
1 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ironically, if Reddit has been up front and said they were killing third party apps, and kept their mouths shut they would have faired better. For a stupid play like this, speaking only makes it worse. This is going to be taught in business school on how to kill a business.

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This is epic. Trolling level 10. Spez wanted to force them to reopen, so they did, but burned the subreddit. I can't wait for r/gaming to be only about ping pong, or r/videos to be only cat videos.

You can not force a community. And Spez has unintentionally created a community, just one that hates him.

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I would have paid $3 a month to use a third party client. I don't want to pay $50 for bulk shit.

An NFT as your avatar? Wow, it's dumber than I thought.

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I haven't laughed this hard in so long. The malicious compliance is epic. John Oliver can't buy PR like this, and he has got to be one of the few people that can appreciate being the face of something like this.

The point is to hit reddit where it hurts - ad revenue. There will be a slight spike in interests as people laugh, then the lack of original content will cause people to be bored. New subreddits will have to be created and built from the ground up. Moderating a subreddit with 40m subscribers is hard.

Spez needs to realize that going to war with the users is a dumb move.

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Not going to lie, Lemmy needs more cats

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The entitlement of the younglins these days. I swear, they are getting soft. I have to take the current year, and add twenty, but the lazy ass youth just have to subtract their birth year from the current year. Maths will suffer because they don't have to do addition. Pure insanity and liberal malarkey.

Oh yeah, /s

If that's the case, he wouldn't be wrong. I mean, he should just do whatever he's thinking and get it over with. The users and mods are pissed, all goodwill has been spent.

Technically the truth. It's a paramilitary coup.

I would my money on Prigozhin. Putin has a broken army and the Wagner's are pissed. Russians on Russian fighting is not going to bode well, especially when one side is very angry.

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The beauty of this is the pendatic fixation on the definition of profanity. Sure, no one is going to think OMG is profanity but it means the definition.

I think point two is interesting, but only if the communities choose too. One of the interesting promises of federation is that you can have competing communities with different interests. I can completely see commerical interests hosting a server (e.g the NBA or NFL) that has strong brand identity as a place to interact with stars, and then the un-branded fan sites. IMO, the competition is what makes the Fediverse interesting, and seeing that play out is fascinating.

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I think the crux of what you are saying is that decentralized is a means to create a community. Most of us here want the idea to succeed and are putting in the effort, much like early crypto. Where both Reddit and Crypto failed is when commercial interest took hold. And to your point as long as Lemmy remains commerically disinterting, it will be a true community.

But, because of the decentralized nature, even if a commercial interest takes hold, it will be on individual servers. I can see the NBA or the Olympics or niche topics having their own servers -- and I would argue that is a good thing for those interested to host. The value is that you can have both the astro turfed along side the organic with competing interests in the "why."

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Your position is a techno-elitist. Saying that people should be aware of the biases in an algorithm (that they can't review and is subject to arbitrary change). People shouldn't have to work to find unbiased and high quality content. Hell, I did a deep dive the other weekend on the moon and my YouTube feed is filled with flat earther videos.

I am not saying that some people want the content, just that the algo selects for the controversy. It takes work to avoid that. Again, my YouTube feed has the world ending tomorrow because I watched a few moon videos.

And for the record, I tried really hard to find reputable sources and non-aliens-created-the-pyramids content.

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Yes, but then they would need to hire mature devs. I interviewed at Reddit a few years ago and the "staff" engineer was a smug 25 year old. Their engineering culture is one of elitism and a shocking lack of humility. IMO, the rot from the CEO goes all the way down. It wouldn't surprise me if someone had your idea, but the organization is incapable of execution.

I would argue that this whole thing will delay or devalue the IPO. Institual investors will look at this rather public fight and question his leadership. And the whole attempt at damage control makes him look bad. The only investors that will look past this fiasco are those who are doing the long play, and even then, they likely won't want Spez involved.

From a risk perspective, Reddit has just highlighted it's biggest risk: the volunteer moderators. The only way Spez will be able to fix that is to replace moderators with AI or paid moderation teams. At an estimated value of $3.4M, and a company that is not profitable, that increases the risk in terms of the business model.

In general, social media is inherently flawed for profits. The path to monetization is ads and data, and the fact that Spez is now squeezing the users make me think that the value of the data and the ads is not producing the returns to compensate for dumb ideas like the NFT project.

Yeah, but paying $300 for one is crazy for the average home user. If I am spending company dollars, then sure, there is a reason to go for the brand name. But for my home setup I want something between cheap and crazy expensive.

