
1 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I’ve noticed that the lemmy crowd seems more accepting of AI stuff than the Reddit crowd was

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I think all religions are just fake copycats of the one true god.

Praise be Flying Spaghetti Monster

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TFW you realize not everybody accesses lemmy the same way

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There are no consequences for just about anything if you have enough money :)

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I mean it should always be some kind of removed 3rd party drawing the lines. But nobody in power wants to give that power up.

Governments like to assume that once something is illegal , it’ll just stop within their borders

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You have no idea why? Really? It’s to get people thinking about / trying bing.

It’s all advertising.

We’re going to enter another search engine (read chatbot) war.

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People are dumb.

I don’t think you’re right about nvidia. Their hardware is used for SO much more than AI. They’re fine.

Plus their own AI products are popping off rn. DLSS and their frame generation one (I forget the name) are really popular in the gaming space.

I think they also have a new DL-based process for creating stencils for silicon photolithography which, in my limited knowledge, seems like a huge deal.

If you’re saying someone you don’t like should be killed…. You probably need to re-examine your values.

Yeah, but you’re forgetting money. Money is green, so it’s good for the environment. And oil makes money.

Connect the dots


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This reminds me of a saying an old programming mentor told me.

“To a kid with a hammer, everything is a nail”

I think rust is good for learning some low level concepts, especially coming from python.

I don’t think Python is going anywhere in the ML space though.

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But…. Isn’t most art made on computers nowadays?

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Alternate title: “Politician is campaigning”

Looks like they got that number from this quote from another arstechnica article ”…OpenAI admitted that its AI Classifier was not "fully reliable," correctly identifying only 26 percent of AI-written text as "likely AI-written" and incorrectly labeling human-written works 9 percent of the time”

Seems like it mostly wasn’t confident enough to make a judgement, but 26% it correctly detected ai text and 9% incorrectly identified human text as ai text. It doesn’t tell us how often it labeled AI text as human text or how often it was just unsure.

EDIT: this article https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/07/openai-discontinues-its-ai-writing-detector-due-to-low-rate-of-accuracy/

There’s a chip shortage. Most people just use web based apps, so stay on their phones / cheap laptops Enthusiasts usually just build their own machines. Everything is more expensive. The list goes on

Yeah but trumps lawyers are actually clowns.

According to the trump crowd, it’s not even over then.

Probably money. Given enough money, I’m sure tiktok will ban any search term

That took time though.

Ssh only started getting major industry support after heart bleed and it’s been the go to secure shell for at least over a decade before that.

See that’s a good point. Facebook is going to get fediverse data regardless of defederating them. Most of this stuff is public anyway.

But displaying fediverse content next to ads w/o consent is kinda gross

You can use periods. It makes it easier to grok

Centrists: “Bro why are all these old people ass at governing” FIFY

Literally the comment I was going to write


I used to post a lot of comments on Reddit, but never anywhere else.

I posted more on mastodon than anywhere else

Can’t they just scrape the data anyway?

Programmers are not immune to fads or the network effect

They can switch to a continuously charging “usage” based model for insulin, the same way GPU time is rented out now.

any big Pharma people here. I’m available for hire btw ;)

Tbh it kind of is as long as you’re fluent in assembly

A programming language itself isn’t a marketable skill!

Learn the underlying concepts of programming and how computers work and you’ll be able to move from language/framework to pretty much any language/framework easily.

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That’s the open source life though :/

Almost nobody gets rich from open source. You’re explicitly granting rights that people usually pay for.

It’s noble, but it sucks.

Big surprise, people do things despite not being paid for them!

Also a UBI should be just enough to live (afford food and shelter) wherever you live. Then you can work for more.

UBI is about freeing people from having to work multiple dead end jobs just to survive and enables them to have an actual pursuit of happiness. Not everyone will want to work harder, but the option opens to those who do.

Currently if you’re struggling just to pay for food and shelter, it’s incredibly hard to spend time developing skills needed to make more.

cough cough tax capital gains as income cough

As someone who makes most of their money through capital gains, I’m in favor of taxing them more.

I have to disagree. I’ve been conducting interviews for a fairly large software shop (~2000 engineers) for about 3 years now and, unless I’m doing an intern or very entry level interview, I don’t care what language they use (both personally and from a company interviewer policy), as long as they can show me they understand the principles behind the interview question (usually the design of a small file system or web app)

Most devs with a good understanding of underlying principles will be able to start working on meaningful tasks in a number of days.

It’s the candidates who spent their time deep diving into a specific tool or framework (like leaving a rails/react boot camp or something) that have the hardest time adjusting to new tools.

Plus when your language/framework falls out of favor, you’re left without much recourse.

Regulation doesn’t automatically mean better.

You can make regulations that benefit large real estate corporations and that’s still regulation.

We have a lot of that in the parts of US. There are rules encouraging landlords to keep high rental rates bc if they lowered it, they’d have to offer that to other renters as well. Many landlords choose to have empty rooms and keep that high rental rate.

FWIW the maga crowd is obviously down with being part of a cult of personality. It’s easy to stand in front of them, say edgy shit, and be showered with praise.

Idk all the details of the current wotc controversy train, but If an AI generates a base image that gets refined by a human, is not that human-created?

Plus like you know that $60 isn’t for the art or the time it took to make the art. It’s for the Dnd brand.

They’d charge $60 even if it was made in an afternoon

Well yeah he could, but he can’t retroactively apply that license change, so the Linux foundation would just keep rolling on with their own fork.

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