The Cooking Senpai

@The Cooking
4 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

I am getting a blank page.

In the console:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Tested with both ungoogled-chromium and firefox without cookies

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A serious law would be like (but in legalese):

  • By default you CANNOT use tracking cookies
  • If you want to use them you should have a Table that classify them based on how much fingerprint do they take
  • Then you have to explicitly ask the user in the most clear and unintrusive way possible if you can track them
  • And the consent should last 30 days max
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I fear when the world will start to ignore Palestine again

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Absolutely yes. You can try GPT4ALL which works on any decent CPU computer (the minimum I managed to run it with is a 2018 6 core 2.0ghz ARM64 processor) and has a lot of built in models. You can also import uncensored models (like the TheBloke ones on Huggingface ).

I also tried AutoGPT some times ago which is quite complex and cool.

no way. Coca-cola bankrupts tomorrow.

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TBH There should be more RSS feeds and more work around them (RSS readers are still good tho) so that news are delivered without paywalls and in a user friendly way

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Me, if he is against corps

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was I edgy? If so, wasn't on purpose lol sorry

(for the above one: this is a nice answer which keeps things polite and enjoyable)

Absolutely, for me is just a silly thing I will look just to remember all the things i posted. I agree competitiveness is the worst. To be honest: I feel that "circlejerking" thing also for upvotes/downvotes but i guess is personal

Ye and in the terminal :) I find easier to copypaste and click buttons sometimes

Late edit: and also great project, genuinely didn't know it (using pytube)

While I agree on this, I think Ungoogled Chromium could be a soft way to degoogle yourself while maybe looking for complete replacements. It took me almost 2 weeks to degoogle me almost totally, at the beginning having a minimum of compatibility is nice

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Noted. It was just a funny innocent thing tbh but I see, is a spicy topic in the lemmy community

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I mean, at this point is just another kind of natural selection

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I remember the pain. Luckily I don't have to deal with customers anymore. I felt a chill down my spine...

Since I feel you, and since I have a lot of nice subs on youtube, I feel like suggesting something like Piped as a privacy focus frontend or, if you are more of a standalone app person, FreeTube as a privacy focus client.

Technically we are still using YouTube, but at least there is less food for the algo.

Well, he looks up to the job.

I guess you missed the whole

if you don’t like karma on lemmy, you are in good company. There is no need to hate the ones that do like them.

I could argue people (like me) swapped from reddit also because we were tired of the "if you disagree with me you are a stupid" attitude but I guess is universal

Cheers, just skip the post

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Yeah, the most powerful drug: money ...joking, he was probably under the best mix his personal lab could have created

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totally agree on that. If we want to keep being a healthy alternative to reddit, freedom is the minimum i expect

sorry I meant "bring back Karma from reddit" , I am non native so I might have expressed bad

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there is one truth: NOBODY that can take decisions cares about civilians (in general) killed. Except if it justify a "democratic intervention" of course

lol sorry for that I'll correct it as soon as possible!

Someone explain pls i feel (or am) stoopid

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Tested on my instance ( and works, I think that was just an example but I may be wrong

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is ok to have workarounds, but i am pretty sure this can be implemented on the app side too. Thanks for the hint tho, at least if i need it i can use it

Yeah was a joke, I am well aware and you are totally right about the narcotic effect of money (and power itself)

Posted with the wrong account below sorry lol I was saying that, without pointing fingers as i think Lemmy is a w e s o m e, this is a major drawback for new users that looks interoperability.

Nope, and to be honest I kinda prefer it that way, like something I can watch on purpose it i want. But now that you tell me, I see a small (2) near my name in the comments, could be that one? If it is, is post related

Thats a good critic indeed. I agree on that, as I stated below being a non farmer and quite outside the world of karma farmers I only saw it as a naive cosmetic thing

curious! Send github :) If it's in python, why not collab (i mean, in our free time)

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Indeed you are right. I'll try to edit it! (TBF i own a compay lol) if you manage to get an invite

I completely forgot too, incidentally I opened my Lemmy instance tonight and wow, what a timing. Looking at it (ps. thanks for the compliments!) ASAP , I am a little demotivated because I discovered JD2 does the exact thing of my software but well, at least mine is in the command line lol

LMAO thanks for that, truly inspiring (also cause I just created my instance, i guess i'll have to suffer)

gg now i get it

i guess i am so used to it that i tought it was the norm

mr agent, i am not gonna do it neither now neither in the future

that said, tho...

compelled to thank you but just as a friend

even back then common sense was a thing so