
0 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fuck Ajit Pai.

They mention high mercury levels as a trap or from wine that the emperor drank, but neither is likely (they often used to add lead to wine as a sweetener, but not mercury AFAIK). But, mercury contamination in tombs, especially in Asia, is very common from the heavy use of the deep red pigment cinnabar, also called vermillion, which is mercury sulfide.

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I know that Jack Smith, and Fanni Willis, are too professional to be bothered by such inflammatory remarks, but it can’t be a smart move to attack the people who are writing indictments. Not all the donations in the world can make up for what he will face in prison.

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I enjoyed how the author used the name “Xitter” (and how it may be pronounced), instead of the tedious “formerly known as” moniker.

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Stupid? Hold my beer while we put the charging port right on the bottom plate, so it doesn’t interrupt those clean beautiful lines while it lays on its side like a bloated dolphin.

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Fuck Ajit Pai!

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Somebody needs to do a proper deconstruction of the photo. I mean, for example, the dashboard gets as much screen real estate as his biceps, aka “guns” — and none of this is unintentional. You don’t get Annie Leibowitz, the most famous living portrait photographer, for a quick snapshot.

So, essentially try to force Xitter to the hard right, making it the social media equivalent of Faux News. Anyone with a little common sense will bail, leaving the echo chamber to ferment in its own toxic vapors. Now, if only a Smartmatic incident would occur.

It always amuses me how politicians and community “faith based” leaders can blithely condemn what scientists have been warning about for decades, as if they know better (with no training or experience). Anti-intellectualism is the Dunning-Kruger effect applied to politics, known as Populism, aka the idiots revenge.

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well-being of the business…ahead of well-being of his employees.

Hey, I mean, like, corporations are people too, man.

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Just guessing based on the earlier recorded message in his normal voice where he coughs a couple of times. Maybe he has a cold, or even Covid, and his normal voice is hoarse or raspy, and not how he wants to be seen.

Meadows argued that his arrangement and presence during the phone call was simply a part of his job.

AKA, the Nuremberg defense. (Hint: it didn’t work so well then either.)

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Wow, must be some rogue pirate vessel, because any formal government ship, especially one flying a bright red flag, would be too easy to identify. It’s a mystery. /s

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His lawyer said:

"It is a very dangerous proposition to hold someone criminally culpable and send them to prison without a finding that he or she ever acted in any way that he or she believed was against the law or wrong." (emphasis on “believed” is mine)

So, if I genuinely believe that banks have so much money it’s fine if I take a tiny bit, then it’s not illegal? Yeah, right.

These children cough syrups are sweetened using ethylene glycol and/or diethylene glycol, which are extremely toxic, especially to small children and cause acute kidney failure. Why? Because the non-poisonous propylene glycol usually used costs twice as much. Greed is killing our planet.

In October and November 2019, Dubinsky and Derkach gave several press conferences in Kyiv at which they claimed that based on an investigation by Kulyk, they had uncovered corruption and money-laundering schemes related to Burisma, a gas company which had future U.S. President Joe Biden’s son Hunter on its board of directors.

Wait a minute. Are they saying that these people were paid by Russian agents? To Lie? For political purposes!? — why, I’ve never heard of such a thing.

There seems to be some disagreement, but TiO2 (a very white pigment powder) is generally considered safe and has been used in everything from wall paint to toothpaste for decades. A few studies have suggested possible genetic toxicity, but it may be only from the extremely small nano-particle form. Another study suggested lung problems much like asbestos, but that might be from breathing high level aerosol concentrations. All in all, there’s no clear consensus, which seems like a pretty good sign for such a commonly used material, but the jury is still out.

This is similar to the claim that using a UV-filter will prevent fading of artworks. While high energy invisible ultraviolet light can be damaging, and visible light in the blue part of the spectrum can also cause damage, and normal clear acrylic is already a fairly good UV filter.

