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Joined 11 months ago

It makes perfect sense. It's about control by any means. The fact of the matter is that, by definition, conservatives don't want progress. They'll say and do anything to stand in the way of progress, even if it's contradictory.

While the pirate in me says "hell yeah!", the system administrator in me says "Fuuuuuuuck". I was once part of an IRC network, and one of the biggest issue we had was with Brazilians who would break our rules and get banned. Just a minute or two later, they were back. It got so bad that we just said "Fuck it. We're banning all of Brazil." Not an ideal solution, but it beats spending our time chasing the majority offenders. It's the 80/20 rule, where 80% of your problems are caused by 20% of your users.

Now let's pretend somebody builds their new app around this new tech. I love the concept, but how do you keep order? How do you ensure people follow the rules? The only thing keeping users in line would be the fear of losing their "brand" (their username, their reputation). If the new app is something like a chatroom, there's no "brand" to be had, and you can simply use a new name. It would, obviosly be very different if the app were based around file hosting like Google Drive, because you don't want to lose your files, but anything with low retention will likely be rife with misconduct due to anonymity.

On the other hand, it would allow for a completely open internet, that no single government can shut down, which we're seeing happening more and more, with China, Iran, Russia, and Myanmar all shutting down the Internet, or portions of it, when those in power feel there's a threat to the status quo.

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I also like tools like Honey or CamelCamelCamel, which show you the actual price changes over time, and you can decide when the right time to buy is. Obviously, you never know when something will go on sale in the future, but it at least helps you see how good the current price is compared to the past month or year.

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I think your question is misguided. Democracy doesn't mean a two-party system race to the bottom. Democracy can see democratically elected politicians that better resonate with each individual voter by eliminating first past the post voting and using ranked choice voting instead. The problem isn't that "half the country disagrees". You can't please everyone. The problem is that we've been divided and weaponized against each other, so the tribalism keeps us from finding common ground we may have. I doubt anyone votes FOR a candidate anymore. They seem to just vote AGAINST another candidate. Democracy works. It's our implementation of it that's failing.

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I doubt exclusion of men from this feature has anything to do with it being more work to add men. Hell, it's actually LESS work to enable it for everyone than it is to add exclusions. Excluding men was a business decision, I'm sure.

Now, I'm in the privileged position of being male, so take this with a grain of salt, but I entirely disagree with the blatant sexism of this feature. I get the purpose, but it feels horribly misguided. Can women not commit violent or sexual crimes? Can nonbinary people not commit violent or sexual crimes? Only men can apparently commit these crimes, according to the people who thought this feature up. Sexual crimes by women, for example, go wildly underreported..Even if they were using statistics to justify how they implemented this feature, they didn't do their homework.

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I just read through Madison's whole account of what happened and all the comments here. I have a few key takeaways:

  1. People are naive - Get shit in writing. Verbal promises aren't worth a damn.

  2. Experience matters - It sounds to me like Madison, Colton, and most of the management staff have no idea how to properly manage (up or down). This is a massive problem, but not a surprise. I can say the same for the people in the comments here. You WILL be in shitty situations at work. How you navigate them matters and will determine if your claims will be successful. The most important thing I can tell her, them, and all of you is KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

  3. Most people have no idea what they're talking about - Everyone saying that the government needs to always be involved, or that this is why we need unions has no idea what the fuck they're talking about. I'm not anti-union, I'm anti-bureaucracy. You think things moved too slowly when you asked for a mirror? Wait until there are MORE people in between that MUST be involved.

  4. Her mental health is concerning - I don't know if her mental health issues existed before LMG, but they don't do much besides detract from her potentially valid points. I'm concerned this will be used to dismiss the issues she encountered rather than fix them. I, personally, didn't have a high opinion of her when I saw her for the first time (I think it was one of the videos where fans get a custom computer). It makes me wonder how much of this is overblown, but that doesn't mean her complaints are all invalid. This will be a tough road for her.

