2 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Admin @ - Roam free!

It's not a mass exodus. There was a sizeable influx of people from Reddit to Lemmy/kbin, sure, but that's measured in the (low) hundreds of thousands. Reddit has hundreds of millions of active users.

The reality is it's not even close to a mass exodus, not yet.

14 more...

It's just a play on words: Le(mmy) + Stat(us) or Le Stat(us)

I think it's short and easy to remember, the fact that it's also the name of a famous vampire is just a bonus.

2 more... was briefly back to normal and there had been a post saying that everything was fine now - it's not.

The site has just started doing the same thing again.

Please do not try using for the time being.

8 more...

The DB migration at the end of this upgrade is significant, I was surprised how long it took when I upgraded my instance. Lots of room for things to go wrong considering the size of their DB.

5 more...

Not at all, it's perfectly fine to have accounts on multiple instances.

42 more...

In practice UPC will probably have some kind of fair use policy buried in its terms of service - your best bet is to go through those terms and see what you find. Fair use typically means they will start throttling you beyond a certain point. Most ISPs keep this reasonably vague (e.g. if your usage is in excess of what they deem to be reasonable, but no actual data amounts defined).

Not all ISPs have a fair use policy though, and typically you're better off on large ISPs where your usage doesn't really stand out that much.

I have a Pine phone that I bought some time ago.

I tried a couple of distros/environments:

  • Mobian
  • Manjaro + Plasma Mobile
  • Manjaro + Phosh

My experience: As a basic phone, it mostly works. Everything else is pretty bad. The Pine phone is underpowered, the environments are not very well optimised and polished, basic browsing was almost unusable, things didn't work properly, I had to use the CLI to get around UI issues (which is very sucky on a phone), etc. Battery life is bad, the camera is a joke (if it works), the screen has dead pixels after less than a year, it's not a great picture.

I fully support what Pine phone is trying to do, in fact I bought 2 of them and I don't regret buying them, but know what you are getting into. It's nowhere near ready for mass adoption. If you're a hobbyist then it's a fun toy to play around with.

Purism is more expensive/better hardware and uses the Phosh graphical shell. I haven't tried it but I imagine the experience is a lot more polished. You could probably use that as a daily driver if you were happy to give up most of the apps / quality of life stuff your spyware phone currently does for you.

If you're not, then going the degoogled route is probably your best choice.

8 more...

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad T430 that is by now almost 10 years old, it runs perfectly on Linux and is a fantastic choice even today. It's built like a tank and that Intel i5 powering it is immortal. DDR3 RAM is dirt cheap now and it takes up to 16Gb, you can swap its HDD to a SATA SSD (if not done already) and batteries for it are still cheap and plentiful.

If you're looking for something affordable for software dev, I can't think of a better choice for $200-$300

They really built this one right, they don't make them like this anymore.

4 more...

Awesome project and the tool looks great - nice work!

There was an existing tool which was similar:

Yours is definitely nicer.

12 more...

That's entirely up to you, it can be the same username if you want. Speaking as an instance admin, there is no problem with users creating multiple accounts across instances, even if they're the same username.

Spam would be creating as many usernames as you can on any given instance (e.g. trying to register 100 users on because reasons) - there's obviously a problem with that. Creating you@instance1, you@instance2 and you@instanceN is perfectly fine.

36 more...

Of all the ones to miss!

Thanks for pointing it out, I've added it now.

Great work! It really is amazing how much better Lemmy works now compared to only 2 weeks ago.

My 2 cents:

Simple, no domain required stuff:

More advanced, should pair with a domain:

  • Nextcloud for your own personal cloud/calendar/etc: - it won't be blazing fast but it will work well, I had it running on a pi for a while.
  • Simple web hosting - the pi is great for hosting low traffic stuff like blogs etc.
1 more...

Defederation is simultaneously very useful and very dangerous.

Large instances have the power to kill smaller ones by defederating them, since they control an overwhelming share of Fediverse content. That is a lot of power in the hands of a small group of people, each potentially with their own views and agendas.

I think defederation should be reserved for openly malicious servers and used as an absolute last resort. Think of the Internet and how horrible it would be if countries decided to just disconnect from other countries based on conflicting ideologies.

The vast majority of users on legitimate instances just want to explore interesting things, share some thoughts and have a good time. Defederating hurts legitimate users the most, trolls can easily hop instances and find another way to troll.

