
@Dame @lemmy.ml
15 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Several of you seem to be misunderstanding. When he says “like Twitter” it’s not in the negative ways you are thinking. It’s in the negative ways he’s thinking. Meaning censorship and being able to ban accounts. He doesn’t want that. Mastodon would have the same criticisms if he commented on it.

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They did not win. It’s like Twitter, users stayed and suffered through one poor decision after another. Then, something outlandish would happen and people would migrate to Mastodon in good size numbers. Reddit will do that and Kbin and Lemmy will grow. There are so many cool apps for both. Now when users come over there’s content and various client apps that will make their stay more enjoyable.

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It may seem small but since forever women have been subjected to the whims of men and violated. After enduring trauma they experience further damage by either not being believed, defense of the violator, being blamed for what happened to them amongst several others. Consent matters. This man violated her, the federation lied by putting out a false statement from her. It’s become headlines due to it happening publicly on the biggest stage in women’s sports. It’s dangerous to just label a physical violation of consent as a dumb mistake. Then you factor everything that’s taken place since and it’s why it’s reached the level that it has.

I see people here attempting to equate it with a natural attraction and or a fetish. We all have internet access and can look it up. It is in the DSM-5 and ICD-10 both pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Especially, in this more advanced age of medicine, science and society. If it was natural I believe the corrections would’ve been made and or strongly advocated for, it’s not. What is advocated is using terminology correctly, encouraging those that experience this to feel comfortable to tell their truth and seek help. I believe some of you guys comments are very dangerous and some of the upvotes and downvotes are concerning and makes it difficult to distinguish if you are in support of protecting children. The point is please don’t just blanket label it and compare it to things that aren’t harmful, illegal and consensual.

This has a lot of nonsense. It gives too much credit while vague regarding LLaMA2. It failed to mention a lot of Open Source work Meta has done lately. It was only from a US point of view and not how the EU has been a thorn in Big Tech’s side. Mastodon has 1.6 MAU and many users have multiple accounts. Mastodon is too small for Meta to care about. Those startups Meta squashed were doing innovative things Meta never seen applied before. When it purchased Instagram and WhatsApp there were many millions of active users. Meta as was many Big Tech companies a part of the W3C when AP was being planned and backed out. The Fediverse is about as old as Facebook so Meta has seen this before, Mastodon hasn’t done anything new on this front. Outside of that there are some interesting considerations

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Not exactly what you were getting at and it’s not Lemmy specific but I did make a living list of Fediverse apps. https://lemmy.ml/post/5100592 I’m hoping this can help in the meantime

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As others have stated there’s some basic things that need to be addressed first and who knows if they will. I believe Kbin is in a potential unique position to get things right and drive innovation. There’s the one dev but others have offered to help and once things are more stable and mature it will get better. I actually disagree somewhat with Mastodon, if you look at its public roadmap it’s planning on taking measures that will have a significant impact, some of them are features longtime users have fought against. There’s plenty of growth to be had and innovation. I’m so excited on the future of the Fedi

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Why are there people downvoting people commenting about not wanting CSAM?

I have seen people say the Fedi is fine as it is, he’s not mistaking that. The annotations are misleading and make it seems like he’s just wanting the Fedi to be unsafe

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This doesn’t make sense. You don’t have to be on an instance that federates with Threads or any corporation. You as a user can also block domains. You don’t have to leave and can still enjoy the space on your terms

I honestly think this list was just thrown together. There’s hardly any iOS apps and missing some really good apps

It’s really bothersome. Particularly with Mastodon, users want to finger wag those that remain on big social, yet they also don’t want people to do the things that help them survive or express their creativity. It’s conflicting and nonsensical. When decentralisation should be pitched to creatives so they can down their content and take out the middleman which is big social. It is honestly disappointing

Have you checked out PeerTube?

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I also made this list as well https://lemmy.ml/post/5198221

I believe PeerTube has great potential if just shown some love and attention

That’s old data. Threads suffered for a month but was fine. This is more recent. 141 million MAU https://famewall.io/statistics/threads-stats/

Better than the full-text search that was included in the most recent update ?

This is unfortunate. Artemis is beautiful and a good app. I hope that the dev is okay. Hopefully, she can return or make the code openly available.

You’re playing semantics. You don’t have the right to be heard nor listened to. People also have freedom of association

This makes zero sense as the Fediverse uses algorithms. Hell, just go to Mastodon’s explore page. When people make this comment it also shows their believe in the Fediverse is phony. Big Social has incentives to keep people locked in and showing specific posts primarily for ad dollars. The Fediverse has no such incentive, thus them providing an option for users to see more custom content is a good thing. The beauty of the Fediverse is that it can provide optional experiences to all its members that better suits their individual needs.

Absolutely! Thanks for asking but that’s why I made it so it could be of service and make things easier for users.

AI CSAM should absolutely be treated as such. The model has been trained on images of real human children. I’m not sure where the issue comes from I would imagine power. Id need to check peer reviewed work from those in the field but I honestly can’t stomach it.

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Bluesky will be opening up Federation this year. There are a lot of Fedi devs that are also working with Bluesky’s Atproto. The podcast and site is not only about the Fediverse but the social web.

I think a more reasonable approach would be client side. I haven’t thought out the implementation but I’m sure if you brought it to the attention of some devs that have clients they’d be open to the idea.

Let me ask you this. Tell me what companies and what countries pass this purity test? Where is the line drawn? If someone spends money on leisure in the states for example, are they supporting racism, transphobia etc due to their moneys going to states like Florida, Texas etc? What about people that buy video games even though companies are known to work their employees into depression and have harmful ethics regarding female employees with sexual harassment? Are people that buy games endorsing that culture? How should those victims view fans that continue to make those companies money? What about companies that outsource their manufacturing processes to China? Some companies have put suicide nets to prevent employees from unaliving themselves. Many companies use China for manufacturing. By purchasing products are we endorsing that culture that has led to people taking their own lives?

I think this is really cool and can potentially get more people to migrate

Donations isn’t the way to go because most people don’t. I’ve seen about three polls that have had thousands of responses and the majority of people fell in the never donated category and many fell in the never donated and will not donate category. Something feels wrong about leaving people’s hard work to donations, obviously it should be a part of the equation.

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Not FB market but a Fedi alternative to Etsy https://artisans.coop/

This is ONE instance. Search or make a post and ask how many instances have shut down due to finances. Outside of finances it’s burnout due to moderation.

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You have all of the answers. I look forward to the Threadiverse conference you put together

Exactly! Judging by the downvotes already people don’t agree. It’s bothersome to let people’s hard work on multiple levels to go undervalued. Servers absolutely aren’t free. Moderation is a heck of a job.

I know that those that use Open Collective it does something like this, but you have to be approved

Why would that matter?

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It is actively developed. Some forks are Firefish, Foundkey, Sharkey, IceShrimp

Well, it could launch on one platform first, doesn’t mean it’s only going to be for one platform.

Would love to speak with you. Are you on Matrix? Discord?

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I don’t think so. That was their reasoning for not implementing Full-text search and Quotes yet other Fediverse platforms have had these features and I haven’t come across any reporting and or posts about these being used as tools for abuse.

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What relevance does this have to the Fediverse?

Interesting to see your comment about Mastodon EEE ActivityPub. I would love to know more about your thoughts. It’s funny to see people worried about Threads making breaking changes yet Mastodon has done it from the beginning. Look at recently with the quote post situation, Misskey has had them forever, Threads used Misskey implementation and an FEP, Mastodon announced yesterday they got a grant for quote posts. They are doing their own thing yet again