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Joined 4 months ago

Personally, I don't enjoy it much without physical buttons :(

That's sounds vaguely like "anhedonia". You can try refreshing your interest in the hobbies you used to like. Joining your friends / relatives in their hobbies. Staying in the nature is always great, as long the nature is not hostile at your place. Staying around people, interacting with them, observing their lives, problems and joys. You'll find something that suits you.

Also walks will make your body a bit tired which will make it easier to fall asleep and sleep better.

Well, thanks actually, that helps a bit.

"Play with it while you have hands!"

What I'm trying to say, is: just do it, anything you feel like. Things only get more complicated later in life.

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India has Taco Bell, been in one yesterday! It tastes quite differently.

This is by revenue, so whales succumbing to mobile bullshit may distort it - a lot.

That's "crowdsourced", i.e. manually done by volunteers on per-video basis.

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I expect this to proceed similarly: many companies and funding dollars will burn in flames and still, the world will be a different place in a decade thanks to this technology.

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Ads were already there for years - for Facebook, TikTok, Candy Crush, and who knows what else.

I would say this is embarrassingly unprofessional, but the truth is this is just normal these days - normalized by Facebook and Android - and I'm just old and used to better software.

I switched to Linux the same year they appeared.

NY Times has a freaking great data visualisations, they are (were?) employing a wizard in this space, doing custom extensions on d3.js.

Ads are just pure negative. There was even one study that calculated this as a direct financial negative, although unfortunately in narrow circumstances: it was calculated that for mobile users in the US, paying for the data transferred to display the ad was more expensive than what the site owner got paid for including it on his site.

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That's one big difference between the US and the EU law. In the EU, they can't.

Voice recognition is “AI“*, it even uses the same technical architecture as the most popular applications of AI - Artificial neural networks.

* - depending on the definition of course.

Oh no, I love Alice :( She just moved, relatively recently...

I guess I can finally stop reading RPS now.

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... like Windows, or Office, or Google docs, or Search, or Gmail, or Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube and all the others...

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This is just freaking adorable!

Also, let's not forget they are the DLC pioneers and inventors of the historically important Horse Armor DLC.

Got uses Git repositories to store versioned data. Git can be used for any functionality which has not yet been implemented in Got. It will always remain possible to work with both Got and Git on the same repository.

Very smart move!

"lacking podcasts" is a plus for most people, I think. But Tidal's interface is a bit worse for me in one thing: it lacks the "remote control" Spotify has: controlling playback from any device on any device (e.g. playing on the computer and using the phone as a remote) and also the ability to transfer the playback from one device to another - like pausing it on the computer, picking up the phone, connecting it to car and resuming playback.

Hmm, I sometimes do this, when tackling a particular problem, along with some notes. It is often nonlinear and branching. I use it to construct a problem-solving script in the end. And it's markdown file.

Are we OK? ;)

I mean, that sounds completely horrible, but it says something about the world of web, when it is not that different than any regular frontent/backend web stack. I.e. HTML + CSS + javascript + backend language + sql + random shit on top of it, all in the single project. And that's even before talking about native apps for mobile.

Or they go the WhatsApp way and offer users a free "online backup" of the data, unencrypted, turned on by default.

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The scanning part is definitely automated by many different actors (for the gains or the "lulz"), but being this fast, also automated key usage (account draining) must have been implemented which is a bit more impressive...

MY hardware and infrastructure was not free either and I and ONLY I get to decide how it is used.


I don't get all the negativity on this topic and especially comparing current AI (the LLMs) to the nonsense of NFTs etc. Of course, one would have to be extremely foolish/naive or a stakeholder to trust the AI vendors. But the technology itself is, while not solid, genuinely useful in many many use cases. It is an absolute positive productivity booster in these and enables use cases that were not possible or practical before. The one I have the most experience with is programming and programming-related stuff such as software architecture where the LLMs absolutely shine, but there are others. The current generation can even self-correct without human intervention. In any case, even if this would be the only use case ever, this would absolutely change the world and bring positive boosts in productivity across all industries - unlike NFTs.

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Yeah, that's when I started to call him "The pedo guy" (using his own words).

It is just too easy to shoot yourself in the foot when using a foot gun... Sure the experts can avoid it, but that doesn't mean the foot gun is a good tool in general.

In what sense? Lying about the actual capabilities of the business? Full autonomous drive next year and Mars at 2022?

Was? Are Monsanto's days over?

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hmm generating static excel reports doesn't sound bad, as long as these are used just as output format - basically a familiar GUI.

How about phones? They are a computer after all.

I'm in the proces of choosing a new one (forced by hardware failures of current one) a I hate having to choose all of its parameters with no possibility of any upgrade or meaningful configuration at the time of purchase.

It is master trolling, at least that is how I perceive this "religion". It is like Pastafarianism, but much less obvious parody of the contemporary Christianity.

It should be audiobooks this time, if I heard correctly.

No LLMs were involved, as far as the available information goes.

"ADHD training", that's the perfect way to put it.

Wherever you go, there you are.

I stopped using LineageOs due to their stance towards rooting and weak arguments behind it.

I used to scream at passing trains, they didn't seem to mind. But now none of them come around.