1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For me it's Google search's tab order. They always switch up the tabs for web, images, videos, etc. depending on what you search for. It makes the experience very unpredictable and annoying.

Recently they've also started putting related searches next to the tabs 🤦

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I'm interested in seeing how the enshittification of Threads will unfold. It's all super neat and cozy right now with a clean UI, no ads, not many sign up nags, and such. When they build up their userbase, we'll see how the platform devolves.

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Aside from the ads, you also have to sift through all of the crappy clones and shovelware to actually find something useful.

This was my exact experience a couple of days ago when I was trying to find a CSV viewer.

"Are you always this quiet?"

"It usually takes me some time to be comfortable around new people."

I've found that people are usually quite understanding and make an effort to include you in conversations if you just be honest with them instead of being snarky.

Agreed. So many websites want you to sign up for their newsletter before you've even read the first line of text.

I like how they imply viewing it in the app suddenly makes the subreddit safe. They use the same trick in NSFW subreddits to get people to install thier app.

Guess you're visiting the Titanic shipwreck in a submarine...

I can't believe they named their browser "Comodo Dragon" lol

There is a GitHub issue about it. Looks like the endpoint could be added if someone is willing to work on it.

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I like USB-C especially when it clicks.

My university forced us to switch from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 and from BigBlueButton to Teams for online classes probably because Microsoft offered them an irresistible deal. It was a really annoying and user-hostile process for everyone.

Microsoft has been on a shameless crusade recently to make people adopt Edge. Upon launch, thier Bing AI had a rather absurd requirement to use Edge to access it.

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My bank also does this shit. It's aggravating to use their website when every step along the way they put the burden of security on the user.

Pasting is disabled on almost every text field, even for things like account numbers (which they make you type in twice) when you want to do a transfer. The only way to log in is to manually type in your username, password, and a damn captcha everytime. The 6 digit 2FA code is the icing on the cake. If you idle for a minute or two, they log you out and force you to go through the whole thing again.

+1 for F-Droid. I always prefer open-source alternatives from there over ad-infested bloatware which the Play Store has a lot of.

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To save a post, you need to tap the bookmark icon next to the downvote arrow. Comments can also be saved by swiping them to the left until you see the bookmark icon.

To view your saved posts, open the navigation drawer (hamburger menu) on Connect and tap on Saved, which is just below Profile.

a new direction for awarding that allows redditors to empower one another and create more meaningful ways to reward high-quality contributions

Lmao wut

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I love this picture lmao

Google Meet's background blur and visual filters do not work on Firefox. MS Teams straight up says that Firefox is not a supported browser. These decisions might be intentional on the part of Google and Microsoft, but to the average user of these popular products, it looks like a Firefox problem.

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I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers are made up. Just dark patterns to make it seem like the product is hot.

Though I've found it kinda interesting when websites show little messages like "Someone from country just bought item!".

I turned off my activity history, and I've noticed a needlessly degraded experience on some Google apps, like in Maps where it no longer labels your home location as "Home", but it's a saved location anyway.

When I first came here from reddit, my vision was heavily skewed by what I'm used to. However, the more I learn about the fediverse, the more I appreciate the differences and the value of small communities.

Indeed. I opened the Signal app after a really long time last week and found that they had added a useless Stories feature like WhatsApp. I uninstalled the app since I never used it anyways.

Edit: Looks like Signal stories can be turned off unlike WhatsApp stories. That's a win I guess.

This is a great YSK and a great website. Ever since learning about the granny knot, I've noticed that many people around me do it unknowingly.

I kinda like it, and hope we see more of this. Maybe skeuomorphism is not the best idea for UI elements these days, but for things like icons it makes perfect sense.

Many apps in iOS still use beautifully detailed icons which make for eyecandy without sacrificing functionality.

Same, I am yet to find a website notification that is actually useful to me.

The Oculus desktop app is a bloated mess. I wish it was just a tray tool that provided what's necessary to connect Oculus Link and use PCVR apps. Instead it pops up a bloody window every time with zombies and what not and does not even allow you to minimize it to the tray.

Using GBoard begrudgingly because there's no better alternative for me personally. I depend on the swipe typing and gestures a lot. Personalisation is off, and I don't use the next-word suggestions that often.

I don't really like SwiftKey's design or its Microsoft affiliation. I wish there was a good open-source alternative. Florisboard looks promising, but the last time I tried it, it was still lacking in features.

Literally why do news websites play some random unrelated video when I'm trying to read an article...

There are also those headers that auto-hide when you scroll down, but pop back up at the slightest upward scroll, blocking the line at the top of the screen that you were trying to read.

The banana phone (Nokia 8110 4G) is also a fun dumb phone.

This is discussed in the GitHub:

It seems that admins can currently purge such images through a manual action.

Not exactly an alternative, but a workaround: is an indirect way to access reddit threads using Google's cache.

I just tried revoking the camera permission on my Snapchat app. There's a nag to re-enable it on the main screen, but the navbar at the bottom still lets me access my chats and view snaps from friends.

Is it not the same for you? I'm running version on Android 10.

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I don't fully understand—would Meta be able to serve you targeted ads based on your non-Threads fediverse activities? Where would these ads appear? How do they know it's you just from your fediverse accounts?

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It only becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if you go into every situation thinking like that. Most people are pretty decent, it's only that they try to do what they believe is right.

I use Kiwi out of necessity. The modern web is unusable without some way to block ads, cookie popups, and sticky elements. It's especially worse on mobile because every other website wants you to use their app.

It's a good UX improvement imo. Previously it just didn't show unavailable apps, leading people to install fake clones.

From what I understand, those shadow profiles are based on information that Meta gets about you from other users, or through things like cookies and tracking pixels.

Suppose that Meta builds a shadow profile for each fedi user, then how would they link it back to you? They cannot get your IP address from just being federated with your home server, and they cannot inject a tracking pixel to your server's website. Is there another way that they could use your fedi activity to serve you targeted ads?

Strange, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's just a bug? If you open the reviews section on the Play Store page for the game, and check the "Show reviews for: This device model" checkbox, do you see any reviews from other Pixel 5 users there?

I don't know, all the file icons on my computer look like that...