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The "haha, we've made an oopsie" tone of the video (sponsorship jokes, plugging their store link, possible sex joke, deflecting to "I'm just a human" instead of fully taking the blame) don't sit right with me. I was also hoping they would address Madison's comments on why she quit.

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It's not owning up if you've been caught red-handed, denied any wrongdoing, and only made an apology video once your subs started tanking. At this point it just feels like damage control.

Steam is a ticking time bomb but mostly for the reason that you don't own the games you purchase there and you can't back them up (mostly) so when Steam decides to ban your account or just closes down, you lose all of your games forever.

More people should push for DRM-free games with offline installers, like GOG and Itch offer.

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So, as far as I understand, he was fined 3 years salary for doing the job he was hired to do (I consider using Google/Github as part of the job).

Utterly horrifying. Especially when you realize that merely accessing Google is illegal in China...

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Absolutely ridiculous and serves nothing but to make the CEOs feel better.

You're not "supposed to" upgrade every year, that's the point. You should be able to use a 5 year old phone if you want to.

Jesus, that sounds like hell.

One reason is the more you're forced to work, the less energy, and, more importantly, time you have for preparing healthy meals. Therefore you're more likely to go with preprocessed, prepackaged meals or straight fast food which will make you fat fast.

I've got a relatively cushy job and cook my own, relatively healthy meals but even I find myself going for that store-bought pizza when I have a particularly busy week.

Moreover, unhealthy, preprocessed meals are basically drugs in terms of the dopamine hit, so you're more likely to go for them if your life sucks and you're sad about it.

Add to that the lack of education on healthy eating, which I'd bet is easier to come by when you're at least middle class and bam, you're a fat poor person.

So something like a Synology NAS, I guess.

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ChatGPT has no concept of truth or sources. It will straight up lie to you.
It's nice for "creative" stuff but never, ever take its responses at face value.

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That's a very US-centric view, at best. I paid about 23 dollars for a brand new copy of Half-Life 2 in 2004.

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I don't know what web3 is doing there, but I imagine this is terrifying if you're doing IT for western companies in China.

Relying on common sense for critical information is a trap. You're "googling" because you don't know. The incorrect answer might be just plausible enough for you to believe it. This is why credible sources are important, to act as a sort of fallback to authority (I trust "source X" to provide correct information).

I'm more in favor of Godot, but Unreal/UDK has been a thing for a long while, so it's not true that Unity was 'the only game in town' for a long time.

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They only "don't have enough to pay us" insofar as they don't have enough to pay us without sacrificing record high profits or CEO salaries.

Isn't he only a CEO? What exactly did he himself create?

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Mom doesn't necessarily have to be on Meta. If she wants her son to engage with her on a platform, she can be on kbin, lemmy or any other FOSS alternative once it reaches maturity.

Not being tied to a giant corporation should not mean "obscure" or "unusable for normal people".

People figured out email, they can figure out the fediverse, it just needs time.

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And yet, somehow, GOG and Itch still exist, allowing you to download games completely DRM-free, as often as you like. If they ever go out of business, you can still use your local copies forever.

How do they do it? A mystery...

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A while ago I wrote an extensible dummy data generator for Java.

I needed to fake some scientific data for a project at work and wasn't satisfied with how closed for modification existing data generation solutions were, so I decided to tackle writing a library on my own.

It was my first major contribution to open source and had some architectural challenges which were fun to solve, not to mention the learning experience :)

But now no one has all the new major releases, so in that regard it's a worse experience.

IIRC from the original report, the claim here is that even "gaming" these metrics leads to the desired result, as you can't game these metrics without actually improving your processes. I tend to agree.

I'd rather they didn't do this at all.

Please, let's not nornalize nickel-and-diming your customers.

You first start spreading, then you start feeling ill - about 2-3 days later. If you left your home within 2 days before noticing symptoms, you've been spreading covid.

Which did you use to prove there is? What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

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Cool, I'll buy it once it comes to GOG.

When will it release on GOG?

"6 9s"

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If I tell you I'm your god and you should give me all your money or you won't go to heaven, you will rightly call me a liar, even though you can't really prove that I'm not.

You won't say "oh I guess there's no way to prove he's not god, so I'd better give him my money".

In science, the default stance on something existing is that it doesn't, unless there's solid proof, or at least a compelling scientific theory suggesting that it does.

Too bad they became a giant ad machine. Ads on top of the page, ads on the sides, popup ads, endless "articles" which are just Amazon affiliate links... No, I'm not salty, why do you ask? :/

Physical media FTW. I wish it was easier to obtain movies and shows physically. I like to own my stuff.

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Why would you use blockchain to track shipments when you can easily do the same with a standard database? What would be the gain?

I replayed it a month ago and still liked it.

We deploy to production with every single commit, but releases are behind feature flags.

When we're ready to release a feature, we just toggle a flag and we're done.

How does this compare to Joplin?

Is there, or will there be a self-hostable server to sync notes between devices?

And does it support Markdown?

I'm still waiting for a GOG release.

For anyone "willing to give Meta a chance", ask yourself:

Q: Why is Meta doing this?
A: To make money.

Q: How is Meta going to make money out of this?
A: By having as many users on their instance as they can, so they can sell their data and advertise to them (that is Meta's modus operandi, after all).

This is already antithetical to the entire fediverse concept, where you want users to be as spread out over instances as possible.

Having most of the users on one instance means the "community cost" of defederating from that instance is enormous to the point of being inadvisable for an instance admin. This brings us to a scenario where the 'federation' is essentially useless, as everyone is producing/consuming content on the one instance.

Therefore, the idea of a commercial entity using the fediverse, by itself, mutilates what the fediverse is all about.

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I'll be the first to say that I only begrudgingly accept Steam exists. However, I avoid using it and vastly prefer GOG due to the DRM-free nature of their store and the offline installers.

Just because the hate on Epic is vocal does not mean that everyone likes the Steam status quo.

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Well then let me actually download the movie like it was a game, then! And how exactly does it take less bandwidth? It's still tens or hundreds of gigabytes to download every time someone wants to install a game, most people only use the offline installers as backups.

I also have plenty of experience emulating all kinds of things, including Windows - in fact, I have an instance of Win 98 in a VM right now.

That said, I can't agree that it's in any way easy for the average Joe. It's not rocket science, but it's by far harder than just having a working executable.

If nothing else, consider the legality of it - you must have a legal copy of the specific version of Windows, often the specific BIOS, as well. These are not easy (or cheap, often) to acquire these days.

Then you likely need to make sure your CPU supports Hyper-V, then install the entire OS...

Then you often need to make sure you're emulating the specific CPU with the specific GPU, with the specific sound card, or else this specific Windows 95 game will CTD or be missing features. Old games were finicky and OS emulation for gaming is only easy on the surface.