
1 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Could you elaborate more about why returns discourage deep sales? I'm not sure I'm getting it from your comment. It seems like it is just correlation rather than causation.

In my experience, when it comes to debating the validity of religion, people tend to get far more emotional than other topics. People who are normally level-headed and quite logical tend to completely lose their ability to think rationally. And I mean both the people who argue for religion and against it.

USB4 v2

Why is USB insistent on having terrible naming schemes?

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Hopefully Linux phones are not so far away from usable in the next couple years.

I said the same thing in like 2013. :(

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I got lucky. I am not subscribed to this community, and I am the only person on my instance. But what if I was subscribed and hadn't seen this post? This is too much responsibility for me.

I just shut down my instance until we can disable cached images. If that never happens, then I'm not bringing it back up.

Shout-out to https://github.com/wescode/lemmy_migrate. I moved my subscriptions over in a minute or two, and now, other than not having my post history, it's exactly the same.

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I was actually the lead engineer on an Openwrt router. I hadn't heard of it before that, but at one point I pretty much knew it inside and out. It's been a few years since I left that company, so I'm a bit rusty at this point.

We made tons of custom features for our router. I did the backend and implemented UIs for most of them. The biggest feature I did though was a full REST API to be able to configure the router from a smart home controller, which was the company's main product. I did both the router side (server) and the smart home controller side (client/caller), including the UI on the smart home controller. I spent almost a year on just that feature. But I was damn proud of it by the end.

I'm seriously distraught. I'm normally not the kind of person that cares when famous people die, but it's so upsetting to think about the huge hole that will be left behind. No one can do what he does. No one can replace him. He was still working on Dragon Ball. We will never get more Toriyama content for Dragon Ball. The last time they tried doing Dragon Ball without him, it was GT.

Toriyama was probably the most influential manga author/artist of all time. He made a massive impact on my life. My wife and I bonded early over our love for Dragon Ball, so it's a very important part of our relationship. We have traveled far and wide to meet the voice actors (bother English and Japanese) at conventions so many times. We have SO many things signed by the voice actors. So much our lives have revolved around Dragon Ball.

AND THAT'S JUST DRAGON BALL. He worked on so many other things.

Thank you for all you have done for me, Toriyama.

This is an excellent use case for a self hosted service, since location data is frequently used for nefarious purposes.

I fixed my refrigerator. 2 months ago I was changing the filter, and I was too lazy to turn off the water first, so the pressure was too high and it didn't seat properly. When I turned it, I broke the filter receptacle. I called Samsung, and they said they'll fix it, but they can't tell me how much it will cost until they make the work order, and at that point I can't cancel it if it's too expensive. I asked if they could ballpark, like $100 or $1000. They said they couldn't. So I told them to go fuck themselves. I ordered the part on Amazon for $60. I had to disassemble a decent amount of the refrigerator to get to the part. But I did it! I swapped out the part and everything works perfectly. All in all, it took about 2 hours. There were multiple videos on the internet on how to do it.

Fuck Samsung.

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This isn't your fault. Thank you for all you have done in regards to this situation thus far.

I imagine people who care about this sort of thing are more likely to report it. And people who care about this sort of thing are also more likely to be early adopters and go through the effort of switching to Wayland.

The way to get a more random sample is not something I want (built-in, automatic telemetry by default). So I'm fine with having skewed data for something like this.

If by "a while" you mean 1 month, then sure. There were tons of conspiracy theorists saying that the world was going to end on April 8th due to the solar eclipse.

So an annual raise? I've got those at every job I have ever had. That's not some gracious thing. If you don't get an annual pay increase, or if your annual pay increase is less than the inflation rate, you are getting a pay decrease.

I live in the US and I have never tipped housekeeping, nor have I ever heard of someone doing it.

I agree! Or let us disable caching images from other instances. I'm not interested at all in rehosting images that other users on other instances upload. That's too much of a legal liability to me.

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Personally, I find the people here very elitist and unwelcoming, and I have found myself spending less and less time here because of it.

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I will now urge Microsoft to suck my balls.

I don't have advice, just a worthless anecdote.

I work at a large tech company. We had a Windows XP system on our network get hacked. They used that to jump to our servers. IT had to quarantine off the whole lab, because they didn't know where the hacker had hopped next. So then IT had to do a post-mortem and figure out how they got in and what was affected. That process took 3 months. In the meantime, any team with servers in that lab couldn't use them. The team directly responsible for this couldn't work at all for the full 3 months.


I'm a dude. He's a dude, She's a dude. We're all dudes.

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As a podman user myself, they're essentially the same. I look at the docker documentation when learning new things about podman. 99.9% of the time, it's exactly the same. For the features that aren't in podman, you can use the podman-docker package. This gets you a daemon so you can have some docker-specific features such as a container being able to start/stop other containers by mounting the socket as a volume, and it allows you to use docker-compose.

Don't most distros have safeguards against this? I tried sudo rm -rf / in an Ubuntu VM that I was about to delete just to see what happened, and it gave me a warning. I had to add some other option to bypass the warning.

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icecream.social is available, and I really want it, but I just can't justify the $800 a year, even if the name is amazing.

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They definitely used to delete links to popular Lemmy instances. I posted a few as a test one time and found the comment to be shadow deleted. It looked like it existed to me, but if I logged out, I couldn't see it. I wasn't banned, though. Idk if this is still happening.

