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Discord is trash, had issues with a KBDFans product, something as simple as a search of a forum would have given me the solution. I had to talk to a human to get the required information. They sent me a link to a firmware to download and all was good.

If I was able to search a forum it would have been a 2 minute job, but I wasted someone else's time, on the other side of the globe.

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My takeaway from that article is they don't, and haven't.

The splash screen for installing a package not from the play store is there to protect the end user. Without it there would probably be a much worse unwanted software issue on android.

I've been "side loading" or just "installing" applications on my android devices since the nexus one, without the help of the play store.

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My pixel had issues with the screen (p7p) contacted google, within a couple of days I had an advance replacement device in my hands and a return label for the faulty device.

My watch is giving me issues currently so I'm planning on hitting up support about that too, as it's not within what I expected from the watch (won't connect via bt after a month or so, requiring a factory reset).

In AUS we have great consumer protections, if my watch continues on the way it is currently I'll be returning it for a full refund.

I've used PayPal in 4 a couple of times.

Budgeting pretty hard, sometimes it's easier to spread the load out over 4 weeks for something that would eat my whole weekly personal spendings in one swoop.

Had my boss trying to grab a pdf (crosswords, colouring pages, printed for kids in a pub) while using Chrome without any adblock extensions.

The volume of ads, trick links, and shite on that one website in particular was outstanding. She asked me if a link was OK to click. Promptly pointed out she should use Firefox (which has unlock and other extensions added) instead of chrome as the link she had clicked was for some sketchy software and not a crossword.

I can't imagine the internet without ad blockers. Ublock is a great addition, removing elements from pages is a huge advantage. So many sites sling rubbish wherever they can.

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Sounds like bait but I'll bite.

Most singleplayer titles work perfectly fine under Linux. Majority of my steam library runs with compatibility toggled in steam.

I've got a Switch Pro controller, no issues via Bluetooth or Cable connection. Gives me battery readouts via Dunst

Running Wayland with an NVIDIA GPU in both my systems.

Firefox is fine on mobile in my eyes.

At least the Android version, even on my 5 year old Exynos phone it does what I need / want from a browser. Allows (some) extensions, lets me zoom wherever I want to on any page, has a reader mode and is snappy enough on old hardware.

Chrome tries to be / do far too much for me, just fuck off and let me browse the web. I do like the dynamic colours that Chrome on mobile uses on different webpages, is hot.

However Chrome gives me dirty Microsoft vibes, and it's pretty hard to shake that stank.

If your on iOS welcome to the walled garden. Hope you live in the EU.

Company I worked for was the only importer of Corsair chairs into Australia, we were told by Corsair (on a chair by chair basis) to have end users destroy faulty chairs if no replacement parts were available.

Same thing with Lian Li, we had a batch of white cases with a paint defect, they were never sold onto end-users but our warehouse teams destroyed every case, sent images to Lian Li of the destruction and we were sent another shipment.

Cooler-master had some bad mITX PSUs, same deal, sent the boys out with a hammer and safety squints.

At the end of the day it's cheaper for everyone involved to not have a faulty product that is too costly to repair shipped across the ocean or to a local disty. Sucks for the environment, sucks for the end user having to dispose of a faulty product but it makes for some interesting emails sent out to customers :D

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Me waiting for solar underground highways.

My old 512GB 840 Pro from 2012 is sitting at 6% wear, has been through multiple builds and is now a scratch disk in my server for downloads / torrents.

My 850 Evo from 2014 is sitting at 2% wear, is now used for VM / Container image storage on my server.

These things are going to be with me for some time still.

Turn developer options off.

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Shedding weight fast is a great method for excess skin that requires cosmetic surgery to remove. Slowly losing weight can reduce but not eliminate the requirements for surgery.

Good friend of mine lost almost half his body weight in around 4 years, his arms, legs are all OK but his stomach area needs some work. I can't imagine the hardship people "competing" on the biggest loser need to go through once the season is over.

Interesting, the article isn't working well under translate and I can't see the frame time graphs on my phone. Does it state which kernel their running these games under or if these are x11 / Wayland?

If their just using the stock kernel there are probably some gains (even just minimal) using another with some tweaks.

Gallagher were great at that, rubbish solution for "teaching" staff about phishing which would infuriate all staff caught in the net. Would come from internal email addresses too which, if one person's email / credentials are compromised they've got bigger fish to fry.

Minimum for me would be 120hz, i've been using 120hz since 2012 (12 years... man) and anything less feels like a massive step backwards. My old S10+ and my cheapie laptop feel sluggish in any animated / transmission scenario.

Picked up a laptop with a busted screen $30 cheaper than the RPI 5. 1135G7, 8gb upgradable ram, m.2 storage, wifi, bluetooth and a battery.

Raspberry pis' were great early on, but their appeal has quickly diminished in my eyes considering used hardware options that are available now.

Size would be the one redeeming quality of a raspberry pi for me, my headless laptop is thin but takes up substantially more space.

Yep my other packages manage everything else, transmission is rarely logged into on the GUI side. KISS

You mean pump up the jam?

You posed a question about Google policing sideloading, then posted an article that has nothing to do with google policing side loading.


That's why I love Nix, moving my hyprland configuration from my laptop to my desktop was almost seamless. All my keybinds, wallpapers and applications were up and running with a couple of commands.

There are a couple of hardware specific configs for my laptop and desktop but once I split those out it's smooth sailing.