The key takeaway, again, is KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!! You have a complaint? Write it in an email. Send it to the intended recipient, and CC HR or BCC your personal email. If you don't have a paper trail of issues, you will lose. You were asked by your manger or by HR to solve the problem yourself by talking to the other person? Get them to verify that in writing. They'll backpedal REALLY quickly if they have any sense. A verbal warning? That means jack shit. It can't be held against you because the company has no paper trail (see? This cuts both ways.) An agreement where they gave you certain assurances verbally? Email the person with a summary of the conversation as you understood it and ask for confirmation of your understanding.

All of this is how you protect yourself as an employee and as an employer. GET SHIT IN WRITING and then use those notes as proof if you need to appeal to a higher authority (HR, upper management, or the government arm responsible for labor issues). And yeah, people have trouble like this because people don't speak out. You need to not just KNOW your rights, but also EXERCISE THEM.

I say all of this as somebody in a management position. Employees rarely know what the inner workings for disciplinary issues looks like, or how long it takes to be carried out. A complaint doesn't simply result in termination unless it's egregious (in which case your complaint needs to be DOCUMENTED BY YOU AS WELL, not just left in the hands of HR or management). I live my life by "trust but verify". I only trust one person to act in my best interest, and that's me, so I'm going to give me the best chance of doing that by DOCUMENTING EVERYTHING.

That said, you all need to understand that managing people doesn't start with a management position. Every relationship needs to be managed and curated. You need something from Suzy? Ask her nicely. Still didn't get that thing? Email her. Maybe she's just busy or forgot (but you've started your paper trail). No response from Suzy? Follow up on your email and CC her manager. Consider CCing or BCCing your manager as well. Suzy may not like it, but you're just doing your job. The same rules apply when you're managing up. Sometimes you'll get an absolute turd of a manager. It WILL happen, so be prepared to deal with it. It will absolutely suck to deal with, and you will be frustrated, but you'll have documentation of your position, not a pissing contest between two people.

Am I getting my point across? You're not a unique snowflake, you're another cog in the machine. Protect yourself (and others!) by documenting and verifying. And if you see somebody being treated like shit, it's your job to also raise that!!! Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean you should ignore it. You felt uncomfortable when somebody else got publicly berated? FUCKING SAY SOMETHING! I had a rather incompetent manager start to chastise me in front of the employees I managed at the time. I was 18 or 19 back then. I asked her to stop and to follow me. We went to a separate area and I proceeded to explain to her that I didn't appreciate what she did. Her complaints may have been valid, but the way she handled it was inappropriate, and I asked her to make sure that if she has a problem with me in the future to please bring it to me privately. She saw the problem and agreed that she was wrong in how she handled it, and thanked me for my handling of the situation. YOU CAN DO THIS, TOO! You can email HR and the CEO after he storms into your area and goes off on somebody. You can say that you felt unsafe in that moment, and that you don't appreciate how that person was treated. You can stand up for others and for yourself. If you want to be successful in your career YOU NEED TO LEARN TO MANAGE UP!

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FOR FREE?! Girl, you need to be getting paid for all that!

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Exactly. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You get what you (didn't) pay for. If you try to cut employees by using AI then you deserve this. You also deserve this if you don't pay your employees a decent wage. But they won't learn anything from this.

Depending on what you meant by this question, I'd say Perplexity. It's got access to a number of different LLMs, and cited its sources. The biggest concern I've had when it comes to LLMs is that they eventually make shit up. If you can verify its answers by checking its sources, you have a much higher confidence level in the answer.

Jirard's words were unambiguous over the years, though. It was always "we're working with..." or "we've donated to..." and not "we're looking at these charities". I don't know what the rationale for hanging on to that money was, whether it was for the right reasons or not. What I do know is that people were lied to. It doesn't matter if he intended to or not. It's not a good spot to be in, and I can't imagine it gets much better from here. The whole thing felt very much like w crypto scam, except the money was still available, but there was a whole lot of "trust me, bro" and misrepresentation of what was happening behind the scenes.

How many years of research do you need in order to pick the charity or university you want to fund? How many times do you repeat the lies (with numbers!) without even knowing what your own charity is doing? I wouldn't be surprised if there was a different reason they hung on to the money, because this doesn't pass the sniff test. Where there's smoke there's fire.

