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UC Berkeley Professor Founds a Deepfake Forensics Company GetReal Labs.

I'd rather see what RISC-V has to offer.

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It greatly depends on the applications.

Porting Windows exclusive games to Linux is a small step as well, but most developers don't do it because they cannot justify the additional QA and debugging time required to port them over. Especially since Linux's market share is small.

The reason Itanium failed was because the architecture was too different from x86 and porting x86 applications over required significant effort and was error prone.

For RISC-V to even get any serious attention from developers, I think they need to have appx 40-50% market share with OEMs alongside ARM. Otherwise, RISC-V will be seen as a niche architecture and developers would avoid porting their applications to it.

They’re not compatible

This is what concerns me. ARM could dominate the market because almost everyone would develop apps supporting it and leave RISC-V behind. It could become like Itanium vs AMD64 all over again.

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As for why they adopted KDE, they probably discovered how hard it is to work with Gnome developers.

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This is some /r/surrealmemes shit right here.

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I shared a green text recently that said just this lol

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So basically the TypeScript of bash.

But Gnome devs are notoriously hard to work with.

Embrace, extend, extinguish, enshittify.

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Canis Lupus Familiaris

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You could try posting on to report sites that insist on using another browser or sites broken on your browser.

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Working in enterprise software development really hammers in the importance of unit tests and integration tests.

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What you described are game design issues. The art is always only as good as the artist who makes it and the Bethesda game design team are not very good (or perhaps Todd is a mediocre director since he is directly responsible for almost all aspects of the game).

If you see how ENB and Sweetfx enhance the visuals you know that the engine is capable of much more. There is a mod called Enderal which is a total conversion of Skyrim that uses the same engine but improves the visual in almost all aspects: better models, better post processing, new game mechanics, etc. There is also a team working on porting Vampire The Masquerade Redemption to the Skyrim engine with all new assets (guns, etc).

So basically Bethesda games being mediocre is due to a mediocre team and direction. Even if they start using Unreal their games will still be mediocre.

Edit: Before someone points it out, I know that ENB is not a part of the Creation Engine, but an external postprocessor that hooks into the DirectX API and modifies the rendered output. I was just saying that Bethesda could use something like this to enhance the lacklustre visuals but they deliberately chose not to perhaps due to their artistic vision for the game.

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The Creation Engine is not bad. It's very purpose built for RPGs and has all the frameworks for worlds, NPC AI behaviour, quests, dialogue trees etc already in it.

It also has in-built support for creating addons, which is why the modding scene is so robust.

You should install the Creation Kit on Steam to check it out.

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He's William Alsup, who presided over the Oracle vs Google case about Java API copyrightability.


Whether a game is buggy or not depends on the competency of the developers building the game, not the engine.

The engine is just a platform, like a canvas to an artist. How effectively it is used depends on the skill of the person using it.

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That doesn't look right. But I haven't tried 4.0 yet. Let me check.

HP released the Dev One laptop running Linux once.

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his apostles, but Thomas wasn't among them. So when they told him about it he didn't believe them saying that he will only believe it if he gets to touch Jesus's wounds.

So Jesus appears before him and makes him touch his wounds to show him that he has indeed returned from the dead. The painting is about that.

What's worse is them insisting that you build it in Rust and Mongodb only.


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A lot of what you said are just personal opinions.

Restored some of my faith in the Indian people to some extent to see that he lost out in the same city where he built the temple.


Most of Jetbrain's tools have community editions as well.

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Can someone translate that text?

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I host my own instance for that added oomph.

Brand new sentence

I'll have you know there's no ....

So do Eclipse, IBM, Amazon, Azul, Liberica, etc. There is really no reason to download any JDK version from the OTN ever.

Also if your organisation still relies on JDK 8 then using a non-Oracle openjdk version is your only option if you don't want to give Oracle money.

Wow, they haven't fucked up for more than a year? Is this some kind of record?

Don't care what Windows does. What's going on on Linux here.

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If supports xinput or directinput then it should work.

In other words, if it works on Windows it will work with the Steam Deck.

This is a major change, so I think this will probably be in Proton 9.0, whenever Valve releases that.

Hardware raytracing works even on newer Radeon cards. I played Control recently with raytracing on Linux and it works pretty well, though the average frame rate drops to around 40 FPS. I had to use FSR to get higher framerates.

If only I could get some spice.