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Joined 3 months ago

Cyberpunk 2020 TTRPG had a shit ton of source books for outside of Night City and outside America, including space and even one for the very beginnings of deep space exploration in the cyberpunk world... the source material has a lot of legs outside of Night City.

Not approving of any corporate behaviours here, but extracting the maximum price a market will bear has been the basis of pricing and supply/demand since such concepts existed which is at least 250 years.

3 more...

It didn't help they hadn't thought it through either... the game was for sale in countries where you can't get PSN 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

Thing is how do you differentiate between a bunch of people who genuinely like a product and are happy to say so because it's solved a problem for them that they see other people having, and "subtle spam"?

For instance, I'm a Kagi subscriber and have been for some months now as it's doing a good job for me, and I've had the odd person leap down my throat accusing me of being a corporate shill etc, and I am absolutely not (but that's what a shill would say!!!)

How does anyone get a product recommendation from a product that's genuinely growing in popularity so people are recommending it? I get there needs to be a healthy dose of cynicism but where does the line get drawn to the point where that cynicism is no longer "healthy" and simply means everyone distrusts everything that's made by a company if somebody on the internet says it's good?

Where's the equal cynicism when somebody says something is shit and it could be a corporate shill from a competitor?

I'm surprised they think this is useful... if I've paused a video it's because I'm answering the phone or front door, making a coffee, going for a shit etc... I'm almost never going to see these ads 🤷🏻‍♂️

Poe's Law still alive and kicking

But even so they costs the companies involved millions, they wouldn't want to be dragged through one

It is in the UK it's prescription only other than a very low dose, in which case it's pharmacy only following consultation with the pharmacist... these are controlled drugs under UK law

Should have waited until after the election later on in the year as, all being well, we'll have a new government. This shower of shit we have in right now won't do f'all for the average person that's against business interests.

They do both, their own index focuses on the "small web", more info here:


CD32 was my first CD player, was all cassette for me until then

I didn't think Verge was..?

I suppose the argument would be, yes that's fine as long as you only use it in India...? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Again, not saying I agree but it's hard to make a comparison like that I think.