Shit, I'd take four 10-hour workdays and a day off over five 8-hour workdays. It's not about the hours per week, but about being able to enjoy a full day to myself.

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I would assume that's exactly what they'd do when he's released after his sentence is served.

I'm so sorry you see things this way. I just left my job after many years at the company, and while my goal wasn't to make friends I definitely ended up collecting a few along the way. I was in upper management and definitely cared about my team, and so did the directors under me. I befriended some of the people in the C-suite as well. They threw a nice, big surprise going away dinner for me, which they definitely didn't need to do. I've met up with former coworkers in other departments to catch up, because we genuinely enjoy each other's company. I hope you find a place that values you and that you can find a friend or two that you can keep in your life.

It's annoying to me that sometimes I have to use Reddit because the only answer I can find to a problem I'm having is in a Reddit post or comment. I would prefer to never use it again, but I'll settle for only using it when strictly necessary.

I'd say the major stuff is:

  • miles driven per charge and the average speed (mph/kph) per charge (preferably getting as low as you're comfortable before recharging)
  • control for variables like always keeping regenerative braking on or off
  • average outside temperature between charges
  • how many chargers or charging stations were out of commission? What number and what percent?
  • how far out of your way did you need to go, on average, to get to a charging station?
  • how much time did you spend charging, on average?
  • what charging speeds were you able to charge at? If your car can fast charge, how many of the fast chargers were unavailable (occupied or out of order), and how often did you need to charge slower as a result?

And not related to data: how is the drive feel? How are the driving dynamics? EVs are heavy. How did it feel in inclement weather vs dry?

I've been a software engineer for the last 17 years, with the last 11 years having been in management. The further people get in their career the easier it is to forget to stay humble. You can't always be the smartest person in the room. It's statistically unlikely. One of my favorite books I've read is "The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do" (not to be confused with "The Secret"). The book covers how you can stay humble in your career, reinvent yourself, value the contributions of others, etc. The fact is that even if you end up in a leadership position, you won't necessarily be the smartest person in the room. Even if you made a great decision for the team years ago, that may not hold up now. Be open to the fact that you're wrong. Be open to change. If you can't do that then you're going to end up set aside as a dinosaur. Adapt. If you don't then you'll be left behind. And be kind, because you never know who you'll work with again. Being smart isn't carte blanche to be an asshole to anyone who isn't as smart as you. You'll likely need them at some point if you stick around long enough.

When people actually BUY cars with manual transmissions, then they make sense. Until then, economies of scale will win, and it's much easier and cheaper for a manufacturer to produce a single offering that works for everyone rather than multiple offerings that require multiple part numbers and tooling.

Both my cars are DCT. Would I love to have a manual again? Yes. However, these shift faster than you or I ever could. We haven't been played, people just don't buy the things they keep asking for, because they aren't practical or because they can't afford it.

I've owned about 10 cars in my life. Six of them have been manual. Three of the four others were never even offered with a manual transmission as an option. And, not for nothing, but it's nice not having to deal with a clutch in stop and go traffic.

And while cars may be about driving for the likes of us, they're merely a means of transportation for most people. Hell, the majority of people can barely gauge the size of their vehicle, and drive terribly in general. Your suggestion that all cars should be manual because all cars are for driving enjoyment is a false premise to begin with. For some people cars are a status symbol, for others it's the best means of transportation because there's no mass transit near them, or because they simply prefer a car to mass transit.

Brave on my Windows desktop, and Arc for my MacOS laptop

Second generation Audi R8

I was lucky enough to own that alongside the Shelby GT350 for a short while, but ended up selling the GT350 within a year of getting the R8 since I have no need for two sports cars. I need a practical vehicle, so I got a Macan Turbo. If I could've afforded a Lamborghini Huracán I would've gotten that, but I couldn't, so I got the next best thing and I love it. For anyone unaware, since VW owns Audi and Lamborghini, the R8 and Huracán share the same chassis, and a whole bunch more parts. Mine is a base V10 (not a V10+), so it has a different transmission than the Huracán, but the engine is the same.

I'm FINALLY going to be able to take the R8 to the track to see what it can do. That's why I bought it four years ago, and it's what I did numerous times with the GT350, which aside from overheating issues was fantastic in its handling. I hope the R8 doesn't disappoint.

