’t need their business, and no one at Costco wants them in the store.

Not as useless as a mob of republicans, apparently 🤗

If tiny little Ukraine can de-stabilize Russia, Russia was not that stable to begin with

Well, the plan is to get corporate sponsors. That’s always been the road.

Edit: always as in the past ~50 years.

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Providing easier access to credit encourages higher prices. It also has a negative effect on the less money-minded person, who then never learns the concept of saving. It also reinforces the “now now now” concept of consumerism.

The only thing my crappy mother actually taught me, through her own credit card debt, was that if I don’t have the cash, I don’t get the thing. Easier said than done, I know.

Do those states even have rape laws?

Elon must be forgetting that he’s an immigrant

Rape is always “in” with a Republican.

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Gotta have money to invest to invest.

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Mama? Did those white people glow in the dark?

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He is 60. She is 59.

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That's the terror of knowing 
What hydrostatic pressure is about 
Watching some good wine screaming 
"Let me out!"

Pretty good way to keep a war going.

Anyone wanna go Nathan Drake on that shit?

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Is this the new Republicans scapegoat? Iran?


Did they own a travel agency?

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Is he the guy who poisons people or pushes people out of windows? Or.. both?

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My job offered me +2.8% to take on management position above my own.

I think they were generally shocked when I said no.

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The comment was never not okay. It’s a comment. Don’t be mad that I thought to be more specific about my comment before you got a chance to take your bad day out on a random person. I suggest taking your crappy attitude somewhere else. I assure you, no satisfaction will be gained by talking to me.

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