1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

u/Taytay_Is_God says they've done just that, they were the sole mod of r/tumblr and have been relieved of duties.

Looking at the tracker comments seem to reaching parity with posts again, as they were pre-blackout. For the two days of the protest 67% of subs were private, yet posts hardly deviated from the norm - and comments only slightly below. Is the implication that people in subs that didn't join in like r/news etc just posted/commented that much more in a show of support ha ha ha, or is this a de facto admission that much of the site's traffic is just bots? Are investors down with that? I haven't seen this actually hashed out in discussions much.

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Do it at night, show some mercy.

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Mind if I do a J?

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Make sure the press hears about this. We're still ranting about spez editing comments years after the fact; not only disobeying a user's wishes, but violating the law?. That's a whole other kettle of fish.

I just watched it again for the umpteenth time and finally figured out that he's probably saying "U2," but it sure comes out sounding like YouTube.

Calling their site Twitter always baffled me - wouldn't people be put off by what you're implying? - or impressed me with their frankness. Why not Doesn't roll of the tongue the same way...

Kind of a wash - I've always been a RiF devotee. I might have rejected Sync if it wasn't compact enough, or I didn't realize it could be set that way - I've always placed a premium on cramming the most info onto a screen as I can. Which is why I was drawn to /. and then reddit, and can't stand FB etc.

Ah, Lemmy code growing pains. Another one I've noticed, I think it's the deadly combination of All + New, and it's a live firehose of postings. That's to be expected though...kind of cool to watch, actually.

They never shut down, along with a few other biggies. TiL just reopened.

UPS employees overwhelmingly agreed to go on strike if their demands aren't met by July 31st. These Amazon drivers are on strike now - all 84 of them, at one facility, obviously. They're like the Boston Tea Party.

By contrast, there are 340k Teamsters working for UPS. Their forming picket lines will grind things to a halt in really short order. Good on those Amazon drivers! Hope others join in solidarity.

Looking at the Blackout Tracker it seems a few subs have folded early - r/adviceanimals and r/travel being the largest. Also the news subs and random ones like r/movies or r/photoshopbattles never joined in - were they not on board of their own choice, or controlled from on high?

I'm waiting for better control over filtering to be able to see what I want - the duplicate communities are a good example, being able to select all technology instances would be handy. Although will people in each one be posting the same material...perhaps we could have all the comments viewed at once while we're at it. But that makes you consider what's the point of having all these instances in the first place.

The redditlist seems to be offline - taking part in the protest, I guess. So, looking at a recent archived version, we could always make sure we've duplicated the biggest subs, for a start. WorldNews definitely fits that bill.

Looking at what had the most subscribers in 2014 it doesn't look like things have changed much - gaming, news, funny, videos, science. News for nerds. Most all of those have been covered here, but I think it would be prudent to cover all the bases.

Also, are we going to have local communities? Jeez, "communities" is a lot of typing. Subs is 5 characters. Local "comms"? Sounds like a Hawkwind song...

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I was - I've noticed I'll be looking at a post, and then all of a sudden some other post is up - some bug at work. I'll port my comment to where it belongs, thanks for the heads up.

Wow, he's complaining about Twitter 3 years before it came online. The other day I found a video of Henry Rollins complaining about YouTube in 1985.

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Ha, there's a Tilde webring. That's like a jet powered Wright Brothers glider.

I keep running Power Delete Suite and the comments keep getting restored. Pretty shifty of them.

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Just found this over at kbin, in the above linked thread:

You should bear in mind, PowerDeleteSuite doesn't get everything. It can only see what's in your reddit profile under New, Top, Hot & Controversial - there will be numerous posts that are too old with only 1 or a few karma that aren't displayed in these lists. In particular, if you go through your top posts of all time, you might find some replies to these posts that you made that the script did not see.

The GDPR archive gives a full list of all the comments. What we need is a FOSS script that can use these csv files to get everything. Apparently Shreddit can take the csv files, however you have to pay $15 to use this feature.

Splitting a recording into separate tracks - Audacity Manual Super easy to do. Back in the Cool Edit days I digitized hundreds of LPs by hand, it is a bit of a chore.

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Will a critical mass be reached where we can create our own communities? At least at beehaw that seems to be handled top down, we had a poll asking what we'd want - does it work that way everywhere? I'd like a local area community, but as you say, who'd participate? I might be it.

Power Deleted mine yesterday. The idea of them making $$$ for AI training is creepy.

I've read that Aaron Swartz was tolerant of free speech in any way shape form, thus the acceptance of anything under the sun.

Had the week off from work, who doesn't love those? Mostly a staycation, went to a nice musical gathering, jammed with friends too, got stuff done, cleared head.

FoxScroller, I like to scroll pages while practicing music, which always impresses people. Gesturefy, gotta have those mouse gestures. With a tiny Windows program called NeatMouse I can do it all with the keyboard, too. Kinda off topic. Imagus, what is this clicking and opening crap? SessionSync is good for saving your tabs. Fun to see what you were wasting time on 5 years ago.

I've always used RiF - it duplicates the desktop layout better than the others, along with so many other features. Wish its developer was moving on to a Lemmy app, but he's cranking out one for Tildes instead.

I still use it to lurk - the shitstorm over there is quite amusing, read the latest announcement at r/videos. Yes, nothing but John Oliver videos - but the screed this is delivered with is a thing of beauty.

That's a really great analogy, I'm going to use that in the future.

There's another sub with GPT in the title, r/subGPT or something. The subreddit simulator always amused me, it was blatantly artificial - the content on this new one made me queasy, it was precisely the kind of one note jibber jabber we'd skim past constantly.

Audacity can automatically insert labels at silences - it's detailed in that link. It does all the work for you.

I'm really not sure which approach is best. kbin has a whole reddit migration community, you might find some answers there. I've only used PDS and I think you can leave parting words with it, too.

That was Yahoo! Answers. Quroa is...a titch better.

I wonder if things are as tense as was shown in that video from reddit HQ.

An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.

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