I'm struggling to understand the role a grand jury played here and why they wrote a report. Maybe somebody with more legal experience can chime in and clear that up.

It's my understanding that a grand jury is convened prior to indictment and consulted as a step to strengthen the prosecution of a case. The grand jury chooses to indict and can compel the testimony of those involved. This, however, sounds like it was past pre-trial phases. So what was the purpose of convening a grand jury at this point?

Then there's the petit jury, which is the jury of 12 everyone thinks of when they hear the word "jury", which is the group of people responsible for making a formal, unanimous decision at the end of a trial, assuming the defendant didn't waive their right to a jury trial. It almost sounds like the article is talking about the petit jury, but makes a mistake and calls them a grand jury. Confusingly, I still don't understand why a petit jury would be writing a report, either.

Since the jury is just made up of average people, who writes the report? How do they know what the format needs to be? The report sounds damning, but these people aren't law enforcement or legal experts, so how much weight does their report carry? I think they're right, mind you, especially given the judge's admonishment of the police officer, but I'm just left with many more questions than answers.

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I'd love to drive this and compare it to the E85. My friend has a 2006 Z4M and we've been to the track with our cars. He let me take his around Watkins Glen for a session and the fact that you sit right in front of the rear wheels means the car feels like it's rotating around the driver. It's such a different feeling, almost like a go kart. I never thought much about the Z3 or Z4 platform, but I've changed my tune since driving his car. It really punches above its weight.

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I don't know if you recall, but Zillow was found to be price fixing as well a few years back. They were buying up real estate, then pumping the Zestimate of any houses they owned. I remember seeing people compiling data on Reddit, tracking home values before the house sold to Zillow, and after. Zillow is just as shitty, and just as much of a middle man. So, yes, Zillow can do a lot of what the Realtor does, but I'd argue we deserve better.

I haven't heard anything about this until now, but I loved the Monkey Island games. I started with Monkey Island 3 because I was too young to be aware of the other two. I didn't like the fourth one much because they changed the style a lot. I think DoubleFine did made a few Monkey Island games after, but I haven't played those.

The Lucas Arts games of this era were amazing, so let's see if this will live up to them, since it seems to be aiming for that. Full Throttle was sick, and I would love if somehow Full Throttle 2 were to still happen. Insert skeleton "still waiting" meme.

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Are you sure what you got was good quality? I find Massachusetts to have the best quality stuff near me. I've purchased from New Jersey, but have questioned the quality on occasion. Once it was bad enough that I felt pretty off for a while, and felt like I was going to pass out, but ultimately didn't. A couple of other times I've been stoned and just got light headed when I stood up, but that could also just be chalked up to getting up too quickly or not hydrating enough, and might've happened with or without weed.

It's possible weed just doesn't agree with you, or a certain strain. From your other comments your doctor told you not to smoke when you brought it up. None of us should contradict your doctor's advice, but if you're not going to listen to that, then I'd at least suggest getting a second opinion.

If your manager is a good manager, then nothing that comes up in your review should be a surprise. Talk about a plan to get to the next level. Nothing will ever be guaranteed, but if you work together on a plan and have milestones to meet then you'll have a better chance of getting a raise and promotion. Obviously, not every review cycle can include a raise or promotion, so be reasonable.

A good review has what are called SMART goals. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. If your manager fails to give you goals that meet that criteria, then chances are you aren't both working toward the same thing. Be open to criticism, because you probably won't be doing everything well. Make sure you're having regular one-on-ones with your manager, or whoever gauges your progress. If you're early in your career, I would recommend every week, or every two weeks at most. This way you have regular feedback. Make sure you take notes.

I love the FD. It's a timeless design. I never saw any as a kid, and really only encountered them watching Initial D, but I definitely think they're iconic.

Ah, sorry. I think I confused Telltale and Double Fine.

I fondly remember all the functionality Polaris offered, and because piracy was a big part of my IRC use, also Fserve. I made some extensions of my own to help with the typical IRCOP duties. Good times.