If you really want to stop the effects of blue light, you would need a strong yellow filter. If you can see blue through the glasses, they're not blocking blue light.

Edit: lowering light levels does more than filtering anyway.

Kuleshov recently shared on X

Off topic: Ok, I’m doxing myself, but when I read “X” I think of the *nix window manager. Please call it Xitter so it’s immediately obvious.

Edit: OK, Twitter then. Sounds fine.

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Whadaya bet he was in his bathroom, maybe with boxes of documents but never mind that, practicing different faces late into the night. Oh joy.

I suspect they delayed as long as they did to make sure that any evidence aged beyond legal use, such as any security camera footage was wiped and rewritten, etc. I have no idea, but I assume this isn’t just manslaughter, it’s destroying evidence as well.

Oh great, just what I want! Another projectile vomit stream of advertising. And not just “real” advertising (quick, load another blocker), but a platform where everyone is financially encouraged to scam everyone. What could go wrong?

Thankfully, advertising is apparently against Lemmy's ToS (although I’ve never seen that specifically stated). When I see a post that is directly selling something, I immediately report it. Fuck TikTok and the rest of those greedy slimeballs.

That’s true, but there are also many wealthy (aka greedy) people who figure, because they can afford to live anywhere, that the problems won’t affect them personally. Or, even if they recognize the problems will be inescapable, there’s the rush to just grab a little more before the everything comes unglued.

We could call it FinkedIN

Who plays Wash, …and Jayne?

Hey, wanna be a crook? Fine. Nobody’s gonna care when you’re caught and punished. But, if you’re hired into a position of trust and you abuse that responsibility, fuck you hard. Shouldn’t matter if you’re a mailman or the president, fines and punishments should be at least tripled and justice swift. This is a cancer in our community.

This is the result of China's “nine dash line.” If the countries impacted, Vietnam, Philippines, Mtaylasia, Singapore, Indonesia, etc., started a discussion at the UN, it would immediately implicate Taiwan, and nobody wants to touch that. So, local scuffles will continue, as China flexes her muscle.

I did that when the API fees were first announced, and it took a couple of weeks for them to respond, but I got a full text file of my comments and posts.

Exactly. An uptick in Covid in a place where most people turn wearing a mask into a political weakness shouldn’t be surprising.

Oh, come on now. “Uniparty” really… Let’s not forget how many different options the republicans give their voters: we have the outright amoral pathological liars, like Trump, and Santos, and maybe even the new speaker; and then we have the freedom clowns who want to “deconstruct the administrative state” and shut everything down. And if those don’t appeal, there’s the laws and order religious fanatics who want to ban books, and abortions, and gays, and stuff. And let’s not forget the traditional establishment, who want to get themselves and their overloads obscenely rich before the walls come down. Did I forget anyone?

Got an email from them about some domains. They say it won’t happen for “at least a month” as the transaction closes and migration begins. They also said:

Squarespace has publicly committed to continue to utilize Google Cloud DNS infrastructure, meaning reliability and performance regarding DNS will remain unchanged during the migration. The purchase is currently subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions. Upon the closing of the transaction, your domain account will be owned by Squarespace but you will continue to manage your domain(s) via Google Domains as you do today, with Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service continuing to apply.

His booking record also states his disposition as “Transfer to Another Agency with Pending Charges.” I wonder if they plan on moving them all to somewhere nicer, lol

Now I got that ZZ Top intro ear-worm…

(or)… but you can't wipe your friends off on your saddle.

Aza 'Merican maseff,… um, maybe try for mid-Atlantic.

If they practiced trying to cut some random cable in the East China Sea it might raise suspicions, right? Maybe better to practice somewhere else.

Sounds like they scraped every narration by Jonathan Pryce and just tweaked the timbre so it didn’t match too closely. (Not a professional opinion)

…ai generated “advertising or any solicitation with respect to products or services” — just report and block.

AI: “Um, …these aren’t the droids you want. Squirrel!”

Thanks, boss. I like your style.