Lemmy Reddit That

@Lemmy Reddit That@lemmy.world
2 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It has extensions support on mobile. I can't live without uBlock Origin. I installed Firefox on PC because of synching between Firefox on PC and Firerox and Android. I now stopped using this feature, but I kept using Firefox. I only use Chrome when pages don't open correctly on Firefox.

I would say picking a server. Regular users shouldn't be bothered with that. I wouldn't say multiple server choice is a bad thing, it's actually great thing, but regular users shouldn't be bothered with that. Maybe hide server selection behind advanced section or something like that, so regular users aren't bothered with that, but more tech savy users can still find that option if they would like to. And default option for server can be lemmy.world for example (or any other server). If using lemmy is too dificult for regular users and learning curve is too big, they will not bother with that and they will just leave. I am using Connect for Lemmy now and I think lemmy.world is selected by default. I am just using it and I was never bothered with concept of multiple servers, and I really like that I don't have to worry about that.

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Thanks god I can change my display name

I was not a hardcore reddit user. I made just 2 or 3 posts in those few years I was using reddit. I was mainly reading posts and comments. I was using Sync for Reddit and there I noticed Sync is comming to Lemmy, I signed up to get notification when it's ready, but that's pretty much it. But today I wanted to browse reddit and I couldn't, and I didn't want to use official app, because it's just crap, so I registered on Lemmy, searched for Lemmy app, found Connect, installed it, tried it and I have to say I kinda like it. I really hope Lemmy grew up even more.

I have all of these programs running on raspberry pi, including Flood (mobile friendly UI for qBittorrent, also supports Deluge), and plex media server. It can't be easier to watch movies and tv shows that way.

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I am one of the user that switched over to Lemmy, just because of Sync. I heart about Lemmy when I opened Sync for Reddit in July, when it wasn't working anymore. But app showed a message, that Sync for Lemmy is comming. So I created an account on Lemmy. Regarding automatic update over old Reddit app I don't think so. I think it has different package name than Sync for Reddit.

I would recommend this extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pwas-for-firefox/

It adds support for PWA in Firefox. I use it because Firefox dropped native support for PWA in Firefox.

I would love to buy laser printer, but sometimes we still need to print at home with colors.

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This. I switched to Firefox on Android, because of extensions. At the same time I switched to Firefox on Windows. And I never looked back. The only problem I have is native support for PWA on Firefox for desktops (we can add support with 3rd party app), and backgorund notifications doesn't work on PWAs on Firefox for Android

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You can force reboot phone with holding power button or all buttons for about 10 seconds and it will reboot. You don't need removable battery fot that. Or you can just remove sim for example. Thiefs aren't dumb

I just made my app as a PWA, just few months ago, just to support iOS. F**k them. I'm not making any effort for iOS apps anymore.

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Everything is running on Pi. But I have Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of ram. Actually I have Raspberry Pi 400, which is basically 4GB variant of Raspberry Pi 4, with slightly overclocked CPU and passive cooling, inside small keyboard, but I only got that because Raspberry Pi 4 was out of stock.

I am software developer and even I was confused with the choice of servers. At least at the beginning. Also, I dont think manuals (with explanations which server to choose) are great solution either. At least not when you start using it.

Just random thought. Sounds funny.

I would rather pay a little bit more for toner if it works. I am serously thinking about color laser printer when my printer stops wokring. I was looking at some brother color laser printer for around 250€ which is not a lof if this stuff works. Photo quality isn't important for me, so I thinks this could work for us.

EDIT: Also, what about scanner? Does those laser printers have an scanner option?

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It's not always so simple. I would love to use Linux at work, but my work doesn't allow me to.

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I wasn't using webpage, I was only using mobile app (Connect). Could my coockie be also stolen that way or was that only possible on webpage?

Thanks god I have unlimited 150/50 4g internet at home for around 42€ per month. This month we downloaded around 5.5 TB of data. Also small town, countryside, no stop lights, no businesses other than bars and shops. There is only one stop light in whole region. And whole region is getting fiber optic. We had DSL, but speeds were terrible.

Yeah, I think shift + refresh button clears the cache for that page. At least that's my experience with web development

I have a lot of friends that have iPhones. They just don't care about the color of bubbles.

I am an android user. I really don't care if message is send using RCS or SMS.

Transcoding is also turned off in my case. But I couldn't get used to Jellyfin. I tried, but I just couldn't.

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Yes, I do actually enjoy working out. I am a sotfware developer, but at the end of the work day, I am tired of developing, I am tired of computers, and I just want to go outside. Both cycling and hiking is my therapy and I clear my head when I do it. I like fresh air, nature and views from mountains. Also, I feel really happy when I finish working out, because I know I did something for myself. But it was not always like that. It was hard from the start, but step after step, it became easier and easier for me. Don't start with too long walks/hikes/rides. Starts with smaller ones, and every few days add more and more. Start with 1km walk for example. Next week add maybe 0,5km more. Next week maybe add some hill or something. Just don't overdo it. And find some motivation to do it. Do you like nature? Go walking into nature. Do you like dogs? Get a dog and go walking with a dog.

How did I start hiking and why? When I was hiking with my friends, I was always last, and I couldn't keep up with my friends. Also, it was really hard for me. I was also overweight. So I had to do something about myself. I started walking, but with short walks. Really short ones (like 0,5km only). But every few walks I added more and more. Now I can do really long walks and hikes without any problem.

