
2 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

I don't know about the moderation but the "negativity" is because your take on narcissism being an ableist slur is nonsense. I can't tell if you're actually seriously deluded or just a very commited troll. You're not going to find much traction getting people to feel sorry for narcissists, especially Trump. But hey, maybe you can go to Truth Social, I'm sure this would play well. You can tell all the fascists how intolerant the left is.

And you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near moderation.

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I despise ads. I can't even bring myself to watch Netflix or Amazon Prime. If there is advertising, it ain't worth it, no matter how cheap.

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Whenever a company addresses a something like this, like insisting a thing that is rumoured to be happening isn't happening, it is almost certainly happening.

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"Sign up for free access to this post"


I created an account just to answer this. They can short. We had a string of these, and it shorted and nearly caught the tinsel on fire. They weren't man-handled, in fact we were extra-careful with them, because they were so thin and fragile-looking. These are dangerous. Do not use them.

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Amazon used the high tech process of having low paid cashiers that are hidden in another country. Amazon sucks so much.

I think people would have less issues with AI training if it was non-profit and for the common good. And there are open source AI projects, many in fact. But yeah, these deals by companies like this are sleazy.

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We went through all this shit with Microsoft and Internet Explorer. It’s time to break up Google’s monopoly.

They are discussing a very specific approach and a paper that lays out the issues with pursuing this one specific type of generative AI. It's not about AI in general. The headline is a bit click-baity.

They are promoting authoritarian governments with shit human rights records. The opposite of what communism and socialism are.

Salon loves their hyperbolic, click-bait headlines. This rage-bait shit is exhausting.

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No matter how stupid the management is, I'll still use FF over Chrome. Even so, Mozilla is lost in their own bullshit. That "workshop" is like some crap from kindergarten. Just make a good browser ffs. They can't get it through their thick skulls that the browser isn't the destination, it’s the means to getting there.

He said 1000 robots by next year. I can say I'll train myself to poop gold and be a billionaire by next year. Isn't it awesome how we can just make shit up and claim it to be real? The difference is, no one is buying stock in my gold poop scheme, which is about as legitimate as his 1000 autonomous robots claim.

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And how's that academic discourse working out on a service that caters to fascists and actively hates academia?

This shit is so mental, I don't know where they get these weird ass ideas about traditional wives. If you're old enough, you will have had grandparents that lived through most the 20th century, including the mythical 1950s these loons are so fixated on. My grandparents on my dad's side where "traditional" in that my grandfather was the bread-winner and my grandmother was the stay at home wife. She wasn't a feminist by any stretch. Do you know who was in charge? It wasn't the one wearing the pants. They stayed together until my grandfather died.

On my mom's side of the family, that grandfather was an abusive drunk and they eventually got divorced. Being an abusive fuck head has nothing to do with "proper" traditional families. Have they ever seen a healthy relationship? These people are living in a delusion.

Knee-jerk stupidity. Not all AI development revolves around "tech bros".

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Poster slams poop off his butthole, sparks controversy!

This isn't a win. A win would be gaining something. This is just getting back what they stole.

This barely qualifies as news. Anyone with half a functioning brain knows that site is infested with Russian bots.

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I'm not going to bother reading the empty headed thoughts of yet another techbro billionaire. I'd rather do just about anything else, like watch paint dry or grass grow, a far more productive use of my time.

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Experiencing humiliation requires a certain amount of self-awareness.

The internet, no. The world wide web, yes.

It would be nice if the people who post these comics would give credit to the artist.

When will people stop setting the bar for usability at "can be used be old people"? I'm 53, and I guess that makes me an old person, but I suspect I know more about computers than many so-called digital natives. I can also tell you my 80-year-old dad can barely use an Android device. What happens when all the "old-people" are gone? What is the bar then? How about all the younger folk that don't understand anything you can't swipe? Is Windows or Mac any better in these cases (no, the answer is no)? Maybe we should have a Playskool type UI?

Additionally, when will people stop using and linking to bullshit sites like Medium that constantly pester with pop-ups demanding my email and money?

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I can't stand this guy. That has nothing to do with the video, other than I probably won't watch it because of how much I dislike him.

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Then they find out it's the the low battery warning on a carbon monoxide detector under the stairs of the emergency exit.

Did The Economist ever have a grasp on reality?

Right-wing people.

Western education has failed. This is how a society is destroyed.

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Thus, pineapple belongs on pizza.

Get back on your medication.

Yay, that one shitty billionaire is winning against the other shitty billionaire! As you can tell, I'm super invested in which of my favourite shitty billionaires is successful.

Krita has mostly left GIMP in the dust, as far as UI and basic tools. The brush engine and ability to handle large files is so much better. It's vector and text tools need work, and so do the image filters and such. Even so, Krita destroys GIMP. Even the name, which isn't great, is leagues better.

Don't underestimate the power of nerds. Computer nerds influence tech purchasing decisions, both at home and on the job. The less tech savvy often ask "the computer person" what they recommend. Nerds have actually been astonishingly patient with MS, for decades. But the worse MS makes Windows, the less and less likely they're going to go with the default, "just buy Windows" answer.

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And absolutely no one was shocked.

Targeting an open source project. So brave, what a statement. /s

This has 0 effect on all the big AI companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, etc. All this does is make it harder for FOSS projects and leaves the corporations to dominate.

I believe much of our paranoia concerning ai stems from our fear that something will come along and treat us like we treat all the other life on this planet. Which is bitterly ironic considering our propensity for slaughtering each other on a massive scale. The only danger to humanity is humans. If humanity is doomed, it will be our own stupid fault, not AI.

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Spotify is making bank on musicians who get jack squat in return. Don't use Spotify.

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I look at art without paying anyone, I guess I'm stealing.

America is lost.

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The problem is that people with those disorders are the ones most likely to be the abusers. They are also the least likely to seek out help. There's a reason it's called "The Dark Triad".