We had electric for the past 15 years and bought a home with gas. We lasted a year before wanting to go back. The pollution point was enough to give us the reason to go back. Electric cooktop look better, are easier to clean and they don't have a burner smell. I am an asthmatic so pollution is a concern (we have multiple air purifiers throughout the house), and these studies were enough to convince us that going from gas to electric may not help, but it wouldn't hurt.

Or a docker container.

I looked at the reddit premium and balked at the cost. I would have paid $10 or $20, but $60? For what? It's not the ads or the benefits but the experience. Demonstrably, third party apps provide a better experience at a lower price. And when I wanted to put my money where my mouth was, I walked away thinking Reddit is being the unreasonable ass hole.i could care less about Reddit Gold or whatever, Reddit just thinks too highly of itself and it's place on the internet.

It would have been inclusive to allow for Arabian, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. And it would have been epic to see an Arabic response to a Greek post citing a Latin quote.

r/subredditdrama would be trending ever day. Any controversial subreddit would be subject to astroturfing campaigns. Could you imagine if a political party decided to over throw mods of r/politics or r/news just before an election?

The whole point of a Reddit it is a community that is fostered by the moderators and the voting system. Hostile take overs of a subreddit will result in toxicity and encourage heavy handed moderation, restricted membership and make the popular subreddit echo chambers.

The CEO is changing too much, too fast, and with reckless abandon. You can't change your pricing model, your business model and your value prop in one go. The best analogy I can come up with that it's like he's remodeling the kitchen and decided that a wrecking ball through the front of the house is a good idea.

Half the problem is that a lot of news is not news worthy. Opinion and conjecture or what some bloke said is treated equally as things like mass shootings. Abd half the time the news is lacking in depth or analysis. I hate that Last Night Tonight is more insightful than the evening news.

Meh, why be ashamed? Reddit was well liked until this bullshit started. I am only judging those that are still premium members.

And you used to be able to buy super battery packs too. You could get a pack that would power your phone for days.

Er, wtf? I was responding to a different post. And based on the context, I agree I sound like a insufferable asshole. Wow. I cannot explain what happened.

That article sums up my view pretty well. Huffman has alienated his users, advertisers and potential employees. Reddit is changing the symbiotic relationship between itself and the third party ecosystem that made Reddit was it is today, and has gone full parasite.

But agreed, the Reddit dumpster fire pic is awesome.

Well, corn flakes was invented by anti masturbation crusader. Kellog thought that flavorful food causes young boys to rub one out.


Aliens have the tech to fly light years and be undetectable electronically, but didn't learn after the first couple of craft that they need to work on the landing?

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I think this is where the Fediverse can shine. If a Corp wants to join and host their own stuff, they can, and it will be really clear. Decentralization means that instead of a single broker of the information we can have a range from altruistic to straight up monetization exist side by side. But why some Corp would pay for a subreddit is crazy...I mean, what is the value prop? Companies would have to pay for the subreddit and then moderate it too?

That's justification for a negligence claim. Staying that your sub meets or exceeds a standard and knowing the view port wasn't certified to those depths is the very definition of negligence. And then knowing the vessel was only a single use and using multiple times seems like a really good claim on manslaughter. Rush is lucky he's dead.

One of my favorite drinks. But I live in Colorado, so I will need to find another excuse. So, er, it's five o clock somewhere, am I right?

For a minivan, hilarious.


And that is the sheer absurdity: doom as a device driver. Sheer and unabashedly luncacy, because why the fuck not. I approve

Birds aren't real, duh.

More underrated comment. This country has lost political literacy in what liberal, progressive, conservative, etc meaning. I saw a clip of Darth Cheney talking when he was in the first Bush Admin and he making solidly conservative points, talking about the consent of the governed and legitimacy. You would never see that type of conversation on any of the Sunday morning shows; you just see the culture wars. I was shocked to see this past Meet the Press had J.D. Vance making well reasoned arguments.

IMO, the labels are short hands that cause people to immediately turn off their brains. Leftist in American Politics is a meaningless slur. And most conservatives don't realize that the current flavor is actually Neoconservative.

That's the amazing thing. In about a month Reddit went from a well liked company to hated. I would love see the cross section of premium users used third party clients. Reddit just torched all good will for nothing.

Being out for a few days or a week could be enough for a disapera to form and go elsewhere. For me, I am finding Lemmy and Mastodon are more usable. If even 1% go to Lemmy or Masatadon, a critical mass might be established and people will stay.