0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Gen Xer here that does not share your co-worker's moronic view. Lock him up!

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The fact that this scenario literally never happened didn’t stop the Supreme Court from ruling to strip protections away from the LGBTQ community.

They did the same thing with the praying football coach. Ruling on the lies as facts in the case even after they were refuted. Actions suited for a kangaroo court. How shameful.

"Under the real facts of Kennedy’s case, Kennedy violated the Constitution.

The Lemon case, which the Court overruled in Kennedy, held that the government’s actions “must have a secular legislative purpose,” that their “principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion,” and that the government may not “foster ‘an excessive government entanglement with religion.’”

A public school official conducting a very public prayer during the course of his official duties as a government employee clearly violates this Lemon test."

He'd reply, but his keyboard just broke.

It could be "Xitter" Pronounced "Shitter" and the hashtag is now a fashtag.

Copied from elsewhere...I am not original.

Jokes on them. I barely give three days worth of effort in my five-day week.

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As an aside, I am loving SponserBlock. I no longer have to reach for the mouse to click ahead to the end of the ad.

I know by definition "restaurant" can be a fast-food place, but genuine restaurants are what you meant. Fast-food joints do not operate this way.

I left a quote about greed in my edits then deleted my comments. Used powerdeletesuite which also saves a local copy. I’ve only checked a couple of times, but they’ve not been restored.

That’s the only reason I’ve looked. I’m done over there just like I was done with Digg. Feels good.

That would not be a happy ending to the story.

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I was thinking, "Wait...what...?" But there it is:

For anyone I care about, I set a yearly reminder on my phone. Works a treat!

They still sell celerons?

They still sell DOS???

Sounds like a Rickyism. For the Gooder of Us All

Here is an interesting link that a user can answer questions to refine Linux distro choices:


That means “‘Sup?”

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Yes, since 2019, it is now much easier to identify the a$$holes. They are quite unabashed about it and I've even seen stickers on the bro-dozers mentioning the a$$hole club. What's the goal here? Instant tribal identification? Well, I guess it works and I can avoid you.

I love using cash. I feel like I am thwarting The System since it keeps pressuring me to use credit cards or some other form of electronic currency. I mean I use some of those too when necessary, but I use cash whenever possible.

My Shield is telling me it is not available on my device. What must I do to change its mind?

Start with construction sand. The cartels are already moving in on that stuff. ;)

Very similar story. Left Digg during the exodus, loved reddit for a while using BaconReader. Unknowingly the Outrage machine was doing a number on me and once I left last month, I felt a large weight lifted. Quality of conversations are greatly improved, but I've noticed some howling monkeys here too. Far fewer though.

I have noticed I've split my time to several instances as well as using Tildes, BBC and a variety of other sources to fill the space reddit used to do as I had it curated over a dozen years. Hard to flesh that out in a month.

What's their email? ;-D

All cars now have “black boxes” that track the telemetry of the vehicle. It is no longer optional. In the event of an accident, this data is used to help determine cause.

Edit: I did not make this up, the response calling it the ECU has no idea about this apparently, but it does not make it any less true. In the US all manufacturers have to install telemetry devices.

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