
0 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

What a fucking loser.

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Whether or not anyone found him out, think about the fact that he himself knows that he created a fake account so he could tell himself he's a great father. Imagine knowing that about yourself. I shudder to think of the absolute disgust he must feel when he looks at himself in the mirror. At least there's comfort and joy to be found for the rest of us in thinking about that. What a fucking loser. I dream of the day I don't have to hear about this pathetic waste of space on a daily basis.

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The point hinted at in the title is not part of this article. This is an overview of various versions and branches of UNIX, and nothing more.

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I know absolutely nothing about TikTok, but as someone who has been alive since vinyl records were the standard vehicle for music, I can tell you beyond the shadow of a doubt that Universal are the bad guys here. Record companies are the scum of the earth, absolute garbage human beings.

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I guess an annual salary of one hundred trillion dollars, or however ridiculously much it was, wasn't enough for her.

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Observing Blizzard from the outside over a 30-year period has been an interesting experience. These past many years have been disheartening. Their releases have been shit for a decade, and it gets worse every year. You couldn't pay me enough to load up the fluffy, inoffensively edgeless money extraction software they try to pass off as games these days.

Sad to think about what used to be. In its current form the company needs to die to make room for new projects and companies.

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Maybe using a free email account offered by an ad company wasn't such a good idea after all.

No one is "bringing back" landlines. What a fucking retarded claim to make.

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I wish that guy would dial his fake enthusiasm down to about 20 percent.

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Half an article with the other half locked behind a paid subscription.

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Yeah! And integers do way too many things as well. Counters, indexes, number of orange slices in an orange, there's just no end to the wacky things people try to make integers do, and it's impossible to keep track of it all when looking at code. And floats? Don't get me started on floats. Angles, probabilities, weights, heights, degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon ... I'm getting dizzy just listing all these different things that floats do.

It's a big problem, because there isn't an easy way to fix it in every programming language known to man, and someone needs to write more articles about this to get more hits for their sites.

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This "article" is a front for the site's affiliate links to a bunch of VPN services and—believe it or not, in the year 2024—antivirus vendors.

At this point in time I assume all new titles from major studios will be battle pass money extraction software rather than games. It's hard to get excited about this.

When I first switched to KDE, this issue took up roughly 15 seconds of my time as I saw what was happening and went exploring for the setting to change the behavior. Apart from having to change the setting again from time to time, I have spent exactly zero seconds thinking about it and exactly zero seconds wondering which approach was the "best" since then. I wonder how honest it is for this site to refer to a "debate"; it's hard for me to imagine anyone giving a shit beyond setting their own system up the way they like it.

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I know, my comment didn't make a lot of sense; her salary just triggered me tremendously the first time I heard what it was. This seemed like as good a place as any to express my disgust.

Misleading user name.

And the boolean is revealed as the archvillain working behind the scenes, pulling the strings of all its minions.

If there's one thing the history of computers has shown us beyond the shadow of doubt, it is that programmers cannot under any circumstance be trusted to manage memory.

You're overcomplicating things. Make the changes that are possible, don't make the changes that aren't. There's no trophy for being an extremist. Live the life that makes you happy; that's the point of it all. If leaving social media makes you happy, do it. If it doesn't, don't. It's easy and uncomplicated.

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Judgement is a valid spelling of the word.

Knowing this has no value for you, but it made me smile that I read your comment on a screen split between Neovim on one side and Firefox on the other, on KDE on Tumbleweed.

Healthy skepticism isn't a solution, because most people do not possess this.

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So in your warped little world, people supporting Firefox over a browser made by an ad company are the direct cause of Firefox now focusing on AI?

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The corps will poison and corrupt this potential like they poison and corrupt everything of value. There is no hope of a brighter future, only corpo hell. We are powerless to stop them.

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Consequences of this discovery for Elon Musk and X:

I'm not sure I understand your problem. Installing demos in Steam works exactly like installing any other game in Steam. Click the install button, and then launch the demo. What's causing you trouble?

The part about the SD card I don't understand either. Are you trying to access your Windows installation from your Steam Deck? What are you "testing"? Whether you like the game? Or whether it works on Linux?

If only there was an alternative to voice-assisted house management.

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As much as I loathe Meta, this seems like a bizarre thing to say. Wouldn't any messaging service by definition "enable" any and all behavior that requires any sort of communication? From chess tournaments and stamp collection field trips, across coffee dates and picking people up from school, to gang rapes and lynchings, couldn't any communication channel be said to "enable" pretty much any activity on the planet? Weird shit.

You're not necessarily missing out on anything. Most people find a distro they like and stick with it until some specific reason compels them to change, which might never happen. Distro hoppers are excited about Linux and excited about exploring different things and discussing them with others, which gives you the impression that everyone's doing it—but that's not true. It's a hobby, and you're free to adopt it, but there's no point to it other than to entertain and challenge you, if that's your thing.

I use a country-specific ISO layout, and while I'm very aware that certain things are insanely awkward compared to a US keyboard, like { }, [ ], $ and /, you get used to it. You get used to everything over time. I even use the default vim bindings and have gotten used to them as well.

I assume that on the IRS returns form for Mozilla Foundation, the "related organization" that the CEO of Mozilla Corporation gets 5+ million from is probably Mozilla Corporation. But I don't know.

Awesome article.

He writes that the CRC uses "the rest of the chunk" as an input, but this excludes the length field.

Imagine being active on X, and spending time writing posts like this. Holy shit, it's so fucking pathetic, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

This week was a rebuild-everything week. Latest snapshot upgraded something like 95% of all my non-flatpak packages.

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Imagine what kind of clown you'd have to be to buy a Tesla in 2024. I mean, Jesus Christ. They might as well tattoo the word TWAT onto their forehead in flashing, fluorescent ink.

Yes; my post is obliquely suggesting that people are ridiculous.

This site's "articles" are some of the most misinformed, misguided nonsense on the web.