
1 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't know who you are, or what you write, but thank you.

This is great, but republicans are gonna hate it. They want everyone to hate taxes with a passion, so they make it difficult, time consuming and expensive to pay your taxes, and make government services as bad as possible so even poorer people who don't pay much tax feel they get a bad deal out of taxation.

If ordinary people found it easy and convenient to pay taxes they might notice that they get more out of government than they put in and that rich people are bearing more of the cost than they are. If they thought that, they might support tax increases or things that horrify republicans like medicaid for all.

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Top troll trolling.

Oh, I thought it was the CEO's online reputation and the fact the people are hearing more and more that their after sales service is shit, eg being charged £17000 for a new motor which is apparently the driver's fault for driving it in the rain. In Scotland.


Apparently the problem has been known for some time:


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Yeah I thought it was weird when so many Bernie supporters switched to Trump. They're political opposites.

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Bold. I guess being left to die in am armed insurrection stings a little.

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I was fired for "fraternisation in the workplace". Teenage me was caught snogging the boss's daughter, no less, in the stock area by said boss. Cue "get your hands off my daughter" (he didn't know we were dating) and a meeting later that day being told much more calmly I was being let go for fraternisation. I said it was unfair because he kissed his wife in front of us the previous week, and he said "not that way," and he had a point, but it was still obviously unfair.

Anyway, we started deliberately dating in secret instead of her just not really telling him, and when she rang me she always called me Samantha, which I then used to find exciting (Freud eat your heart out).

I'm convinced that she found it exciting to be disobeying her dad, and would complain to me about her dad saying something like "he's just trying to take advantage of you" and we would reassure each other that I wasn't but she would be much keener those days, it felt like.

When you're a teenager and you find a magic button that gets you nice things, you don't hold back on pressing the button, so if she got a bit unenthusiastic about meeting up, I'd just ring her at home knowing full well that her dad would shout at me if he answered and her mum would quietly also refuse to put me through but tell her to stop me from ringing because it might upset her dad. She'd argue with her parents and get revenge by seeing me and behaving in a manner she new her parents to find improper.

It was really fun while it lasted, but in the end I felt like I shouldn't have to provoke her dad to get with her and stopped doing it. We drifted apart, I don't know whether her heart wasn't in it when she wasn't cross with her dad or I just started worrying about that too much, but I'm pretty sure her dad had been my unintentional wing man all those months. I really think it's properly messed up.

She later dated a guy who I think really was trying to take advantage of her. Also messed up.

Anyway, I got a job at the big chain version of his store and of course she and her friends started shopping there, which resulted in more arguments with her dad.

I guess the moral of the story is make sure you're on good terms with your teenage daughter or she might just go against everything you said just to spite you.

Actually made me laugh, thank you.

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I'm confused. The Mrs was clearly not ovulating, so I checked out pretty much all the homies for the rest of the month, but it didn't seem to me like any of them were either, which seems statistically unlikely. Does this mean I'm the one on heat? Do I switch from pitcher to catcher on months like these? Is that why Alex.... well, Alex, you know what you did, and that's not what we agreed, was it, and and I think you know full well I couldn't say the safe word at that point and I think you deliberately misinterpreted me slapping your admittedly cute butt dimple.

News just in: Resolving things that people are unhappy about with their body improves their self image and mental health. Later we'll talk about how increasing wages may reduce poverty and how giving state aid directly to healthcare providers rather than insurance companies can improve healthcare and reduce costs.

Pretty sure it's just the racists.

I know Trump massively overstated his wealth, but fining him $5000 is like fining me £10. He won't even notice it's gone at the end of the month. $5,000, 000 or prison time would be a meaningful punishment.

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As usual, the advice is not to rely on Google in any way.

I don't think I have an iron in this fire, but I do think that filtering some crap out of a gullible person's Internet feed is way kinder and way healthier than cutting them out of your life completely.

Image: Billionaires beautifully shine absolutely NOTHING into the lives of people who defend them online.

Besos could easily have the best paid workers, with the best conditions, the best customer service, require delivery that cares, ensure the best quality goods, and still be over a hundred thousand times richer than a millionaire, but he doesn't. He wants the extra money more. So much power, so much money, so much squeezing the normal folk just a bit harder for a bit more profit.

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Elm (for frontend). https://elm-lang.org/

Nothing is as easy to refactor, maintain, add new features to, work with after a gap, nothing else is as crashless and rock solid.

No compiler is a fast, friendly, helpful and insightful. Seriously. You don't wait for the compiler. It's instant even on huge code bases. And the resulting output outperforms other major frameworks.

Its syntax is weird at first (even stranger than python) and the autoformatter is mad keen on blank lines but after a while it's just so clear and easy to follow.

You have to let go of your object oriented mindset and stop trying to turn everything into objects and components but everything I hated about maintaining old code evaporated once I did. I used to believe that objects detangled code, I don't know why I continued to believe that despite the evidence, because apart from pretty small and simple things, OO code gets extremely tangled. Elm is absurdly easy to refractor, so you just do.

It's genuinely nice to add new features to old code, something I've never experienced before in a few decades of programming.

The elm slack is also a very helpful place indeed and you usually get a lot of support pretty quickly.