Funny, that's actually what motivated me at my last job. Things were fucked up, but not so fucked up that it was overwhelming. It was the Goldilocks zone of just fucked up enough that I think I can not only fix it, but look good if I do. It was a fun journey, all told, but there were definitely frustrations, even ones that lasted years.

You're right. This is what happens when things are lax. Nobody wants to be bureaucratic for no reason. Everybody tries to avoid being too serious too soon. There's a reason business jargon is its own meme. But there's also a reason that things trend in that direction for established companies. You need structure for your managers and employees if you want to stop tripping over yourself and you want accountability.

I had a friend of mine recently approach me about an issue he was having with his employees at his small business. My first question was whether they have an employee handbook that says they can't do the things he's trying to prevent (drug or alcohol use on the clock). Working with heavy machinery doesn't mix well with drugs and alcohol, but if people aren't told they can't then there's a chance they will. This might sound obvious, but because they're a small company they were trying to "be fun" and not stuffy. They had beer in the fridge at work for people to crack open on Friday afternoons after a long week. Unfortunately, they weren't only drinking it on Friday afternoons, and they were also smoking weed on company grounds before operating heavy machinery. At some point you have to say enough is enough and drop the fun when people can't be responsible.

Managing people is like being a therapist, a friend, a parent, and a lawyer all in one. And worse, people don't seem to grow up much (if at all) beyond high school. People come to you with their personal problems (or sometimes don't, but a performance issue may arise from a personal problem at home), people need encouragement and honest feedback, people need a firm hand and to be guided and given direction, and you also need to protect the company from potential litigation by saying the right thing or not saying the wrong thing, as well as the need to protect employees from themselves, each other, and third parties (contractors, vendors, clients, and customers). Managing is hard, and that's why companies mandate HR training for management positions. Furthermore, cases are rarely, if ever, clear cut. Two people have a problem with each other? Time to put aside the work I had planned for today and go figure out why these two assholes can't get along. It sounds like managers at LMG need more training, and Colton might not be the right person to lead HR. Employees need to be adults, but also need to be able to rely on management to help them resolve issues they can't resolve themselves. Telling them to figure it out and talk to the other party isn't good enough. LMG needs to do better

I often use the phrase "put on my big boy pants", but have never told an employee to "put on their big boy/girl pants". I've joked that "reading is fundamental" when I misread or skim something and come to the wrong conclusion, but never when somebody else does. That said, I've told an employee that they're acting childish, and explained why I expected more from them. The issues I'm hearing seem to stem from just being relatively young people and being a relatively recently established company. You can't talk to your employees like you talk to your friends. Hell, I was privileged enough to hire a friend recently, and I compartmentalize personal and work. If not, I might end up doing something that could damage the company. I know how much to trust him with, so it's not like my personal experience with him doesn't factor in at all, but I need to choose how much to share, when to share it, and how to share it, even if I want to tell him everything I might know about a particular situation. Maybe if he didn't work for me I'd be more likely to share privileged information because he doesn't work for the same company, but now that he does I need to make sure I don't say something that puts him in a bad spot to know, and doesn't put me in a bad spot if he slips up and divulges privileged knowledge. It sounds like some of the managers at LMG aren't making these distinctions and simply approach work situations like they would personal ones.

"That's not how I meant it" isn't a valid defense, at least in the US, when it comes to HR complaints. It doesn't matter what you meant, but how it was received by others. I'd say they overlooked this one rule a lot based on Madison's writeup, and I'm not, at all, surprised. But, like I said, this comes down to poor training.

What did you use to print them? Is it hard plastic like PLA? I'm contemplating getting into 3D printing, and if they were anywhere between wood and silicone in hardness I'd be thrilled.

I lost my job six months ago and am currently struggling to find another. Even if I did find another job that paid what I was getting paid before, I would not and could not pay for your cancer medication. But that doesn't mean I would choose to turn a blind eye to it. I would continue to fight for basic human rights to water, food, a home, and healthcare, because that's what I've believed in and will continue to believe in. Maybe I wouldn't change anything in your lifetime or mine, but I'll still try. And maybe in a few generations, once we're gone, we opened the door for them to have those things that allow us to keep our dignity.