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Yeah that's funded by the brand, Logitech and other big brands would give me MDF and scanback on every product sold during a promotion (that was pushed by said brand). We would not make as much margins per unit sold but we would move bulk product.

MDF would go to the internal marketing team for producing assets / promoting on our socials. Marketing would also give statistics on volume of products in promotion sold, click through rate / views / audience. All highly sought after statistics.

Grey market importers would have products at a cheaper buy price but would not qualify for scanback.

One person from my team had committed a PO for the wrong quantity of a product (100 units instead of 10)

But due to our good relationship that brand helped us run a promotion on that product which ended up being exclusive to our stores and moved lots of flight sticks. We wouldn't have that kind of support if we were purchasing from a grey market importer.

The other side of retail is a fun experience, but for hardly above minimum Australian wage it wasn't worth the stress.

Edit: Speaking of LOGI, they were a great bunch to be on the good side of. New release products had stellar margins for our stores, as long as we kept on the MSRP, not following MSRP would lead for us not not receive initial batches of stocks on future launches.

Man looking at my old 5960x with it's 20mb of cache from 2014, and Intel's current top consumer chip with 36mb.

Crazy to think Intel were 'ahead of the curve' so long ago, those x99 chips are still relevant compared to some AM4 chips.

Unsure why your downvoted, aluminium cans have a plastic liner on the inside. Their "better" than plastic bottles but still contribute to waste plastic.

I mean it's not the worst. Is it still https? Or are they serving plain ol http? My internal services (at home) are mostly https, but the certs are self signed so browsers will flag them as "insecure".

Tailscale is great, but it's not something that should be shouted from the rooftops.

I use tailscale with nginx / pihole for my home services BUT there will be a point where the "free" tier of their service will be gutted / monetized and your once so free, private service won't be so free.

Tailscale are SAAS (software as a service), once their venture capital funds look like their running dry, the funds will be coming from your data, limiting the service with a push to subscription models or a combination.

Nebula is one such alternative, headscale is another. Wire guard (which tailscale is based on) again is another.

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The volumes of cash that Microsoft throw at retailers (custom builders / big box) is astronomical. Worked for a relatively small retailer with some international buying power. EOFY "MDF" from Microsoft was an absurd figure.

Our builders would belt out 3 - 6 machines per day, depending on complexity of the custom build, the pre-built machines were in the 6+ per day range.

Considering the vast majority of those machines were running windows (some sold without an os), from a quick estimate after too many beers we were out of pocket 10% at most of the bulk buy price for licence keys after our "market development funds" came through.

It's fucking crook.

I still use it, the service is very handy (and passes the wife test for ease of use)

Probably some tinfoil hat level of paranoia, but it's one of those situations where you aren't in control of a major component of your network.

I guess the answer is money, but why would you do any handling of card details in-house. Having a third party process transactions passes to some degree ensuring security onto said third party.

I'd still doubt any risk of full card details being leaked unless the hack goes much deeper than just Epic.

Me not emailing my negative UDS and EKG results to my psych until the day of my diagnosis.

Instead for that week I was procrastinating, trying to unspaghetti my NixOS installation, installing a PS2 emulator to play a title that dankpods reminded me of.

I'd been beating myself up over this shit for years, people in my life too just thinking I'm lazy and disorganised. Only took me until 36 to get a diagnosis 🤘 Happy I did.

I just installed xpipe and found i was habitually double clicking, found after I had a good 3 + terminal sessions running I'd best find out why.

I've got 3 cameras running on a vlan, with no access to the internet.

Frigate / Home Assistant + tail scale (want to move away from this service) let me see my cameras remotely, receive notifications from events and even look at events / stills on my watch.

I have some cheap 5mp Reolink camseras, not the best for frigate but get the job done.

Yeah there is a workaround for using bind-mounts in Proxmox VMs: https://gist.github.com/Drallas/7e4a6f6f36610eeb0bbb5d011c8ca0be

If you wanted, and your drives are mounted to the Proxmox host (and not to a VM), try an LXC for the services you are running, if you require a VM then the above workaround would be recommended after backing up your data.

I've got my drives mounted in a container as shown here:

Basicboi config, but it's quick and gets the job done.

I'd originally gone down the same route as you had with VMs and shares, but it's was all too much after a while.

I'm almost rid of all my VMs, home assistant is currently the last package I've yet to migrate. Migrated my frigate to a docker container under nixos, tailscale exit node under nixos too while the vast majority of other packages are already in LXC.

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Oh super helpful, been meaning to investigate linux-tkg for my gaming setup. How long was the build time for the kernel on your system?

Currently all iOS browsers are safari with custom interfaces over-the-top.

Tuta (in my eyes) is a step in the right direction, using a client like thunderbird or enigmail and managing PGP yourself would be more secure as the message is decrypted by the recipient and not a company owned server.

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ChatGPT 9 to be trained on R9K posts. Won't be able to distinguish fake free text from real.

Transmission running on the same machine? VM / Container?

I was using deluge for the longest time but went back to transmission in an lxc under proxmox.

Some more info about your config would help troubleshoot.

Works fine on my laptop (1650 hybrid) and desktop (3070 no iGPU)

Under NixOS on both machines, no xwayland.

  programs.hyprland = {
    enable = true;
    enableNvidiaPatches = true;

Is the basics to get it up and running under NixOS + HomeManager

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