
1 Post – 131 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't have the money to sustain the "everything is a subscription" simple as that. So adblockers and piracy is the only way to get media content.

I still go to the cinema, but some cinemas over here are already experimenting with subscriptions.

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It should be just a browser option.

You set cookies on or off, ans the browser sends the option in the headers. Websites just need to take the option from the header instead of a banner.

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There's footage of random censored circles appearing over the best ones, like the guillotine. Before the end every reference will be erased. U/Spez is a Muak count wannabe.

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It's like no longer having one cheap and convinient way of seeing content makes people rather pirate things than paying 7 different platforms each one more expensive than the next and all of them trying to mess with you and your wallet in new and unexpected ways.

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Transactions are public. But wallet ownership is not.

That's why it's widely used in cybercrime. You can make a wallet and authorities may know which wallet receibe the money, but it may be imposible to link that wallet with an actual person.

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I don't know who expected the fediverse to be the most secure and private network of the world.

It's a "independent" and open source social media platform. A better place to be than corporate social media. That's it.

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It's like they host those sites on a apache server.

Lemmy is just the subjacent software that runs an instance.

Authorities would track the illegal content the same way they do on any other website I wouldn't worry too much about it. Also descentralized illegal content exist since P2P protocols exist. I don't see anything new with lemmy.

If buying is not owning, pirating is not stealing.

Why tech companies keep getting worse and worse and worse?

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Company bankruptcy speedrun any% no hacks

Is this an American thing I'm too European to understand.

Are you really paying to just activate wifi hotspot? How is thst justifiable by any means?

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NMS development is the best redemption arc story in a long time.

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Oh no. Who will I work for free then?

Doesn't fuck spez know the meaning of the word volunteer? Mods Don't depend on reddit, is the other way around.

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To be fair current age verification is useless. We all know clicking a button does not verify anything.

Also we know that submitting personal data to a website to verify your age is terrible. Big no no.

I'm curious of what will happen in my country. Here in Spain government said that they will implement a new age verification system using Anonymous digital certificates. The government will issue those and you have to give your ID but the certificate itself it's anonymous and the website won't be able to know who is the person behind the certificate. While there's no implementation yet, I hope they use the kind of anonymous certificates that, once expedited, the government also does not know who is using the certificate when serving as a certificate authority to validate its authenticity.

Let's see how it goes. I'm afraid even while being privacy friendly with this system Pornhub will block access here to as a threat to other places. At the end is a private company and blocking minors from accessing their content cost them big money, and, of course, money is the only thing that matters to them.

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What is this redit you are talking about? I don't know what that is.

Elon complaining about some conspirancy on why their app got taken down for not complying.

At least the regulation show us how shady internet is. That banner only shows up if the website is going to use cookies to use your data as a way to make profit. The fact that every website is doing that was eye opening for a lot of people.

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Reddit desindexed by Google in 3....2....1....

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If some day I cannot block ads on YouTube I'll go to Patreon or any other platform that gives creators a real share of what I'm paying. Google will not see my money.

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How's that even legal.

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Is it not a way in which some governments could collaborate to end this Bitcoin madness?

Genuinely question.

Like maybe some big countries could agree to collaborate and join resources to make a 51% attack and bring Bitcoin price to 0 so people stop wasting resources on it.

2% of enery usage for something that do not add any value to society is INSANE.

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The didn't buy Twitter for a profit.

He bought Twitter to destroy it because big free horizontal communication platforms are bad for billionaires.

He can't just close it, so he just destroy it little by little until it is no more.

The same way conservative groups bought Tumblr because it was too sexual liberating for their conservative views.

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And what happens if the government needs that money and Bitcoin price is down?

I don't see how putting national reserves on such an inestable "asset" would be a good idea.

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I still remember the Photobucket apocalypse back in the day. One day to the next seemed like internet only had "broken link" images.

We need a Google successor.

Something non-profit.

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Sad that antipiracy laws are in place.

But understandable that lemmy.world protect themselves against those unfair laws.

The sailing will continue, but, as always, we should be wary of the "navy" and sail with precaution.

Imagin paying for the privilege of generating free content for others to monetize.

I tend to buy stuff I've already pirated.

I have games bought with 0 hours played because I already played them with my pirate hat.

When you are a pirate you have a different mindset. You get to really choose who do you want to give your money to, and you tend to chose people who really deserve it.

Just wait until the next Reddit fuckup.

We need to make Lemmy a more interesting and mature place for when it, inevitably, happens.

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I'm using jellyfin and it just works fine.

There are others more specialized in music. But I kind of like only having to use one service for all my media.

Jellyfin is the way.

Reason number #99 to make the switch to linux.

Threads will be as revelant as the metaverse.

So... Not relevant at all. Meta is a dying company.

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Easy, looking for information I will still use reddit, for now. But for posting new information I will use Lemmy.

I really like lemmy as a platform. The only thing I miss is better search options.

Someone knows a efficient way to search for a topic using lemmy or some search engine? Some trick or something?

The fact that topics are dispersed in many instances makes kind of hard to try to find a post where someone may be talking about the topic you need.

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I've used an adblock for more than a decade now. At work, due to security reasons, the way we connect to internet is quite restricted and I don't have an adblock. Internet experience is terrible with that, like unusable. Most websites you barely can find what you are looking for, and the annoyance is constant. It's like a nightmare every time I have to use it that way.

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More things used to be free on internet 10-20 years ago.

Also the rich used to be less rich, and the poor less poor.

So clearly paying overpriced services for everything is not making anything better.

I've been in forums where upvotes were public. It's not something that I expect to be anonymous by design.

That being said. If something is public, it should be clear that is public (and available to everyone), if it's not it should be protected.

I think Lemmy should go one way or the other, or upvotes are public to everyone, or they are available only for you instance admins.

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I basically use it to ssh to my server.

I tried to install Firefox in my corporate laptop and the antivirus marked it as malware ;_;

The corporation is apparently ok with Microsoft spying on us all.