
3 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Unsafe block detected. Extermination initiated. There is no hiding from memory safety!

Why would you call it weekend and the start the week with half of it?!

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Everybody knows Linux is primarily used and developed (?) by moms who play FarmVille in terminal.

Does it’s run upstream Debian or SUSE? No? A custom distribution with proprietary binary blobs and no updates after one year you say? Sounds shit.

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I am all for valve in terms of games, even though I don’t like the buying but not owning things stuff I would always prefer Steam over anything else. They earned my trust, something no other non-human entity will ever get. This company just has it figured out.

Only 3h? What kind sql magician are you?!

I plugged a mobile stick into my FritzBox and use cellular. I only tested this, never actually needed it.

Is it interoperable with signal?

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Got zucked.

Admin dont like changes in their workflow and Systemd changes a lot of things, for better or for worse. That being said i do like how Systemd does things and wish for an overall better experience for linux not a worse one.

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Having certificates that are valid for over a year is contra-productive, as when they get in to the wrong hands they might still be valid for a year until they naturally run out of time. The reason LetsEncrypt issues only 90d valid certificates is not to annoy you, but save your ass once someone obtains your certificates.

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I lost interest when they started with their cryptocurrency bs, otherwise it’s stable and works.

Nothing will be more Skyrim than Skyrim

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You wouldn’t download a federated meme, would you?

Those damn frogs!

Not the bark we need, but the bork we deserve!

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A follow up post of your solution would be nice

Nothing unusual at the perimeter.

But first, let me boop the snoot!

They don’t work in practice, no modern browser actively queries any revocation DBs. It’s just much more efficient to let something expire sooner than keep track of all lost somethings.

It has a structured yaml with a test command for potentially destructive config changes over ssh. Other than that: none. It was a real pain upgrading some servers, as always with Ubuntu.

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Still waiting for cross distro support with flatpak

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Just stop being a carless peasant! /s

It’s not replacing it.

Go restart your browser in the middle of the day because snap just updated it in the background.

There are no baby pigeons. Convince me otherwise.

It’s ‘nuf

u/spez is a hurensohn

The didn’t care who I woofed until I put on that mask.

I can’t tell you how, because I don’t know the technical details either, but why shouldn’t it be? If given the right permissions it can access the same interfaces as any process.

Since when has windows 11 been deprecated? After windows 7 I switched to Linux and all I hear is new windows is around the corner and even worse! How does this company even keep customers, when all they do is upgrade their windows?!

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And yet its faster, easier and more reliable in setting up and maintaining complex cluster software.

Why do app screenshots need a shadow? In their example they even showed Kodi in fullscreen.

Never release under anything else than AGPL

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So spanking it is.

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What has mastodon implemented wrong?


Sad but necessary. I like the fact that this doesn’t exclude IRC from matrix as anybody could setup a bridge. This is what make matrix special: it’s openness and decentralization from ground up.

It clearly was meant for parking. I mean just look how much space there is for this little car!

And it all wents to shit.