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Joined 1 years ago

I personally blocked it because I want to talk to everyone on lemmy


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Where exactly was the good idea?

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Awesome, now you get only subconscious messages flashed in your eyes.

What else are people going to do to avoid installing Firefox?

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Google is not funding Firefox only for the search engine being default. Google needs to keep Firefox alive because it is their sole competitor. If Firefox (Mozilla) goes down, Google can be accused for monopoly practices which is something they want to avoid.

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Isn't every reinstall an opportunity for changes?

How else will the AI be able to recognize that such text is "bad"?

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Yeah but this is in the area of unpaid labor. You "had to" solve a captcha in order they let you use another service. You are not visiting a page with the sole purpose of voluntarily solving captchas

these memes may make us feel special but I find it silly.

The internet over-romanticization of (not only) ADHD has to stop. It is stupid and I believe causes more harm than good.

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They say it is rewritten and in reality it has the exact same bugs and issues as before. Kudos to the product manager who managed to sale it as new

It is correct. Luigi is not in this game so it is singular

easier to have posts be given tags

If this is not being done automatically by the server by analysing the content, people will not use tags, or use irrelevant tags, or fill it with tens of tags like Instagram's early days or whatever else I cannot think of now. But I think it is not easy to work as intended

Yes but these blank accounts will cease to be blank after these users start having conversations which use the middleman. And the middleman will have access to them..

Did you download a ready apk? If yes, it was malware. Follow the recommended procedure with the manager and patching the original YouTube apk yourself

Well actually they can do much more, like for example decreasing quality to lets say 144p

I'm not saying that adblockers will not be able to bypass it, maybe there will be a solution as well, but wanted to say that the blank screen waiting is not their only weapon

If YouTube operates at a loss and they decide to ditch their service its their problem, not mine. I'm not here to save google

And the "would of" thing

You mean it is hard for you to execute it?

I don't know for adobe specifically, but other services like for example spotify, require that you also pay by a card issued in said country. So the VISA from your homecountry you already have, doesn't work.

Chromium comes straight out of Google though. It is not another browser. It is the same engine. They give their engine for free and different companies use it to make their own flavors of the engine of the "Google browser".

They're actually increasing the market share of their browser engine by having chromium open source.This is not competition.

Mozilla has good lawyers too.

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Agree. Enable only what you understand you should enable

To be fair, slack price can reach up to thousands per month for very big companies.

That being said, teams is a ridiculous piece of software that is indeed broken.

Agree with your comments. Do you know if the term hyperfocus is being used in official ADHD characteristics or is it a completely internet made up thing based only on experiences?

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I suppose it depends on your system's abilities, but my guess would had been that you get all frames but for shorter period of time

Sir you don't have any credit right now. Please edit your comment

Yeah it looks it is official. Then I guess we'll have to live with it and the internet hype it misleadingly creates

Are you the same people that say that by banning fascists you're also becoming fascist?

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I had fully understood what you wanted to mean, even though phrased badly. However the reason I quoted it is because of how contradictory is your thought process.

I challenge elon to give the one billion to me and I will give him back double

Normal people stop exploiting others before they reach having unfathomable amounts of money. So somebody with different values and morals will never have so much money since it is impossible to make such money without being corrupt and a piece of shit

If you tear down the apartment, you cannot stop paying with the excuse that now it worths nothing. You'd still need to pay the original value

No reason. It would require elon to be part of whatever position and he will destroy it like twitter.

Also his endgoal is most probably to control what's written about him

I thought my sarcasm was obvious

Do you know if OP has certifications or experience?


Are you sure you've read the OP?

I personally would much prefer to be introduced to a new subject (like BASH101) by someone who has zero certifications but some experience and a real ability to teach.

Because I have seen a lot of super certified teachers who ends up unable to teach anything and who are recycling the same course without any practical experience in the last decade.

I don't disagree with that, but again I think you're in a wrong post. Op never said that they're so experienced but just lack certifications. What I've understood is that OP is just a power user with no other experience, neither from a job, nor from personal hobbies but on production live environments

And that being said, please explain me how you end up making such assumptions about OP's skills and what did they say that made you feel that you know about their level of knowledge.

Nah, most probably this IP, since it is close to yours, was also assigned to you at some point in time, while downloading or seeding said torrent

totaly agree. Additionally if I see a post/comment with racist/fascist/sexist views I want to know what the general consensus is. It makes a difference knowing that people disagree or support.

I don't get how one can get to teaching without provable certifications or experience. I mean who will hire Joe from his basement just because he claims he's "good at Linux". Unless you're talking for something else. Like him preparing a whole course in an online platform that will give it free in order to get some traction and hoping that this will attract customers

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And this is why they focus and promote the podcasts so much. Podcasts don't have any label intermediate

I hate the internet over-romanticization of the "superfocus" and people believing they have a superpower

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Are you that naive by choice or what?