De Lancre

1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I can't even open reddit on a phone nowadays, cause my preferred sub have 18+ posts and reddit don't let you access that if you not logged in. Also, there a notification, that I need to use shitty official mobile app. Also, there notification to login via google. Also, there a notification... Nope, I not using this shit ever again.

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Honestly, you can downvote me for my opinion, but when we talking about current support from vendors and if you just wanna play damn games — nvidia just works.

Yes, nvidia lack of support for some features, or sometime they have their time to implement it, like egl for wayland support for example, but god damn, when we talk about smth more simple as playing games, nvidia is just better. You can literally stick bought card in, install blob driver and play. (On notebooks there a bit more hassle and a lot of stuff may not work, like sleep or auto poweroff of gpu for lower power consumption, but good luck find competitor nowadays, lol)

I have 7900xtx, and it's fucking pain in the ass. Two (three technically) vulkan drivers, mesa need to be up-to-date to use smth like RT (and it's still will suck, cause they just started working on RT support like month ago), downvolting do not work and probably will never work, according to some redditor who into amdgpu developing, clock control do not work, some card cant be controled by TDP, there a problem on wayland with VRR, there a two years old bug [1] [2], that cause memclock to stuck to maximum or minimum depending of your display refresh rate: imagine having 7900xtx and get like 20% of it performance, cause gpu don't feeling like playing today. Oh, and you cant control RGB on the card yet, but that small inconvenience, and soon should be implemented, cause that lack of feature from openRGB, rather then kernel problem. Upd. Last one is a kernel problem, as pointed out for me by user below. Oh well.

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Have in mind, that custom ROM may not appear at all. My Redmi K30 Ultra is an awesome phone, without ugly dot in the screen, but unlike it's global counterpart "K30 Pro", my "china only" phone have different cpu and no other ROM's for it cause of that. China only also means, that this phone do not have NFC support for gpay (only huawei wallet and some weird china\russian software for some reason) and no gapps installed (like, at all, even tho playmarket will work after manual install). Also, 1/3 of OS is not translated at all, even tho english one of the few languages that supported even on china only rom. Also, you need root to "spoof" your phone ID otherwise some banking soft may not acknowledge this phone (altho, this is very unlikely). Another problem, that all xiaomi phones require you to use official app for windows with connected xiaomi account, then wait for ~2 weeks and only then unlock your bootloader (and for anything bootloader related, like installing different recovery, gaining root or install different ROM).

All 600 of them? That would be, like, one small attack. Look at loses there, it's about up to ~1k soldiers each month.

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It was not just "confirmed" - that was whole point of OW2.

Also, have in mind that main memory shared with igpu, so if we talking about memory heavy tasks like 8k video render with masks, effects and stuff, then this memory will be eaten not only by app, but also with gpu encoder. 64gb would be more close to "bearable minimum" but oh well, magic apple ram I guess.

The RGB control is a kernel problem not an OpenRGB problem

Sorry, rechecked it and yes, you right. [link] Oh well, another one to long list of what do not work as should on amdgpu side, I guess.

Hey russia, how you doing mate?

If the American estimate of ~300,000 Russian casualties is accurate, it’s 1,000 killed or wounded every two days

... Jesus fucking Christ.

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I agree on your point that upper comment is pretty readable, but you need to give credit for this insult, it's top tier.

People there just blindly hate nvidia and praise amd. And when I tried once tell the fact, that amd opensource drivers suck - I got a lot of minuses at my comment. Oh well, anyway, I really hope, that all that people will buy amd card one day and suffer as I did. I doubt that will change their opinion, cause they will still hate just_working nvidia drivers, cause "oh no, they not support VRR on my experimental wayland DE". They focking dumb man, I tell ya. Anyway, I will try to sell my "awesome and opensource" amd 7900xtx and buy cheaper nvidia card. Just cause at cheaper nvidia card I could at least play fucking games and it will not crash my video driver every now and then.

Wait, let him cook. He almost reinvented nazi germany narrative there, let's see what else he gonna say.

You basically have two option: suffer on nvidia, cause some feature may not be developed, or suffer on amd, cause developed feature just straight up do not work.

Thank you, for some reason I did not think about user scripts. What you suggested only make small preview bigger, what just make blurry image. I used this one for tampermonkey, it's just expands all images in feed by default.
Finally what I wanted, I will not press on web links anymore, god damn, thank you kind traveler!

Wanna change? I have amd 7900xtx, and that shit awesome video card with not working opensource drivers just awesome! I'm sure you will have fun with it.

Sorry for late response, only notice you right now. For me, idle power draw is about 30w (60w if mem clock bagged out on high clock) on card. It's worse than it should be (without memclock bug it's about ~17w), but doable. If you have higher power draw, probably smth else broke.

You other option would be use amd iGPU. Cause good luck find amd discrete gpu in notebook this days. And even then, you would be just "messing with shit-amd".