Adding the link to their front page, I see they call it "A delightful language for reliable web applications" and the first claim is "no runtime exceptions". I remember thinking that was marketing BS but being intrigued by the bold claim. A few years later and I can honestly say that that accurately describes my experience.

These last few years I've rediscovered the joy of coding.

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There was a girl at school I was friends with who I had a crush on for a few years. We did a liiiittle bit of flirting with passing notes and she was very kind but never took an interest in me romantically. I wrote her lots of poems which she was very nice about and I was in love, but it went nowhere. She ended up dating some other guy in our year group and I thought "what does he have that I don't?" but the heart wants what the heart wants. I don't regret it. It was a happy non love affair I think.

I actually ended up dating a girl in the year above me and she was awesome while it lasted but she left home and our relationship didn't survive the distance.

In the end I eventually married someone from work but it took us a while to get together because we both thought the other one was out of our league. We got together on the way back from an Ed Sheeran concert!

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Yeah, you can't have it both ways:

  1. It's nothing, it'll all blow over, they'll get over it
  2. They're so angry our employees are in physical danger

I suspect that the truth is he's feeling a lot of hate just now from the reddit community and he wants the employees to identify with him rather than with the users.

I'm afraid that Minister for Gender Equality is far, far more likely to be attacked as woke by the right than Minister for Women.

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Admins are employees. The people running the subs are mods. There aren't even 1% of enough admins to moderate the subreddits, but there are enough to police the moderation stances of the large subs.

If government was done well, people might be happy paying their taxes, and that's the last thing republicans want.

Ah, thank you I needed that laugh. Sometimes things make me snort or chuckle or "ha", but that was a proper full laugh, thank you.

It's going to get so much worse.

Paint roller

I wonder what could possibly be making Russia unpopular right now?

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Because Donald J Trump is their guy. He might well win.

In real life? My mate's wifi is called "Error 503 Service Unavailable".

Generosity, Conservative Party style.

I put them all in a plastic bag and hope for the best.


Well, whilst I abhor the violent terrorism that Hamas have committed and abhor the overwhelming overreaction and horrific vengence that the state of Israel have, as usual, immediately begun, it's just not accurate to call what preceded recent events "peace".

The people I know who have separately and recently visited Israel and Palestine variously called it "viscious apartheid", "appalling", "military occupation" and phrases like that. No one called it peace.

I think you erroneously assumed that because it wasn't in the news, violence was not occurring, whereas I think it's more accurate to say that it wasn't in the news because the violence was so everyday and constant that there was nothing new to say about it. A child getting run over by a car won't make the national news either, for almost exactly the same reason.


In his notes, Roszak wrote that Google's search advertising "is one of the world's greatest business models ever created" with economics that only certain "illicit businesses" selling "cigarettes or drugs" "could rival."


Beyond likening Google's search advertising business to illicit drug markets, Roszak's notes also said that because users got hooked on Google's search engine, Google was able to "mostly ignore the demand side" of "fundamental laws of economics" and "only focus on the supply side of advertisers, ad formats, and sales." This was likely the bit that actually interested the DOJ.

I think people downvoting this didn't spot the sarcasm.

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I wouldn't put toilet paper up my nose - I don't trust other toilet users to not touch the toilet roll and I don't trust the room to not have fecal particles from lidless flushing on things. I don't want tu put someone else's poo up my nose.

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I'm not sure that's an important question. In my view, even if it turned out correct, "This particular victim would have died anyway, so delaying emergency vehicles is fine" is a logical fallacy, an ethical error and a failure of empathy.

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It's my go-to for random lemmy browsing. If I want to read interesting and/or thoughtful stuff I log in to my home instance where I'm subscribed to all my favourite content, but if I feel like mindlessly scrolling some memes and go where the internet mainstream goes, I use liftoff. Good interface, good speed.

Actual spitting image of my trans friend!

Yeah but javascript has 473 popular frameworks and counting, and the churn is immense. Your codebase becomes out of date before you've finished writing it.

And the debugging?! I'll try to finish writing this paragraph despite the uncontrollable twitching. Let's just say that javascript is the kind of language that looks at your car with a missing left front wheel and says "let's go", while your IDE whispers "Yes, but maybe just don't turn right. Certainly don't turn right fast, unless you want to of course."

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I think that the problem I had was "but which instance should I join?" and the answer that I understood when I saw someone commenting from mastadon in lemmy.ml or something was "it doesn't matter."

Then it became "but which one do I want to join and be associated with?" and after a day or two, I found feddit.uk, which appealed to me very much as a concept. I've been happy with my choice.

I occasionally worry that I'll need to create other accounts on other instances, but thankfully I'm not (yet!) blocked from the communities I subscribed to on beehaw, beehaw being the place that I most nearly made an account.

I'm not sure that an auto-copy of accounts is simple in practice or secure in principle, and I worry that it would make experiencing the fediverse even more complicated, eg I'm commenting on beehaw, but should I use my feddit.uk or my usenet.revisited.digg.lemmy account?

I worry that it would also fail to solve your moderation quandries - the beehaw mods would want to block exactly the auto-copied accounts from other instances that are the only duplicate accounts you would need because you can already access content from outside the blocked instances without creating other accounts.