0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

You want evidence?? Are you some kind of antisemite?? /s

Policies based on their feelings instead of facts.

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What point do you think you are making? You may need to reread the comment chain.

I wear a hoodie most of the time. I don't mind if you feel suspicious of me; one reason I have a hood up is because I don't want to engage with random people. Sounds like you would go out of your way to avoid me so mission accomplished.

Your comment would be accurate if it cost them $80B to recover $1B.

Your own quote points out:

$80 billion for the IRS over a 10-year period.

Which makes your comments misleading, not accurate.

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The suit was filed by PleasrDAO, a digital art collective that purchased the album from Shkreli in 2021 after Shkreli was ordered to fork it over to cover a $7.4 million forfeiture tied to his 2017 fraud conviction. (Shkreli purchased the album for $2 million; PleasrDAO paid double that.) According to the lawsuit, Shkreli violated the terms of both the original purchase agreement and the forfeiture order by allegedly making and retaining a digital copy of the album, playing it during his live streams, and sending it to others.

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We've already solved this issue without biometrics. The manufacturers just cheaped out on actually implementing it in the affected models.

Ground News. The blind spot feature gives me great insight to where my "out of touch" family is coming from with their political narratives.

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Sure, but Trump didn't sound like he was lost at the grocery store. Most of what Trump said was nonsense he made up on the spot but he said it with confidence. Trump knows his supporters won't fact check him; Biden is burdened with the truth. It's not fair but we unfortunately need someone who can spar with Trump on stage. If someone flusters Trump on stage he will spiral out of control.

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A library.

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Economists at Harvard studied a four year period and concluded the IRS gains $4.25 for every $1 spent on auditing wealthiest tax payers.

I wonder if the IRS can immediately recover funds with a magic wand or if it's a protracted, investigative process.

You might want to make up definitions for genocide but in 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.

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Correct, it only works when certain conditions are met.

Drivers can activate Mercedes’s technology, called Drive Pilot, when certain conditions are met, including in heavy traffic jams, during the daytime, on spec ific California and Nevada freeways, and when the car is traveling less than 40 mph. Drivers can focus on other activities until the vehicle alerts them to resume control. The technology does not work on roads that haven’t been pre-approved by Mercedes, including on freeways in other states.

Look for the guy with a burnt cock.

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They are also pre-screened and interviewed to get into the program.

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But the transcripts show that the "due to age and confusion" was a mischaracterization by Hur. It's like when Barr declared the Mueller report exonerated trump.

There are a lot of podcasts that break it down if you're not interested in looking at the transcripts yourself.

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Yea what are even the implications of being individually "sanctioned"? They can't travel to Canada now??

I'm not familiar with MBFC. It may be similar but I don't mind throwing some $$ at any project making these efforts. What I like about Ground News is that all the sources for a given story are aggregated to one page, sorted based on political bias, and rated on accuracy. That information combined with the "Blindspot" feature (which highlights when a story is disproportionately covered more by one side) is very powerful IMO. It looks like the blindspot feed it's available to non-subscribers but doesn't include the political bias of the source:

The exchanges get hacked. Passwords are encrypted but not contact info and current balances are not. American exchanges are forced to collect accurate KYC info for every customer.

You wrote that fewer than .1% of casualties from the detonations were not hezbollah. When asked for a source you wrote: hezbollah. When pressed for a source you've now countered: "why would hezbollah report that?".

We don't know; it's your premise. Where did you get that stat?

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Thanks for the reminder to switch to merlin firmware.

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That's how replies are made from mastodon afaik.

Your quote states they get $80b over ten years. How many years has it been? You got this!

Thanks for the rec. That whole shop looks amazing.

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You sure about that? I have a friend who thought that too but found out 7 years later that only a bankruptcy will disappear after 7 years, not just idle delinquint accounts. He needed to actually file for bankrupcy to make it go away. This was in Usa, NY; maybe it's different other places.

As a second "data" point: I have some accounts on my credit report that have not been touched in a decade+ yet they are still there (they are not delinquent).

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Are you sure? There is a 6-month+ wait to schedule an interview for the Clear program in most places. It's not something they can pull you out of line to give you a free trial.. There is a background check and in-person interview as part of the process.

I use pre-check because I travel often for work. That registration process involves bringing in more documentation than is required to normally fly, a background check and fingerprints.

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Those failure rates are nonsense based on theoretical limits. In practice: a few weeks ago I resilvered a 4 disk z1 array with 8tb disks at 85% capacity in less than 24 hours. I scrub the pool every month and it didn't seem any more taxing than a scrub.

I'm not sure because I live in the US but the feed is based on "tags" you select. It seems like they process stories from around the world but I don't have a grasp on how comprehensive they are, internationally.

Usenet? Most new media can be found there. The most copyright-contentious files are not on there for long so most folks use automated downloaders.

It's been explained over and over. They will hear out of context snippets stitched together out of chronological order.

How do you not get this?

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What do you mean? I never really see much about RFKjr but I don't have him tagged as a topic of interest.

Whatever keeps you in that echo chamber of flawed logic and selective comprehension!

It's been explained over and over. Nobody will listen to 5 hours of recorded tapes. They will hear out of context snippets stitched together out of chronological order.

How do you not get this?

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Why can't we blame Microsoft?

I have pre-check but it looks like Clear just cut the pre-check line. Pre-check is more like a pre-911 airport experience. Shoes and jackets typically stay on. If you don't trip the metal detector you're good to go.

If we don't care what republicans think then why do we care about meeting their demands to release the tape?

If elections are won and lost on dem turnout then why give republicans the opportunity to create misleading sound clips? Do you think more dems are likely to listen to the entire tape or just a few moments stitched together played on the radio?

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I'm getting full speed (currently 290mbps on verizon 5g).

Yea for sure, fuck that guy.

That's awesome! Just wanted to get you to take a second look in case you were as diligent as my friend but it sounds like you're right, then!

What are you disputing? You can dispute inaccurate or fraudulent marks on your credit.