Yea, as russian myself (that so in-love with current regime, that eventually fled into Serbia without any money), I can't find another reason for that stupid war, if it not for clearing minorities and freeing some space in prisons. Welp, "you do you" as they say, I never ever will go back in that shithole called country for some reason.

We need a bot who will replay on similar threads with smth like "you just violate law 207.3, you will be sentenced in russia up to 3 years in prison"

I had question, I got my answer. Gonna delete it now I guess, let other people suffer as I did. :3

what does a ceasefire mean

For Hamas? Nothing. There a news about Hamas firing rockets from humanitarian zone, for example. There a video of Hamas stealing humanitarian supplies. They don't care about all this "political" fuse around them. They never have been. They just wanna kill jews, cause that is their religion.

Upd. Also, before voting on my comment, look closely what Hamas did. And if you still proceed to defending point "Israel is wrong it's need to be stopped" I will at least know whom I dealing with.

Don’t bomb civilians. Don’t bomb Palestinians

That basically one thing. You can't just "stop", cause Palestinian civilians = Hamas. There a cult of people that supports killing jews, called islam, and most "civilians" into it. The one who was disagree - flee to nearby countries or died from hands of Hamas. How simple is that? You can't just leave Hamas "as is", cause they will simply start over again, by bombing jews, so, what your proposal? Kill all jews instead or help Hamas by gatekeeping Israel? There is no simple solution. Also, when russia started genocide in Ukraine, everyone was against that, but when Hamas attacked Israel and did genocide of jews, everyone supports that. Fuck is that trickery?

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Palestinian civilians is not equal to Hamas.

So, okay, now there a video how Palestinians "civilians" gave up on resistance and hand over their weapons. Now what?

Also, about "too much violence on Palestinians", you need to watch this first and claim that you will not do same. . NSFW

And by proof I need independently verified proof posted by a website or an media that’s independent and impartial to the conflict like Reuters, BBC, etc.

Yea, about that: link.

Supporting Palestine and Palestinians is not the same as supporting Hamas. I can’t believe we have to keep repeating that.

You don't need to repeat that, this statement will not be true cause of that anyway. Yes, supporting Palestinians same thing as supporting Hamas. Why? Cause when your wife was decapitated and under your house someone digging a tunnel to shot rockets in near country, you have a choice: alert foreigner government about future attack with profs that basically seen from your window or at least leave with you family, or do nothing and keep working and doing "business as usual" thing. Why regular russians was so easily blamed for war in ukraine, but people literally involved in genocide of jews in Israel = no? This double standarts is confusing. You can't just say, that "palestinians civilians did nothing wrong" and then proceed with blaming russians about war in ukraine. Be consecutive! Palestinians murders is bad! Killing russians in Ukraine is bad! Genocide is good! Horay!

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Okay, let's pretend we living in the world of Equestria with pinky ponies all around and Geneva Convention really works and stopping russians from torture civilians and cut their dicks in Bakhmut. Also, we need to pretend that Hamas joined as Geneva Convention member. So, how Geneva Conventions threat a man that claimed to be civilian but actively participates in combat?

An exception to this rule is the levée en masse, whereby the inhabitants of a country which has not yet been occupied, on the approach of the enemy, spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading troops without having time to form themselves into an armed force. Such persons are considered combatants if they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war (see commentary to Rule 106).

Also, let's see what Hamas should do about hostages:

The taking of hostages is prohibited.

Oh boy.

Jokes aside, again, as I said: everyone who wanted to leave is already flee. Not like you see how your neighborhood stoking up weapons and rockets to strike nearby country and be like "I'm sure that just to made fireworks!". Do you think after russia invaded Ukraine, everyone just stayed at home and just ignored massacre on the streets? Nope sir, the one who was against that invasion just flee from occupied land, only one who couldn't find strength to leave own home and the people, who praised invasion stayed that day. Well, both groups was tortured anyway, but that beside the point. My point is, there almost no "civilians" left. There combatans and some that described by Geneva Conventions as "non combatants". But no civilians. Prove me wrong tho.

Well, I see my comment got downvoted and your upvoted (even tho you basically saying "no, you liar" without any proofs from your side), I now think that leaving a comment there was a misstake in the first place. Go go, terrorists I guess.

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I don't get what happens in this comment section. Do we now support terrorists that was bombing Israel for years? If yes, do we also support nazi cause they also genocide jews? I'm so confuse :c

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So where is the proof that Hamas has stolen humanitarian supplies during this war?

There a video, my Hamas protecting friend. There a news of Hamas firing a rockets from humanitarian zone. Also, look closely what your friends done.

Because I haven’t heard or seen anything like this.

And then saying that it’s all Hamas fault and failing to mention that Israel’s inability to allow sufficient amount of humanitarian aid

Let me use that one against you: I never seen or heard anything like this. Hamas clearly have more then enough humanitarian aid, what implying that there more then enough supplies.

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Well, if Hamas would stop stealing humanitarian supplies, maybe they won't starve. But what do I know, after all, most people there will simply say that it's Israel fault for some reason.

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Remember guys: killing jews - normal, killing terrorists - genocide.

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