
0 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think you mean Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive from the Law Margot Martindale.

Interesting. I've apparently never seen the original. The best version I've seen, which I thought was the original, was porn. It just makes the guy's face in panel 4 that much better.

35 more...

That's dumb. I understand restrictions on uncooked meats, but what harm could a cooked chicken breast do? This is what happens when officials blindly enforce rules without understanding the purpose of the rule in the first place.

31 more...

You misspelled wonderful.

I prefer to think of them as antisocial media.

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Hey now, don't forget Ted Cruz!

Kids these days will never get to experience the joy of finding woods porn.

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It's not lost revenue if I was never going to pay for it in the first place.

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I'm not saying this story isn't true. But keep in mind this source has a heavy pro-Israel bias. I'd prefer to see a more independent source present this story.

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Reading your replies, it seems like you've already made up your mind about Lemmy, and don't actually want a discussion.

It's not our job to try and convince you to stay. Go back to Reddit and enjoy it, but don't complain here when the user experience continues to get worse.


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That's just objectively false. He was mentioned on reddit frequently prior to his suicide, which was a very big deal at the time.

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Leon schmuck

Nothing. That's the whole point of federation.

Other instances would still be online, and it would be business as usual there.

There would likely be discussion about it on other instances, but Lemmy wouldn't shut down just because .world or .ml went offline.

That was a good 10+ years ago. Ever since the redesign, the default Reddit experience kept getting more mainstream. Many of us were able to avoid it by using old.reddit and 3rd party mobile apps, but the apiocalypse ended that for most users. Hence, why a good many users joined Lemmy about 6 months ago.

TL:DR- The enshitification of Reddit was a gradual thing that finally reached a tipping point for many here last June.

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Fuck yeah!

I know the Square from my childhood is long dead, but it would be nice if they could stop desecrating it's corpse.

Indeed he did. Years ago, they were holding auditions in my area for a new guitarist after Wes Borland left. They asked people to demo stuff they had written, rather than try to play along with their current songs. After auditions wrapped, they didn't pick anyone and life went on.

Cut to a few months later when their next album dropped. The local rock station that helped sponsor the audition starts getting numerous calls from people saying the material they demoed during the audition got incorporated into songs from the new album. No credit or compensation was given to any of them. From that point on, the radio station rightfully blacklisted them.

Irrelevant. If we're comparing identical items, the expected defect rate should be roughly the same.

5 more...

That's a profound statement, EdibleFriend.

It's just south of Las Vegas. Just north of Vegas is the site where the government used to do extensive nuclear testing.

Nevada Test Site

Who the fuck is smuggling half-cooked chicken breasts for this 'gotcha' of yours? Oh, that's right, no one.

8 more...

There's a version of the first Harry Potter film where they replaced all the wands with guns. It's not on YouTube anymore, but you can download it from here if you're so inclined.

If you can't tell the difference between raw chicken breast and a piece of fried chicken on sight, please don't ever work anywhere near the food industry.

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What are you even asking? You already have a binary option when you add it to the list or leave it off.

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I've always preferred it phrased as "You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into," but same energy.

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Now, now, there's no need to bring Ohio into this.

Not Alabama voters, apparently.

Sure, but in that situation, the surge price becomes the new base price, and you wind up with the same thing just reframed as a low demand discount instead of a peak demand increase.

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There's a reason I used to call it World of Warcrack. That game was harder to quit than smoking cigarettes for me.

I was having issues with Firefox loading pages too. Turned out to be the NoScript extension. Might want to check if you have that installed and if so, try toggling it off and see if that helps.

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I tried nasal strips for snoring. All they did was change the pitch of my snore.

He never should have been there in the first place.

Biden isn't a leftist. He's just less right than his opposition.

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I love the irony of you calling out other people for not reading the post.


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I'm assuming you meant ranked choice, but the mental image of your typo is quite entertaining.

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Nah, fuck that. I want that fucker to suffer real consequences for his actions.

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Along those same lines, Limp Bizkit because of Fred Durst. They still would have been pretty mid, but maybe I wouldn't go out of my way to skip their songs when they sneak onto my playlists.

Fuck Fred Durst. Fucking riff-stealing crybaby.

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At least medical debt can be discharged through bankruptcy. You can't even escape from student loans by going bankrupt.