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Yes and no. They had to put the version identifier somewhere to avoid sorting problems or parsing problems, so I think that putting somewhat in the middle is a good tradeoff.

Capcom is on a row giving fans what they want and making millions from it. Compare that to Square Enix.

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I don’t remember quite well, but it sold well, but not well enough for a AAA franchise.

This could backfire into something Google don’t want: everyone using adblockers.

Imagine everyone installing adblockers just to skip YouTube’s obnoxious ad rolls, just to also block most Internet ads.

Suddenly, having an adblocker becomes mainstream like wearing socks.

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What's dissapointing about Dev Home is that it offers nothing of value to the average developer, let alone somebody start it.

Given the power of containerization and WSL2, you would expect it could create development environments for a given app, like creating a firmware for a microcontroller using Rust, or a backend using Typescript, and even bring common tools or toolchains. Instead, we get some widgets and that's it.

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Of course, otherwise would mean investing in huge data centers for running LLM models, or worse, buying hardware from NVIDIA.

Optimization is the key. Privacy is just an added bonus.

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Of course it was. They didn’t have any competitive storefront to actually move the user base to another platform. I think it just shrunk it. Not even a migration path for all friends you had.

Oh gawd, here, take my downvote.

AFAIK, servers are rented for years (I believe 24 months minimum), and renewed after financial performances (are we making more money in the multiplayer than the server costs, the “content” pipeline, and the maintenance?). If it doesn’t make money, they let the contract expire.

Second, the publisher usually pays the servers, while the studio is tasked with the last two tasks (content, maintenance).

So no, it won’t die immediately, but it will probably die next year. I highly doubt the publisher will task another third party studio to maintain it.

Yeah, but the writing was on the wall when it came to Xbox Game Pass a few months later. If Microsoft deal was better than burning its sales, then that was it.

Also, there was some other rumors that the sequel wasn’t green lit immediately since the sales of the first game didn’t meet EA expectations. Who knows it that can be attributed to missing Halloween and holidays.

I think Dead Space 2 remake will never come. Motive is working on the next BF and the Iron Man game, that look like safer investments than a sequel of a game that failed commercially (in their books).

It will be interesting to know how much AI integration it gets. To me, I think Microsoft will use it as an excuse for telemetry and personal data. They already explored ads on the OS, so I can imagine selling you stuff while trying to use AI tools while trying to do your work. May be a subscription to copilot.

They know that they capitalize can capitalize on AI faster than any major OS developer, but how much value will be given by the user?

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Whatever the article says, I comprehend why someone would cheer at his departure.

The guy is a good by-the-numbers business person. That will cut on production companies, but not on an entertainment industry so close to the consumer as any other. Just remember who cheered on the PS4 presentation.

You expect decisions to bring more gamers to your platform (Game pass did, success), or transform people into gamers (Wii did, huge success). Not nickel and dime your consumers. Plus, he is the one signs off all decisions.

PS Portal it’s the epitome of this guy. Something no one asked for, that does less than anything on the market, and is closed to its shallow ecosystem, priced way beyond its capabilities, but on paper it looks like selling like hotcakes.

What Sony needs as PS CEO is someone who understand that is a business, but also that all these platinum trophies are not real… but they are.

Is part of Game Pass Ultimate. I don’t know which tier, if any, but it is.

There is little reason for subscribing when Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is closer in price. There are EA games for free but once you played all relevant games, you’re done. There are discount on the Xbox Store for some EA games.

Same here I would use SurrealDB if I had only a front end app, as you can only use websockets and HTTP to connect to the database, and even push authentication to the database itself. There are many features for real-time apps there.

Otherwise, PostgreSQL is more stable.

They’re “overnight performance experts” because there are similar games that run better.

To me it seems that there was a tight schedule and they couldn’t prioritize performance tweaks over features. I mean, if it’s works it works, refactor later so we can jump to the next requirement.

Sum all that up and you won’t know which part of the chain takes most cycles,

I think it will depend on what Microsoft promises to the team. Eventually the funding needs to como from someone, and seems that Game Pass is great for games that can’t drive by selling copies alone or are not Baldur’s Gate III level of quality.

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It’s mainly due to PA Semi acquisition. These guys were the ones responsible of making excellent PowerPC processors, which were similar to what ARM has now.

These guys are probably happier now that they have more resources, target devices and tightly coupled software.

Given it’s very niche and doesn’t play ROMs, I guess $200.

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Saved you a click. Signal boosting a site for jobs postings.

Well, making news for Geoff not tweeting something is already click bait.

There are few games that define a genre, transforming them into games for history books, and that’s Super Metroid. It refined the exploration-by-abilities genre we know now as “Metroidvania”, much like Dead Souls defined the “Souls” genre, and so forth.

On the other hand, it also had it lows. Like that entry you don’t talk about that we hope someday is declared non-canon and all copies destroyed by spontaneous combustion.

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It should be minimal. I think it’s more about the broad appeal, focused marketing, and the good quality of the releases. You got Persona on Xbox, that’s brings people in.

I’m eager to check the calendar of Japanese games for this year.i don’t know if they blow up all cartridges in January or there is more to come.

That dangerous part was up to the FTC to prove and they couldn’t.

Given the transition window, I can guess Control 2 will be ready for 2025.

Here is still business as usual, and the next version of the constitution is still not even out to reject it. Nothing has changed, for better or worse, in the political mechanisms.

I suspect they will port core software running on the cloud first, running C# and chomping tops of RAM and CPU because reasons. Rust helps with both, but it takes time to port. Frontend apps will be the last thing will bring to Rust, maybe using WASM, and to avoid tools, use the same WASM packaged with Chromium for their standalone "apps" and walá: one codebase, all platforms.

One thing about the 12GB of RAM: it may be costly now, but it will become cheaper after three, four years into the cycle.

Second, there is also the bandwidth. The Steam Deck has 32x4GB LPDDR5. I believe they wanted 8GB but DLSS and ML (if they add them to the next SoC) require at least 4GB plus. Hence, 32x4GB (96 bits). If the Steam Deck can get away with slightly more, then why not slightly less.

So yes, I can see this device with 12GB of RAM to ensure DLSS and ML work without hitches.

I don’t think it’s a scam or a fraud (legally), but it’s really an undercooked assistant that is $170 too much.

I think that CZ has something, but eventually we will have to wait and let it cook, to check how the company (and maybe the device) are entangled with cryptos.

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From the same country that reported their fist x86 processor that was an Intel Core i3 in disguise. Or was a Pentium?

Lol. It’s highly probable that adds still exists but not on the explorer. May be if you ask AI to tell you which games are the most played, it will shove an Game Pass subscription or an Xbox.

And they better sty that way for a while. More acquisitions will bring debt that will probably be gambled on, instead of trying to stabilize their portfolio.

The only ones who won with Embracer buying spree were studio owners and execs with their bonuses.

You can check the brief story of the Concorde.

Dunno about that. Last time I checked it would depend also on the volume. How much would cost this FPGA alone around 1000 units.

Didn’t know about that. Any way, I don’t think I’m the target audience for this device.

Always wondered about penetration and signal length. Does beat 2.4Ghz, still?

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It will go nuclear once we get into 1nm territory and we see the first attempts to use light rather than electricity.

Common rule: AMD for Linux, NVIDIA for anything else.

IMTX can be fair if these don’t abuse the players time, and offer fun content. You’re paying the game for free, mind you.

Tencent already had invested in From Software. They want to see returns, and this is how.

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