I think they're stuck in a vicious circle, their server costs scale with size but new users are way more likely to donate. Users that have already donated feel like they've done their bit for a while, and that's if they're still around and engaged in a few weeks. Very few people want to donate monthly, subscription style.

My personal controversial view is people should put more faith in well-run self-hosted instances. It's a much more sustainable way to run a Fediverse server and self-hosted doesn't have to mean amateur hour. Just because an instance is cloud hosted doesn't mean it's well configured or secure either.

I have way more resources at my disposal than the vast majority of cloud hosted instances, for a tiny fraction of the cost. for example is very well run but has to put up with a 100kb image size limit because of cost-driven space constrains.

Self hosting is also closer to the spirit of what decentralization is supposed to mean - your server ultimately belongs to your host.

Https HEAD requests - I find it yields accurate results for Lemmy and it's extremely light on bandwidth.

It took about the same for me.


Uptime Kuma Github:

Note that I am not the creator of Uptime Kuma, gets all the credit there.

Thanks for your feedback. I like your idea, I'll have a look into what I can do to make it happen.

This is a Lemmy-ui bug, not related to CDN/cache.

I had submitted a bug report for it some time ago but it's not that urgent in the great scheme of things so they didn't get around to it yet:

(the report speaks about this happening after you log in, but it's the same thing).

Hey thanks for your feedback. I've made them all URLs now.

Search and sort are tricky as it's not something Uptime Kuma status pages can do, I'll look into what can be done there.

There are no requirements, and they wouldn't be enforceable even if somebody tried. The admin of instance1 has no way of knowing that you already have an account on instance2. Your identifiable details (IP address, e-mail address) are private to the instance that you sign up with and it would be a violation of privacy (and inherently scummy) for those to be shared between instances - they're not.

You can be anonymous on the fediverse, just like the Internet in general used to be before Facebook.

8 more...

I've tried refreshing and Cloudflare blocked me:

I'm officially a bot now I guess.

Edit: But more on the topic, they have been plagued by DDoS attacks recently so my guess is it's more of the same.

Edit edit:

It's probably related to the redirect.

3 more...

I've updated the post to include clickable URLs. Lesson learnt that I shouldn't rely on clients to treat domain names as links.

Yes it was changed some time ago:

That's fine too, the short of it is it's entirely up to you.

3 more...

Yes, it just means that there are 9 people from vlemmy that have subbed to that community. This bit is a bit confusing, for example if nobody had subbed to it yet from vlemmy then it would show 0 subs.

I think you're one "active user" short of being back on there:

I believe you need 5 to be listed.

2 more...

Hey, thanks for your feedback. I like your idea of labeling Cloudflared services, reporting is indeed a bit tricky for those especially if they use "Always online" to serve cached copies while the instance is down. I have some ideas on how to combat that, but labeling them also makes sense.

I can add tags against services - I have done this for as a proof of concept, I think it works but I welcome feedback. Sorting through the entire list is a bit daunting and will take me a while, but I'll get there.

Manually adjusting availability is a can of worms that I don't want to open, I'd rather we try to find other ways to level the playing field.

2 more...

That project is a great find, thanks! A real time saver, I should have these marked up shortly.

I'll do some more thinking on how we represent Cloudflare instances in general, I think for the time being I may just include a short note for them as people will wonder why they're marked anyway.

Edit: This is now done, all Cloudflare instances marked and an explanation added.

Have you thought of self-hosting mailcow?

It's very easy to set up and fairly straightforward to maintain, if you have a static IP and it's not impossible to get a PTR record then I highly recommend it. Yes you're self hosting your own mail server but mailcow vastly simplifies this.

Alternatively plonking it on the right VPS can also work.

Hey, you should be able to search for it, this may help you:

I am able to find it from vlemmy:

Note that it won't show up in the search results if you are not logged in.

3 more...

If you always had e-mail verification turned on then you can get rid of some of these junk sign-ups relatively easy, I wrote a guide for it here:

From what I've seen, most of the bot sign-ups that are swelling instance User numbers wouldn't have passed e-mail verification. I think it was done mostly to prove a point, rather than an attempt to actually use those accounts.

Instances that didn't have e-mail verification turned on are in a much harder spot.