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Joined 1 years ago

I've implemented a few of these and that's about the most lazy implementation possible. That system prompt must be 4 words and a crayon drawing. No jailbreak protection, no conversation alignment, no blocking of conversation atypical requests? Amateur hour, but I bet someone got paid.

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So uh, turns out the energy companies are not exactly the most moral and rule abiding entities, and they love to pay off politicians and cut corners. How does one prevent that, as in the case of fission it has rather dire consequences?

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Be that as it may, no government in the world would leave today's events unanswered for.

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Maybe, but gen AI produces actually useful, tractable results. That's already heaps more than crypto, which is just techno gambling

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Yeah, love all the armchair political commentators on lemmy. I live in Berlin, what's happening in the Neukölln district of Berlin has nothing to do with peaceful protests. It's a whole bunch of "kill all Jews" mixed with a hefty dose of "burn it all!", and somehow it's always a giant mob of violent men in their twenties, who aren't exactly paragon of empathy and diversity, imagine that.

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Yeah, this ain't "dihydrogen monoxide lol11!", hydrazine is really really nasty stuff.

This article has been flagged on HN for being clickbait garbage.

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Someone found out.

Also we're talking about toddlers, not 10 year olds. Toddlers still develop really foundational capabilities in cognition, vision and motor function which 2D flat screen games might have a very different effects than on 11 year old Tommy playing Roblox.

Don't fuck with global trade. Your cause can be a shining beacon of righteousness, but take out trading routes you get the big boy stick. Always has been like that.

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Two gravitationally gifted pachyderms wanted for setting a flame's kiss to a personal urban retreat.

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Cyberpunk would always suck, it's dystopia. Always has been.

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Let's just hope for Gabe to live a long life still. Valve is a private company and not nearly as much in danger for enshittification as a public company would be.

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The AI agrees with you

The AI agrees with you.

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Not nearly as bad as hearing "click...click....click" from the HDD. The PTSD is still strong...

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People care. Other stuff is more important for sure, but people can care for more than one thing at a time.

I don't know, ads were always dog shit. Yeah you had your static banners and what not, but I remember the popup wars from the 90s.

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AI won't replace doctors, but doctors that use AI might replace doctors that don't, and I'm ok with that. Keep the human in the loop, by all means, but make use of powerful tooling that might make things better.

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Gotta push the demand at some point, otherwise there is a chicke &egg problem.

Together we're all stronger, so as a EU citizen I'd welcome them back. However, say goodbye to the GBP, it's Euro for all of you, and no more special rules, it'll be a regular old member state.

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Eh, Scrubs suffered a lot from trying to find ways of keeping the characters somewhat together and on the hospital. Also, even if not relevant to the topic, flanderization utterly fucked Scrubs from season 5ish onwards.

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Windows is the one where I need an account to install and that spies on me and throws ads in my face, that one?

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You had me at the first half, ngl.

Ah yes, the authoritarian government of current day checks.notes Germany?

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The Huthis have been launching ballistic missiles across country lines and target (among other things) international shipping lanes somewhat recently. They're not soldering up IEDs in caves to fend of a US invasion force, so I'm not sure how apt the comparison with Afghanistan is.

Hallucinations can be heavily reduced today by providing the LLM with grounding truth. People use naked LLMs as knowledge databases, which is prone to hallucinations indeed. However, provide them with verified data from the side and they are very, very good at keeping to the truth. I know, because we deploy these with clients to great avail.

Image, music, video models are making great strides and are already part of various pipelines, all the way up to the big boy tools like Photoshop (generative fill, for example).

The tech is being incorporated at a large scale by a lot of companies, from SME to megacorp. I don't see it going away any time soon, even if it doesn't improve from here on out (which it undoubtedly will).

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The Brokkoli, it's pretty fetch.

Now that's the sort of quality content I'm here for! I've never really gotten into shmups back in the day, on account of them being so God damn hard.

Ever since I've got an Anbernic 35XX on my nightstand with every game under the sun on it I've been going through the various shmups, and R-Type just is the best of them all. I love the SNES version, personally. That being said, no genre makes me rage quit more, and basically every loaded R-Type save state will greet me with a Game Over screen, but it is what it is.

So, across all retro console generations (Arcade, 8/16/32), which is the best R-Type in your opinion?

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In fact, the original script of The Matrix had the machines harvest humans to be used as ultra efficient compute nodes. Executive meddling led to the dumb battery idea .

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Here are some more candidates:

  1. FREEDOM: Full Range Enhanced Experience Derived Online Marketing.
  2. LIBERTY: Leveraging Internet Browsing & Experience Records To Yield profits.
  3. JUSTICE: Join Users' Surfing Trends for Intelligent Commercial Engagement.
  4. PRIDE: Personalized Recommendations from Internet Data & Exploration.
  5. HONOR: History-Oriented Network for Optimal Recommendations.

Better host it yourself, because the managed version of Ghost has the lovely dark pattern that you cannot cancel your plan without them immediately deleting everything, no matter if your plan is still paid for for another few months or not. Really left a bad taste on my mouth.

Eh, that's not quite true. There is a general alignment tax, meaning aligning the LLM during RLHF lobotomizes it some, but we're talking about usecase specific bots, e.g. for customer support for specific properties/brands/websites. In those cases, locking them down to specific conversations and topics still gives them a lot of leeway, and their understanding of what the user wants and the ways it can respond are still very good.

Garbage in, garbage out. I use(d) Twitter to follow a bunch of high profile Machine Learning and Software Engineering professionals, and my (non algorithmic) feed was rather useful and informative.

That may have been true during the lavish times of ZIRP, but I wouldn't expect to see this dance any longer, at least until money is cheap/free again.

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BPA Full

Android's interface was all BlackBerry in terms of UI too. The full touch control came after iPhones launch.

Every surge will retain more people as every surge brings more content.

Have you tried not eating crappy Falafel?