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It certainly doesn't always get it right - I've seen subjects lit by bright sunlight in a nighttime background, or just from a wildly different direction, but within a subject the lighting usually seems consistent.

I've wondered the same thing myself, my assumption is that it just correlates how lighting works across millions of training images, much like how it manages to get gravity right most of the time.

For the benefit of any of Today's 10,000 I just want to point out that this is a reference to a quote from a movie.
The same movie stars Danny Trejo as Machete.
This movie is Spy Kids 2.

NewPipe at least already doesn't use the API, it scrapes the website.

... Which it just occurred to me might be one of the reasons Google is pushing that web integrity thing. Dang.

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So now we can have an Android port of the "I am rich" app.

Here's a non-Fox link. BBC version of the same story.

One thing I've heard mentioned is that the vegan restriction on animal milk is actually about consent, which humans can give (especially when paid), so human milk can be vegan. That opens up the possibility of vegan cheese, butter, etc. but as true dairy products. Seems like an untapped niche to me.

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By far the best purchase I have ever made for myself. Seriously.

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So are most gender neutral bathrooms at businesses. I bet most of the conservatives don't care if they are, and if asked would still oppose them on principle (even if they don't actually notice when they use them at businesses)

Installing almost anything* on Windows requires the equivalent of sudo, same as Linux.

Determining if it's a normal install or adding a kernel driver wouldn't be feasible just by watching the installation. (On either OS if they are not showing terminal output)


My context here (which I should have been explicit about sooner) is: "ordinary user is installing a closed source commercial large game" (with its own installer) and doesn't know if they are also getting a free rootkit.

They are going to just click Next without changing defaults, and are not going to extract and inspect anything.

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This meme is older than rust.

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It's a Chromebook. That's just the real answer to OP's issue regardless of where they ask about it.

Still happens for new emoji on old OSs, or just missing characters in the font being used.

"At the time of the crime, Sablan had no legal custody or familial relationship to the victim"

I certainly hope he still doesn't!

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Same reason at this point as "Student Driver" bumper stickers - so you know it's inexperienced and may behave weirdly, so maybe keep a bit more distance than usual or something.

My guess (and I think I read other people guessing this) was that the banks were pushing them to ban porn, and by announcing it the way they did, they were able to get cancellations data proving that they would die, so if the banks wanted any money from them at all in the future they had to back off, and did.

If it was marketing, then it probably backfired enormously - OF barely had competition that I heard of before then, but certainly did immediately after the announcement.

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Heh, it took me a minute to think of a third one after Mastodon and Bluesky.

Totally forgot about Meta's thing.

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Some people won't drive without it. Or can't study, etc.

Obviously not a harmful addiction, or even undesirable in most cases - but generally unacknowledged.

I like most music, but it doesn't occur to me to go out of my way to play it for myself.

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Can't wait for people with these to talk on speakerphone in public (or just play their music at max volume)

On the other hand I wonder if "600% higher" is just 8.5 dB louder. (700% total) - which isn't nothing, but "In general, to measure loudness, a sound must be increased by 10 dB to be perceived as twice as loud."

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Name & shame please

To make sure it doesn't go public, because they are in it.

Android being bought by Google

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After the first 4 words of the title I was assuming it was intentional - Glad it doesn't seem to be, but HP's reputation is just that bad.

Stuffing a corporation's ticket system would just result in them removing it entirely and not dealing with the public. (See Google)

I'm concerned that spez could be right: This will blow over, Reddit users in general don't care enough. Even a lot of us who fled here might return eventually because that's just where most of the discussion is. (Especially for breaking news, niche topics, etc).

I really wanted the admins to change course, and failing that, for Reddit to fall, but I think it's likely we'll get neither, and Lemmy will remain a sidenote. (As much as it has already grown, which is amazing to see, the whole network is still like 10% of one single top subreddit)

I obviously hope I'm wrong and that the growth we've had in the last month will just continue.

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... I've never seen that attributed before. Wow.

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According to some, assuming it's even possible to fully simulate a universe to the degree that life in it can't tell, then there should be multiple simulations running, so there would be more sim-universes than real ones, and odds would be high that any given universe you find yourself in would be a sim.

Personally I don't buy it, I think if we were in a sim the laws of physics would have to be easily computable (they aren't, see gluons) and I think it would take the computing power of an entire universe to simulate one of similar complexity at anywhere close to reasonable speed. (Note how emulators and virtual machines can only emulate a weaker system then the host system, at least at speeds comparable to native hardware)

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Speaking of details wrong:

most downloaded local news app

  • 50,000,000+ downloads

Meanwhile Google News (which does local):

  • 1,000,000,000+ downloads
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He made videos about interesting places, things, and topics. And did so on a regular weekly schedule for 10 years (precisely)

That's the standard way to link Lemmy communities, like @username

As one of those people, they might as well have said "Have you ever stubbed your toe and really enjoyed the feeling?"

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I used to boycott ATI before AMD bought them, because the driver support on Linux was so bad. I got a laptop with a GPU they didn't support until almost a couple years later, and then as soon as it worked, they dropped support because it was too old.

Now they have the open source driver and better GPU support than Nvidia.

I was in a US history class in high school when the teacher said that the drinking age used to be 18, and the voting age used to be 21, but they switched places. He then asked "Why?" And started calling on random students.

When I got picked, my answer was "Fewer drunk voters?"

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Got 9/20.

That was a good selection of images, quite tricky.

I'm proud of getting both the LEGO minifig ones correct.

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Technically correct, but 7 and 8 were part of Windows 9x.
The last standalone version was 6.22

Multi-million dollar settlements that are split between tens of millions of people are like that - but this one involves 7 people according to the headline. They should get something significant for it.

For several decades it's been 20 years away, and before that 50, so yeah. Progress.

(No /s, I think the money is finally in place to make it happen, and that was always the bottleneck.)

That said, NIF is for weapons research, not power, but some of the knowledge they gain is probably transferable.

Pontius Pilates

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640k (the conventional limit in DOS), and he didn't actually say it.

When it's added, I expect most implementations will make it red.

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