I won't pretend to know how you feel, so I won't give you any platitudes. How you choose to live your life is your own decision, and I won't insult you by pitying you. Your struggle doesn't mean it's impossible for you to make somebody else's life any better or worse, though, just through simple human interactions. Sure, people are starving, dying, and going through much worse than me, or even you. That takes nothing away from the problems we encounter, the joy or pain we feel. I'll do what I can to influence my circumstance, because nobody gets to tell me I can't do something. When possible, I'll try to do the same for others, even if nobody sees it or gives me a pat on the back. I'll hold out hope that others might do the same for me when they can, but I won't expect it because I'm not owed it.

I'm not saying any of this to prove I'm better than you in any way or to win an Internet argument. Call me whatever names you like. I promise I won't respond beyond this comment. I simply wish you well, or at least better than at present.

Having been recently opted for a voluntary layoff to avoid my team needing to lose anyone, I'm in a spot where I can finally relax, maybe take a vacation, and center myself to decide what my next move is. It will likely be another management position, but I have the luxury of not needing to rush to answer that question. I have an idea for a project that I started working on and could turn into a business idea. Doubling my money would mean I have more time to relax and figure myself out (I've been VERY stressed, and didn't even realize it until I left). Ultimately, I'll get bored, and having more money to do something with would mean I could throw more money at the stock market to try to improve my retirement.

Does doubling my money change much? Hard to say. In the short term, no. Long term, probably.

Awesome! Thanks, I learned a lot. I appreciate the insight.

Most of the services I know of are about $3-4 per user per month. Google, Amazon, and Rackspace are all either $3 or $4 per user.

Best of luck on picking one up! I rather like the design of the IS500, and of the previous generation IS (2006ish?). My only problem with the IS was its price compared to its performance. How can you charge so much for a sub-300hp V6? Then they put the V8 from the LC500 in the IS and it made much more sense to me.

I don't know anything about the way it handles, but if it's anything like the way it looks, it should be a fun ride.

If you're upset that the average consumer won't be able to shoot something of that quality with their iPhone, you've got to fix your expectations. The average consumer won't even have the editing skills to pull that off, let alone any of the other myriad of tools required to turn recorded footage into a high quality production. As long as they only used iPhones, I don't think it's misleading at all to say it's shot on an iPhone.

A master at their craft doesn't need the best equipment to do their job well. Similarly, the average person won't magically be able to produce outstanding results just because you give them an expensive camera. If anything, the fact that the event was shot on an iPhone is Apple taking aim at content creators and marketing the iPhone to them as an alternative to expensive camera equipment.

It feels like you completely ignored my argument against outlawing fast cars and simply moved to your argument about SUVs and trucks. If you choose to hand-wave my points because you're "thinking of the children", then I see no merit in your argument. And you're saying that what I said is invalid because I believe the bill will pass? But that you can say whatever because you're fed up with the government's ineffectiveness so you're just being bombastic? That detracts from your own statements, if you're admitting your own rhetoric is just for effect because you have no faith in politicians.

I'm not talking about SUVs, trucks, politicians, or the US legal system. You made a point that cars that drive over 65 shouldn't be made, and I countered. I don't hear anything from you except "politicians won't fix it" while turning around and saying "fast cars should be illegal", which would require those very same politicians you've lost faith in to somehow be effective enough to pass that very legislation.

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Buddy, I hope you have a better day than you're currently having. I'm not sure what purpose putting your opinion on the Internet served if you were going to pretend it and any responses to it are pointless. Take care of yourself, man. You're talking like nothing and nobody matters. In the cosmic sense, you're right. Humanity, is just a flash in the pan, so none of us individually matters. In a human sense, even a small act of kindness might change somebody else's life, and I think those moments DO matter. I don't want to tell you how to live your life and I genuinely hope you don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I do actually hope you can live just a small amount less cynically and can see some positivity, despite how our political system and news keep pushing the negative in our faces day after day. I don't think hope is just for fools.

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What classifies a car as a roadster beyond being a convertible? I drive an R8, and I've driven the convertible, which absolutely didn't drive like the Z4M. You sit too far forward for that, because the R8 Is more of a GT.