How did I start cycling and why? Well that's another story. I really liked one girl, and she was cyclist. I was thinking it would be easier for me to hang out with her if I also start cycling. I would also have something to talk about with her. So I started cycling and cycling and cycling. Of course I was also talking with her, showing my results, etc. She was really big motivation for me. Unfortunately, it didn't work out with her, we went on a lot of dates, but eventually, we stopped dating. But at the end of the day, she helped me becoming good cyclist and now I can do really long rides, without any problem.

So, moral of the story: I think the main key here is motivation. Find something that will motivate you. And it doesn't need to be about walking or hiking or cycling. It can be totally different. This worked for me, but something else will work for some other people.

I also have the same new look in Slovenia. Since Chipolo is Slovenian company, I will just drive to Chipolo company to get it and then wait for Android Find My Devicu update 😝 just kidding

For me, prowlarr works much better together with qBittorrent, sonarr and radarr. + Add Flood to the list for easier mobile friendly UI for qBittorrent.

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9 years on reddit. I didn't post a lot of content or comments but I read a lot. As soon as they killed 3rd party apps, I left. And switched to lemmy. I like it here. I think I already posted more comments here, than on reddit. I don't miss reddit at all.

I would consider printing in shops, but we are in countryside and driving almost an hour to nearest city is just not worthy.

Never understand why anyone would want to buy their music in the first place. I got tired of music really quickly, so buying would be waste of money for me, since, after some time, I won't be listening to music I bought. For me, renting music is better than buying. And sometimes I would just like to find some new music, since I'm tired of listening to the same old s*it. Just give me something random, something new, I newer heard before. But that's just me, and I believe this is not for anyone.

I think you have to create new account anyway. At least that's what I did for YouTube Music. Because I don't want to change home country of my main account and I even think you can only change country once a year or something, so I created new one, using VPN set to Turkey, and now I have family pack for around 1.20€ - 1.80€ (this month it was 1.20€), up to 6 users. But this is only YouTube Music Premium, without YouTube Premium.

I don't think those things are obscure/quirky.

Weather prediction - Do you have any knowledge about how weather works or are you just random guessing? I would love to know more about how to predict weather, based on current and past weather.

Lockpicking - are you also trying to pick an actual lock. I am watching LockPickingLaywer on YouTube, it's really fun to watch, because it's really easy for him to pick a lock. But I don't know where to start. I would love to at least try to pick some lock. Just for fun.

Gardening - that's actually good experience to have. It's not so easy to know how to garden and if you know that, good job. πŸ‘

Please don't say that. I bought Fujinon XT-4 and a kit lens last year. I hope I won't spend too much on accessories. (But most probably I will)

I never use it. But I only listen to songs when I'm driving.

I already had android app written in kotlin, so I didn't need PWA. I guess it's cool that I can use this PWA on computer, even if nobody would use my app on computer. When somebody asks me, why my app is not on App Store, I just ask them, would they pay 99$ per year for an app, and they say never. Well, there is your answer.

It's strange, because from main menu, it works, but from this link, it doesn't.

Hm... It doesn't work for me on my own app, where notifications are main part of the app. It does work on Chrome for Android and on both Chrome and Firefox on Windows, but on Firefox I never received a single notitication. And all notifications are enabled. I will try to remove and add PWA in firefox again and we will see. Is there some PWA app where I can test if notitications are working? I am not using Twitter.

I actually didn't know that

@rikudou@lemmings.world Just an update for you. I just tried my PWA app on last stable version of iOS 17.4 and it works again. I made a quick google search if it's just me, or Apple actually reversed they decision and I found this (from https://developer.apple.com/support/dma-and-apps-in-the-eu/#dev-qa ):

Why don’t users in the EU have access to Home Screen web apps?

UPDATE: Previously, Apple announced plans to remove the Home Screen web apps capability in the EU as part of our efforts to comply with the DMA. The need to remove the capability was informed by the complex security and privacy concerns associated with web apps to support alternative browser engines that would require building a new integration architecture that does not currently exist in iOS.

We have received requests to continue to offer support for Home Screen web apps in iOS, therefore we will continue to offer the existing Home Screen web apps capability in the EU. This support means Home Screen web apps continue to be built directly on WebKit and its security architecture, and align with the security and privacy model for native apps on iOS.

Developers and users who may have been impacted by the removal of Home Screen web apps in the beta release of iOS in the EU can expect the return of the existing functionality for Home Screen web apps with the availability of iOS 17.4 in early March.

Finally, some good news.

I agree with you. It doesn't need to always be the same server. It could select randomly between top 5 servers like you said and I think that would be great solution.

Why can't I access this community with Connect for Lemmy? I'm a little bit confused πŸ€”

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Kamen means stone in our language, and I was a little bit confused

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It's not work as a company, but work I do in the company, that is preventing me from using linux. I am software delevoper, and we are developing desktop WinForms and WPF apps. The main problem here is that both WinForms and WPF are tied to Windows, and they are not working on any other OS. We would love to port those programs to another platform, but you can't just port programs that are developed 10+ years overnight. Those project are just too big to port them in some normal time. And there are also 3rd party libraries, that we are required to use, that are made for .NET Framework only. I forgot to mention, that we are using .NET Framework, that is working only on Windows. We could use opensource .NET, which works also on Linux, but even in opensource .NET, both WinForms and WPF works only on Windows. We could use Avalonia instead, because it supports Linux also, but even that is not just straight forward. It would be easier to just create new programs from scratch, but you would still need to support older software, and we just don't have time nor resources to do that.