
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Whether they're directly caused by an ADHD neurotype or not, all those things are associated with ADHD

To pick one at random, Rejection Sensitive Disphoria (RSD) is often found with people who have ADHD. People dealing with RSD often imagine rejection where none was intended. That includes reading negative feelings into text messages, conversations, etc.

(CAVEAT: I am not an expert. This is not my professional field. This is speculation from someone who has ADHD and is around ADHD kids) I don't know if there's good research out there or not about RSD+ ADHD, but I suspect RSD is conditioned. Growing up with ADHD, you get a lot of negative feedback from people. You aren't paying attention well enough, you're often clumsy, you often say the wrong things at the wrong time, etc. With enough of that sort of feedback, developing negative self talk which turns into full RSD sounds like a natural outcome.

It took some digging, but here's a link to the actual paper: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2304318120

What if I like ellipses...

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Here's another plug for gitea. It's lightweight, but still has a nice feature set.

I tried hosting GitLab a number of years back, but it was more resource hungry than my host machine could handle well.

+1 for Plex and Plexamp. The Plexamp app works great on Android and Linux. Without that, I don't think I'd use Plex for music.

If anyone else is interested in details on the effect of active sonar on divers, I found this https://physics.stackexchange.com/q/93222

I assumed that was something everyone could do 🤯

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That's not exactly how it works. There are "territorial waters" which are entirely under the control of the state. And there is the "exclusive economic zone" (EEZ) outside of that, where the state has rights to resources. But the surface is "international waters". This incident happened in the EEZ.


Restic using resticprofile for scheduling and configuring it. I do frequent backups to my NAS and have a second schedule that pushes to Backblaze B2.

Glad it wasn't just me that read it that way.

For organizing and searching the files, I'm using paperless-ngx. It's worked pretty well for these and for scanned documents.

My issue is getting the PDFs without having to spend time every month manually downloading them.

All solutions that integrate with banking sites I’ve ever encountered were nothing more but ugly hacks, IMHO.

Yup. That's basically what FileThis provided. A maintained set of ugly hacks to pull the files for you automatically :D.

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I started using restic for backups.


  • Encryption
  • Deduplication
  • Flexible backup location
  • Data integrity checks


  • No good GUI

Under the bed

Rogue Legacy 2

If you enjoy platformers and roguelikes, you'll like this.

So is price fixing.

Check out mogrify. I think it's installed standard with ImageMagick, and it does wildcard conversions.

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A third option is KeePassXC. You can set TOTP seeds for entries there.

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Honestly, I figured it was one of those things people didn't talk about because it was useless.

Yeah, I'm wondering the same. Maybe it's helpful for containerized apps or something?

Anyone else have any insight on this?

Mind sharing your Kubernetes config? I'm living off of a bunch of docker compose config files, and I'd love to make the jump to Kubernetes.

Sounds like a great design direction to me. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Do you have a write-up or anything if someone wanted to start building their own?

Yes. I've used it to batch convert PNG and jpg to webp.

A dot files repo for some basic config and an Ansible repo to stand everything up. This applies to both my Linux and MacOS machines.

All the people taking about their NixOS setups had me thinking of giving that a try, though.

Restic using resticprofile to configure and schedule backup runs.