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Joined 1 years ago

I also abandoned ship and signed up for Lemmy on June 12. we’re twinses.

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Remember when Darl showed some “encrypted code” that he claimed was stolen and added to Linux and it was really just some POSIX definitions from a header file taken from BSD “encrypted” with a wing dings font? Those were some wild times.

Why would he slide the pin across the floor? That’s the real horror.

‘Member when Trump said he’d take guns without due process? Like he literally said that.


Even with just one bit and a few switches this seems like the sort of thing Picard could use to send an encoded message to Riker and Data in the future should the need arise.

Everything he says sounds like it’s being said by someone taking an oral test on a topic they know nothing about and have never studied but their gigantic and undeserved ego won’t allow them to admit their total and complete ignorance on the subject at hand.

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That’s just ridiculous, goofy, supercilious, absurd, laughable, comical, ludicrous, chucklesome, and risible.

In the recent Musk biography it was said that at some point after a meeting with NASA he changed his laptop password to “ilovenasa” so you’re not far off in terms of terrible password security if the story is accurate.

“What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months.”

Exit codes from processes are damage points that you take against your HP. When your HP runs out, the distro reformats itself to a clean state.

Watched this over the Christmas break. The best review I had read from someone else was from a post on Lemmy that said something to the effect of “if you set up a TV to play 10 generic sci-fi movies and just changed the channel between them allrandomly you’d end up with a film as cohesive as Rebel Moon.”

I predict Trump will make a day-one promise to remove this tariff calling it terrible, just terrible.

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I also sometimes wish that the syntax in if statements was inverted, where () was optional and {} was required.

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“I think it would depend on the circumstances.” That doesn’t sound very absolute then, if it depends. “Absolute” means absolute, not “well actually it would depend.” I think they have a particular set of use cases in mind for this “absolute immunity” thing.

Maybe we’re already there and death is just the garbage collector freeing up more space.

In Canada, the difference is generally that universities offer degrees while colleges offer diplomas and certificates. Degrees generally take longer to earn that diplomas or certificates and would include things like bachelors degrees, masters degrees, PhDs, etc.

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Yeah there’s like 3 known to exist:

  1. The presentation cup that they actually give to the hockey team when they win the finals. That’s the one they cart around and drop into backyard pools and forget in taxis. I had a chance to see this cup one time ‘cause the guy who travels around with it showed up to a bar I used to frequent and his server was a friend of mine, and they got to talking and my buddy recognized him. He just flat out asked buddy, “you want to see it?” And they went out to the parking lot and there it was in the trunk of a rental car. I say that had a chance to see it in this context ‘cause I was at the bar that night but had already left and the moment just came and went and that was that.

  2. The cup that’s on display at the hall of fame in Toronto. You can just walk up to that one and stand around it. It’s nailed down to its podium but you can just, like, go right up to it and touch it. Maybe there’s a sign there that says not to touch it, I don’t know. I’ve been to see this cup.

  3. The original cup, which is in a vault at the hall of fame. I don’t think you can see that one without some kind of ceremony or special occasion or something? Maybe some paperwork or something? I don’t think that one is on display out in the open and it doesn’t have any of the bands on it, but you can see pictures of it if you search around.

I don’t know man, speaking as someone who lives in a hurricane-heavy locale we have to deal with broken windows due to storms with some regularity.

I haven’t posted on Reddit since they treated third party app devs like shit. I’m done with that site.

It was literally Eugene Kaspersky, founder and CEO of Kaspersky.

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It was just locker room talk about extrajudicial killings of people who inconvenienced him slightly.

Been playing these games since DeS on the PS3 when it first came in 2009.

Overall, I’m enjoying it. Multiplayer that doesn’t require consumables and rituals like placing signs or ringing bells is such a QOL improvement. After 14 years of putting down summon signs and ringing bells and gaining insight, I just want to get to it these days. A few thoughts:

  • Bosses initially seem challenging until you get a grip on their movesets and then realize you can defeat them with just a few moves. I beat one boss using nothing more than a running R2 attack over and over again.
  • Perfect parry windows seem huge.
  • A few control decisions and whatnot are bizarre. Someone else mentioned filling the quick items with apparently random items when you deplete another for instance. Most of the time I don’t even equip any other quick use items, just my estus/healing plants/flasks/whatever.
  • visuals generally are good on PS5. Am playing in performance mode for the FPS.
  • umbral mechanics are pretty neat.
  • short cuts and area connections feel good and natural, DS1-like.
  • only been invaded once and haven’t tried an invasion yet. Battle went back and forth until my invader went in for the coup de grace and I dodged while they went sailing over the edge of a cliff. They probably would’ve had me had it not been for that cliff.
  • dodging feels like a mix of Souls and Bloodborne. Stamina meter might be a bit too forgiving, as it feels like you can dodge over and over through pretty much anything.
  • weapons feel like they have weight to them. Movement is a tiny bit floaty but generally the weapon movesets and decent and feel like they have impact
  • inexplicable missing sound in some instances. Sliding down ladders for instance happens in dead silence.
  • being able to watch the host continue playing while you’re dead is nice. Nothing worse than helping someone almost defeat a boss and then not being able to watch the end result if you happen to bag it near the end.

Anyways, a few thoughts. Hope they continue to support the game with patches for a while to come and fix up a few odds and ends. I’m not all that far into it, but this feels like it has legs.

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Learn to use git bisect. If you have unit tests, which of course you should, it can save you so much time finding weird breakages.

You need to get in the refrigerator with them and eat them there.

Give Tunic a try. The in-game manual is a central piece of its overall puzzle.

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Donald Knuth, author of The Art Of Computer Programming, basically our bible, famously doesn’t use email.

This was the subject of a limited run comics series by Dark Horse called Robocop vs The Terminator that was pretty rad. It was written by Frank Miller or Sin City and The Dark Knight Rises fame who also wrote the script for Robocop 2. It kind of led to a video game as well. No idea what that was like but the comics were pretty decent as I recall.

Eighty five American dollars for that? To what amounts to probably $3 in wholesale crap from a container drop?

Something something poop knife

Working closely with KISSPophouse will follow its unique, value-add approach of drawing upon its world-class, in-house creative and storytelling expertise to unlock new audiences and revenue streams.

Almost gagged reading that. That’s a full business bingo card right there.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world — those who understand binary and those who don’t.

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Not sure. He’s a KGB-educated Russian billionaire oligarch so take from that what you will.

Techstars is a start up accelerator. They’re pretty well known in their niche with accelerator/incubators all over the place.

Who's ready to fly on a zipline?

I wouldn’t say quite the same root cause — the xz back door was clearly intentional, but I don’t recall the Heartbleed bug having been intentional, and developer responsible has denied allegations to that effect. There can be no doubt in the xz case of malicious intent.

Why do you think he’s so insistent on proper use of lotions?

To be fair it was Dijon mustard. The man was a monster.

Definitely Hamilton. Its nickname even sounds evil: The Hammer.

Do non-Catholics not know the general shape of a cross? A lowercase T?

Including the sleeve wrapping or it doesn’t count. No unwrapping. Eat all.