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Joined 11 months ago

Unity - "hold my beer"

"Objectively" 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Unless I've missed something I don't see how this makes WhatsApp worse...? Just don't sign up to the people's channels if you don't want to 🤷🏻‍♂️

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This article is a pretty good summary of why, by Google's own words, an ad driven search experience will be rubbish:


Not only does Kagi produce great search results, as good as "old Google" IMO, its business model means the above cannot (or at least, shouldn't) happen. If it ever changed its model to include ads etc it would collapse so fast.

So for me, unlike the other poster, I'd recommend it to everyone who's finding the existing search engines are rubbish and full of useless Etsy and SEO etc links.

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You have the same problem as my mother who also cannot distinguish between being told she is wrong and being called a liar.

Take the Keane Reeves approach to having a relaxed life - don't have any arguments, to paraphrase him "Two plus two equals five? OK great, have a nice day, see you around!"

It's weird with Big Bang Theory, when it first started me and my friend circle loved it, thought it was brilliant but yes it did lose something after a few seasons.

But online everyone just seemed to hate it - could it be because we're British and it just landed better with us..?

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Lotus Notes

Plot twist... my new employer uses it even more 🤦🏻‍♂️

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You're accusing Cory Doctorow, the guy who invented the phrase "enshittification", of making a blog post that's really an advert...? Really???

Nice ad hominem...

He was also creative director for the original Ultima Online game and Star Wars Galaxies... both awesome and innovative MMOs at the time...

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Edge was my main browser until about six months ago, then they pushed that obnoxious UI change that added a load of buttons to my toolbar that I can't move or disable, and that irritating sidebar that jumps up whenever it can even when the button is disabled, and I went back to Firefox again.

Original Scrubs was one of the best shows ever made in my opinion - great cast and chemistry, genuinely funny whilst also bringing in the drama and tragedy of a hospital and it's patients, great writing, kept up momentum until the end (the original end not the crap that come after), great acting, one of the most faultless TV shows ever made.

How do you provide evidence you didn't use something????

Market cap of Nintendo - 50 billion Market cap of Microsoft - 2.4 trillion

If you ride her through the black hole she'll moan and complain but probably finish the journey

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Playing devil's advocate, I'd argue the in the wild community testing is more likely to uncover an edge case that the formal testing didn't envisage..? 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Can only speak for the UK but as the lowest civil court here, small claims decisions are not binding on any other court (including other small claims courts) but they are considered "pervasive" and thus a judge should be aware and take them into consideration.

Best thing about Evernote was its web clipping extensions... anyone use one that's as good or better..?

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Depends on the communities... quite often they consist of one or two users (or bits) reposting old or current Reddit posts.

And certainly for more niche topics the communities tend to be dead.

Quite often there is little commenting or conversation.

The communities with the most conversation seem to be about Lemmy and the Fediverse...

But yes there are a couple of decent communities in my Home feed, but the whole needs to grow to get it to a tipping point where it provides an active and diverse (in topics and conversation) community.

This is genius 😂

He said he was UK based... 100% unenforceable, an employment tribunal wouldn't even bother hearing it

Pronounced "shitter"

Highlander, as well as being a great fantasy movie, explores these themes a little.

If you haven't seen it, I'd strongly suggest watching it.

The idea is it gives enough time for competition to establish and then everyone completes on an even footing without fettering the original monopoly after it's no longer a monopoly in that space... arguably it worked as Chrome took over but all that's happened it it made a new monopoly 🤷🏻‍♂️

I'd like to know how that's even remotely compliant with the ECHR???

Do we have a Fediverse equivalent of Facebook yet..?

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Same here, currently using Avelon and pretty happy with it... Voyager dev recently announced he'll be working on it less going forward which may or may not be an issue 🤷🏻‍♂️

Both definitely feel like using "Apollo for Lemmy" though 👍

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And what happens if they're a pilot as well???

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Natural History Museum in London... before you even get to the exhibits it has some of the most breathtaking architecture.

Well in which case you probably won't believe me but I've been using Kagi for a while and am extremely happy with it... no link with the company at all other than a very satisfied user 🤷🏻‍♂️

You can improve Google a bit using ublacklist but it still wasn't anywhere as good as Kagi.

I will say Kagi isn't as good when it comes to looking for local businesses or services... I still use Google for that but you can do that within Kagi with a !g and it anonymises the search

Fingers crossed on Larian getting a licence for Traveller...

I like Ivory for Mastodon (it's by the guys that originally made Tweetbot for Twitter) and I use Voyager for Lemmy (basically it's Apollo reborn) and am trying out Liftoff as it has a few features I like that Voyager doesn't (yet) and testing Artemis for Kbin.

They claim that they don't link/save your search history so although they have your details for payment, technically it's not linked. If they aren't lying...

Doing these things is not easy and may take some practice on your part, but for me it boils down to the following process:

  • be honest with yourself and others, and own up to it, don't try to pretend it was somebody else's fault. Apologise to those impacted if you need to. Accept the consequences.

  • figure out what you can learn from it - not necessarily the specific details of this mistake but what you can do next time in similar circumstances to avoid making the same sort of error.

  • stop wishing for a better past - it won't happen, so move on.


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I'm out of work and slowly burning through the savings so doubling it would give me an extra six months headroom

Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World

It says what you CAN say about your spaceship and CAN'T say about your SO

This has always been the case for road cameras in the UK from the start from when we first had speed cameras introduced, before they are sent out they are (supposed to be) reviewed by a person first to check for false positives.

Would be nice if there was a way or an app that ties together all those individual accounts into a single view.