
1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

The majority of drug dealers and only fans models are poor like the rest of us.

Glad I left the party before it went completely to hell.

So if I understand you correctly, I don't hate myself. I hate only one part of myself? I think I've slowly been coming to that conclusion. I've been trying to be kinder to myself overall lately.

I love the cold. I wish I lived someplace cold. I can't stand the heat, and I don't particularly care for warm weather either.

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This looks neat, what's the game called?

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That's so fucked. I hate how even your neighbors can act like dictators.

As long as it's only slightly it shouldn't be that bad.

Ah, I should have guessed. A classic I have yet to experience. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon. I'm told it's tons of fun.

I don't even use Windows anymore and I cringe at the thought of being forced to use the Settings app over Control Panel.

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Take it to a bank, they'll swap it out with a crisp new one no questions asked.

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As someone who works in the industry, always assume there is mold. Always assume equipment isn't cleaned as often as it should be. Always assume everything is gross.

It's a cola with an artificial sweetener. There's lots of misinformation out there about diet soda. It mostly passes through you, unlike regular soda which has lots of sugar that your body stores as fat. Not to say either one is healthy because it most certainly is not. However, phosphoric acid in cola (both regular and diet) can lead to an increased risk of kidney stones. In case anyone is wondering I do not work for big soda, I've just read way too much about this topic. That being said please drink more water. Unsweetened tea or black coffee is also acceptable. Anything is fine in moderation. Soda is supposed to be a treat enjoyed once in a while, now it's a mass market product that is way too accessible. And no diet soda does not cause cancer, please stop citing a garbage study that has been disproven every subsequent trial.

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Please let this happen!

What happened to her?

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GOG for sure. Wish it had a native Linux client tho :(

I agree with the sentiment, but the games don't play off the disc. The discs contain the game data that is installed to the SSD. You're using the same amount of storage whether you buy games physically or digitally. I buy mine physically because I like actually owning the game I paid $70 for.

Did you end up paying it?

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Maybe that's why the dialer app is still there as well.

This has psychological horror written all over it.

I just looked up Brian Eno, dude looks like Techmoan.

Why the down votes? Seems like an innocent question.

I used Manjaro for about a year and I never will again. Things just seemed to break seemingly without explanation. I switched to endeavourOS and have been using it for over 2 years. I haven't had any where near the number of issues with eos as I did with Manjaro. It just seems so much more stable. Maybe it's just me or my hardware configuration or something.

I wish all customers were like you

Doesn't Office 2010 work in Wine?


the fuck is that?

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You get to create your own dialog.

Store your important data on them.

Maybe it's just me, I always had issues with Ubuntu and Debian based distros that I didn't have with Arch based distros. Why do people say Arch is harder? That was never my experience. I've been using endeavorOS and it's been pretty great.

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It would probably be great for PS2 emulation


Serious question here, What is the point of porn games? I wouldn't last through 10 minutes of gameplay until I had to go satisfy my urges. Are people really jerking off to video games? How do you play a game and masturbate at the same time? I'm not joking I actually don't understand the point of these games.

So if I'm using Yandex in the US it's not the same Yandex from Russia?

GOG has lots of these games. Not my cup of tea, but to each their own I guess.

I can't live without fre:ac. It's an open source project aimed at being the best and most accurate CD ripping and audio converting software. It supports Linux, Windows, and I think Mac OS as well. It's very similar to Exact Audio Copy for Windows. I'm a big music fan who still rejects streaming so I need this.

Deepin looks gross lol. What I mean is it only looks good with its own apps. KDE apps look horrible on it and GNOME apps don't look great either. I don't know how anyone uses Deepin. I get taste is subjective but it feels half finished.

Well, now I just feel silly.

Shout out to the person writing in Latin

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