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Joined 1 years ago

Art imitates life. Before television, rumors were the way people heard about things. Before newspaper people would know of stuff happening in other place by word-to-mouth.

In other words, the general population likes to be used by companies and really don't give a shit as long as they can watch videos.

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We had it, then the corporate greed came in. But hey Netflix subscribers have risen again.....fun...

Don't forget Hamas attacked first during a ceasefire. That truce is only a preparation for worse.

So I can't enjoy a candy taste as an adult? Just because children like it?

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A big problem with this is that if someone is goodwilled and sells their own adapter on eBay for cheap. Someone else would buy it to sell it at the 250,- price for profit.

And the time we have to put in that effort. Seeing those messages want me to block them even more and if they block me, then it's a challenge to unblock it.

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You guys don't have an indicator near the door handle?? It's super common in the Netherlands. Almost every toilet has a small indicator, except for maybe some old doors the owners didn't replace, but all else always shows if it's occupied or not (not that people won't try anyway even if red for occupied).

I got 2 15 second ads for a clip of 30 seconds that wasn't even their own content. No thank you.

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Yes but at the same time. The exact same people were also supported by other countries. What did they do with that support? They made weapons from them. New waterpipes? New attack rocket.

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I find Duolingo far too parasocial. Their "come back to the lessons" mails and stuff really knocked me off.

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This is not even tipping anymore. This is paying to get normal service, not better service.

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Did you not see the foot in the store showmodel?

First you start with a bucket or container on your target's head. If done correctly he won't spot you and you can grab everything. Watch out for when the bucket falls off.

Nah, currently u/spez is Counting his money for the next increase of API costs.

Fair, but trollface and ffffffuuuuu are expired however.

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It's actually a really cool name. Translate it's Wolf Lightning or Flash. But a blender...I wouldn't have thought of that.

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Its also weird to see outside America. In Europe you pay taxes on where you work, not because you are a citizen.

Or the board of rich assholes who do nothing for the company but hold up their hands every quarter.

Often the cheaper models from a company will have a headphone jack. Sadly the moment you go for a higher model they expect you to use wireless headphones ( cause you got money anyway right...right).

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Man that's going to be one hell of a revelation when they grow up and see old pictures of themselves with that haircut.

Same. That look that says:"I don't care, I dont want to know, I just want to use (insert any social media). They have no idea what's collected and used without their knowledge.

Same for TikTok. I tried to warn them about the Chinese government watching with TikTok over their preferences and I still get that same "I don't care" look. But then they receive a promotional mail and complain they get spammed.

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Yup Boost here and done with Reddit shitty API.

No no the kid has school to finish. Ive already given up on sleep to work in the factorio.

That would depend on your next president. Personally from an outsider view I hope it's not trump again.

Cancel all those subs man. They are eating your money without return. It's better to download the specific show you want to watch.

Honestly smarttube is great. Wish I would've installed it earlier. You can connect with your Google account to see your history and playlists as well.

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Holy shit that's huge. They already had extensions but very limited compared to the PC version.

Actually it does. I have a nasPi running openmediavault with portforward and i can get access it anywhere in the world. Japan, usa, eu it doesn't matter as long as there is internet.

Don't wanna fiddle with the tech stuff. Get a Synology and make your life easier. Best thing is you can upgrade it yourself. No longer bound by 200gb or 1tb but all the way to 10tb and more! With redundancy as well. No this not an ad for Synology but damn does it work good.

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Install smarttube on your TV connected smart device. I installed it on the Chromecast 4k one with the remote and its a godsend. Even with your own official YouTube history for easy switching

But I wouldn't earn money, as we are currently forcing people to use our services/products.

I think the YouTube copyright and claim system will take care of that more than a couple thousand viewers can.

A lot of money was spent before that 'now war' to support these people and make sure they could life on their own supplies. https://www.usaid.gov/west-bank-and-gaza/our-work



And what did this all lead to?!? nothing! People still don't have power, no clean drinking water, no food. No we tried to support them and everything was misused.

Sakuna of Rice and Ruin. A fun little sides rolling action game as the main and a full 3d rice farm simulator with professional and Japanese government approved rice techniques. It's a fun relaxing game with amusing mechanics and an interesting story to add.

The moment it became paid to be official was the moment spammers and worse thought they would become recognised as trustworthy. Nowadays if it's blue dont believe anything they say.

So a large amount of dipshits who're are stupid or vicious enough to pay for blue, digital checkmarks are largely posting false content that is believed by other dipshits who get their knowledge just by a degenerated social media platform like twitter?

Call me surprised... /s

Any app or so to do that? Would love an RSS feed Reddit just for reading

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I would love to see a world where ww1 (and thus in follow up ww2) would not have happened. So many things in our daily lives have been influenced by the world wars.

Id like to imagine Germany would've become a superstate before it happened in our lifetime. Focusing on industrialization and cooperation with other nations around it to improve the products at the time.

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As someone with social anxiety, haggling for a better price is my worst social nightmare. It would only benefit those with a large mouth even though the sales employee is objected with selling the highest price. Better go for competitive pricing that atleast is fair for both parties.

For me it's more a cherry on a cake. We already have a housing problem for a couple years. Most young starters can't afford to purchase/rent a house, so that look for cheaper options. Those cheaper options are given away to immigrants because of emergency housing laws. This in turn causes less houses for the population that can't afford new houses. It's not just a problem of immigration (not even that much) it's a problem that existing empty houses go way over the affordable price and on top of that the immigrants get the houses for free.

So yeah focus all that and I can see why people blame immigration, but it's absolutely not the only cause. I would prefer it more if the government limits the prices of housing, but this causes investment in housing to drop as well. It's a dirty vicious greedy circle that points to immigrants as the easy target.

I should also add that some immigrants don't accept other temporary options and want a bigger house for free, whilst the population pays 150-200%. That also causes friction.

Or get an 100-150 euro smartphone and replace when it starts lacking. There is almost no need to buy a 1000,- phone when it will fail in the same time as a 100 one.