
3 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Already tested lawnchair, Neo Launcher, kvaesitso,... Since KISS installation, I didn't try another one.

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It's native and in work, I hope they will do something like sidetabs (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sidetabs/)

To have informations on my phone home, to easily, from anywhere check/monitor my servers and ssh on them. I selfhost CheckMK, as I'm not a Grafana fan, these tools are fine to monitor and get alerts but don't have apps...

And I hope it will be a killing feature!

Oh I missed it. Yeah really helpful.

I was asking myself the same. As everyone talk about these I used them until I discovered ChekMK, and others. Now I'm no longer using Grafana and Prometheus...

Never see anything on this one I think... Or don't remember. I was using sidetabs.

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Same here. I still don't understand why everyone is about Grafana. I've tested it and checkMK is more... Everything.

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