Yeah, well I want game pass on Steam and Linux, but we can't get everything we want, Phil.

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Are they only posting to this one community? If so, why? Would closing this community not just make them post on a different one?

1000 up and down. Fiber is great. Actually having competition instead of a Comcast monopoly in my area is amazing.

Well, to make a more serious comment instead of just quoting an old song from an old movie, it's definitely most important to call people by pronouns that they prefer. That's the number 1 priority.

That said, I have some trans friends who don't like gender neutral pronouns in general. One in particular has explained how much she has gone through to be able to identify as a woman, and using "they" instead of "she" makes her feel like she still isn't a woman.

So the real answer is there's no one word that will make everyone happy. They best way to do that is to ask people the pronouns they prefer.

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There is an admin on lemmy.ml that seems to be banning anyone who says anything negative about China. If I'm thinking of the right person, they are also a large contributor to the Lemmy codebase. That person is why I stopped donating to the Lemmy devs.

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You haven't had to rescue Zelda much in the past 25 years.

In Ocarina of Time, Zelda was a badass ninja warrior that was constantly helping you.

In Majora's Mask, Zelda didn't appear.

In Wind Waker, Zelda was the leader of a gang of pirates. She had their respect and undying loyalty despite all being twice her size, because of her toughness and bravery. IIRC she actually kills Gannon in this one by bouncing an arrow off Link's shield.

I don't remember Twilight Princess enough to speak on that one, tbh.

In Skyward Sword, you think you're saving Zelda, but she's actually totally fine the whole time. She's working with a Sheikah to restore seals to prevent Demise from returning.

In BotW, Zelda is fighting Gannon for 100 years (!!!) to buy time while Link sleeps and then later cooks food in his underwear.

In TotK, Zelda makes the ultimate sacrifice, trading her humanity to give Link a chance to beat Ganondorf. She makes herself immortal, but trades away her individuality and ability to think. She spends eternity crying because of what she lost to give Hyrule hope. I think she's particularly brave in this one.

Zelda has not been a damsel in distress for a very, very long time. Both Zelda and Link play critical roles in saving Hyrule. Their roles are just different. Link saves Hyrule with a sword. Zelda saves Hyrule in other ways. Their roles are different but equally necessary.

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We already knew all this info weeks ago.

That's fine with me, as I'm the only user in my instance.

Though I do still think this is a huge miss on pictrs to not allow the admin to browse the photos stored on their own server. I mean, someone could upload an illegal photo, not post it, then send the URL that only they could possibly know to whichever relevant government agency anonymously and potentially ruin the life of the admin.

Thank you so much for contributing and making this much needed fix.

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I have it plugged into my TV via dock and use it to watch illegal video streams from sketchy websites that don't have apps. Most often they are live sports streams.

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I have a 9-5 job as a software engineer. Though really I can stop working whenever I'm done with my assigned work. I usually stop around 3 or 3:30.

People don't bookmark? I have dozens of bookmarks all set up in folders. It's just easier than typing every time. Plus, I have a PC connected to my TV for watching illegal sports streams. With bookmarks, I don't need my keyboard most of the time. I just have a wireless mouse and that's it.

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Awesome! Thank you for this link!

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Hey everyone! I'm breaking the law!

I used to be an Android device developer back in the Lollipop days. I compiled the various images myself, including the bootloader, recovery, and the Android OS. I can say with 100% certainty that at least back in the Lollipop days, and at least on the vast, vast majority of devices (a device could theoretically change this, and I don't know everything about every device ever released), the battery percentage that shows up when the phone is off is part of the bootloader, not Android. It's a separate image entirely.

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The intro to Ori and the Blind Forest, and the end of Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

I conducted coding interviews for a few years at a startup before moving to a bigger company where I had a smaller role.

For me, I never cared about if someone got the right answer. I have actually said no to people who got the right answer and yes to people who got the wrong answer (or didn't finish). The purpose of the interview is to see if I want to work with that person. If someone can write a perfect program, but can't tell me why it works, that gives me no insight into how they solve problems or if they even know how to solve problems. What I want to hear is their thought process.

First repeat the question, and emphasize the key details. Speak an example input and output of the function so the interviewer (and you!) knows you understand the problem. Then start talking about what kind of algorithms or data structures you might use to solve this problem. Reference other common problems that might be similar, and how they differ. Specify patterns that could be used for this problem or even your comparison problem, and whether or not that will work for this one.

Doing all of these steps with spoken words helps your interviewer understand how you think, and they may give away hints to mistakes in your thought process, or even point out that you are misunderstanding the question entirely. And that's okay! It's better to work out the details when speaking about it before writing any code.

Treat the interview like you are solving a problem with a colleage in pair programming. Bounce ideas off them and see what they think. They are very likely to give hints if you talk to them in this way. If you are stuck, tell them! They might be able to reword a part of the question to help you think about the problem in a different way, leading you towards the solution.

AFTER you and the interviewer are both confident that you understand the problem, and you have discussed all the algorithms, data structures, patterns, etc. that you need, maybe spoken through a some pseudocode, or maybe written down a table of example inputs and outputs, only then start coding.

I'm confused. It says EA Anticheat, not Easy Anticheat. I thought they were different.