
0 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

what a surprise that a genocidal regime refuses to comply with anti genocide orders.

Israel is hopeless..

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they are the most moral army in the world. they told me themselves.

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Because now the parents have to provide proper care for the children. it's a way to involve the parents.

it fails if the parents are not involved in their kids lives or are just struggling to make ends meet as it is.

It also removes disruptive kids from.the system. Which should allow the other kids to focus.

when is the best time to plant a tree? 30 years ago. When is the second best time? now.

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Could this be the turning point?


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and yet we essentially live in the best of times.

Sad we can't find a political way for everyone to have enough of what we have.

primal needs to hoard are strong in humans.

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at the point you find the rozzers up your Jacksie you are essentially bang to rights my old pedigree

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the Jewish Diaspora started with the Romans. The Arabs have historically treated Jews better than Christians.

You misinformation only helps to muddy the waters.

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he is honestly such a shit stain of a man. and the best part is, Israel seems to have a never ending stream of these liars to parade on TV.

Luckily, people are getting wise to their lies.

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Agreed. and Israel is finally being seen for the apartheid state it really is. A whole generation of people will grow up hating Israelis.

well played Bibi

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I suppose there is the idea of honour. Or simply, wanting the world to be sure you are not committing genocide.

Instead the Israelis have turned a whole generation against them. they will find it hard to travel and be accepted as a civilised people from this point on.

there is no significant protest in Israel against the genocide. they are complicit. the only protest is against the way things are being done.

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in my city they are more magnanimous. putting unmovable barriers on the bench that makes it impossible to lie down upon.

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I've given up on Airbnb. hotels have decent check in services. no strange rules. clean beds.

same price.

getting a word in edgeways is the real problem

Still, at least he is a filthy phone hacker.

what a shill. no where did the above comment support Hammas.

or even simply executed while trying to surrender?

Certainly not the systemic underfunding of the education system.

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the results are not important to these people anyway. the election is null and void as far as they are concerned unless trump wins. so makes no difference trying to pander to fascists. punch them in the face and deplatform them.

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220 years to get a response if we started to flash them constantly

it's a toxic relationship. with civilians in the middle

like the USA likes to imagine it is democratic rather than an oligarchy.

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He should.not be platformed. either of them

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it is sad. and a who city should not be levelled in response. that's just common sense.

which is obviously why there is a concerted and expensive campaign of you tube adverts to create a counter narrative to around 10,000 kids being bombed and killed.

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wise centrism

most of lemmy talks of guillotining rich people, nature takes action and we are all up in arms. it's just nature happening to one person. she gets special care in a country where the health system has been gutted. I can't feel empathy

you can't beat trump in a debate really. he will shit everywhere and his supports will guzzle residues. what's the point.

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it was also just after the ICJ findings. to move the news cycle. convenient.

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Do you really not see any other alternatives to what is happening?

sounds like a lack of empathy and imagination. both make talking to you redundant.

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what's the best way to show my disgust?

I usually love Eurovision. But obviously need to register my disgust this year.

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an obviously important step in the Illuminati plan to keep tabs on everyone.

it's difficult to choose your colonizer.

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then you should.know better and warn your allies against such action.

time to invest in knife missiles

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as soon as the old bill starts sniffing around your Gary, you'll be doing a stretch in chokey, china

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The UK does not require you to have any ID. it is not your job to prove who you are. this does lead to a number of interesting problems.

he looks like he smells of deli meat

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I notice that some places never seem to take my birthday as seriously as in my house either.

It's a made up thing. make of it what you can.

hope you managed to find some of the sparkle you were looking for!

I think there is a tremendous amount of luck involved in the game. people convince themselves that they are smart or have worked hard. they discount luck. you have more chance if you are born into money or around it. beyond that. there is a danger of complacency or arrogance. this hubris leads to downfalls..

If there is no significant protest against the genocide then they are hopeless.

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