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Joined 1 years ago

This video is criticising Lunduke, it isn't made by him

How do the Tumbleweed Folks among us deal with this?

We generally don't add many third party repos and we set repository priorities. If I understand this correctly, you are currently using official openSUSE packages and your upgrade is prompting you to upgrade them by changing vendor to this home:wolfi repo. If you want to keep the original packages, you just need to set priorities: in YaST 's "Software Repositories" page for instance, you can select a repo and see what its priority is (99 is the lowest priority, 1 is the highest). You could for instance put the official repos at 95 priority and the wolfi repo at 99. This way, packages will remain set on the official repos even if there are new versions on the other repo.

However, if you have packages that you want to get from the wolfi repo but are also in the official repos, with this method you will be asked to change those packages to the official repos, the inverse situation compared to your issue. You can tell the system to keep those packages from your chosen repo, I do it by choosing a version on the YaST Software page.

After 4 years on btrfs I haven't had a single issue, I never think about it really. Granted, I have a very basic setup. Snapper snapshots have saved me a couple of times, that aspect of it is really useful.

No, there are those big plus signs appearing on the top-right corner of the icon, if you click there it selects instead of opening. I guess it's a matter of habit, I can't get used to it

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I really don't think it's a matter of "haters". It might be more logical and consistent if you have no other frames of reference, but most Plasma users come over from other OSs who all use double click (Windows, Mac, even Gnome). If a new user blindly tries KDE and keeps accidentally opening everything while trying to select it's just an immediate and big annoyance. It's not even clear that it isn't a bug because there is no clear explanation of how to select and how to open.

Edit: we are of course all used to single clicking on touch screens, but there it is contrasted with the long press to see options and some "select mode" for file management. There is no system that works exactly like Plasma single-click, which makes it disorienting.

As I said somewhere else, to get more compact tabs you can go to about:config and search for a setting called browser.tabs.tabMinWidth, I usually change the number to 20 (the default minimum width is like 70) and tabs are allowed to become roughly as narrow as in chrome. And if by "more compact tab bar" you meant how tall tabs are, there's the setting, put it to "true" and then in the Firefox menu under More Tools → Customize Toolbars you can select "compact mode" in the "Density" menu on the bottom, which makes the tab bar and toolbars shorter

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Dixie Dregs' 1975 debut album "The Great Spectacular", for some reason it is not considered a proper release, more like a demo, and is extremely rare in physical copies as well as online. Luckily I found what I believe is the only high quality rip in existance a couple years ago, it was a long search! Worth it, it's their happiest and most delightful work, just half an hour of Steve Morse's great and eclectic guitar work

I like the design and it looks perfect for me since I store everything locally and tag manually. My only issue is it only "sees" around 600 songs out of the 30 ˙000 I have, leaving some albums with only 1 song and ignoring a lot of artists. Is there a way to force it to notice the rest? Everything is in the same folder

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openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE since 2019, it never breaks and if you break it you can easily roll back. Yes, there are a lot of updates, but I have a secondary system that I upgrade only once every six months and it works like a charm!

Ok I admit I never thought about using ublock on thunderbird but it sounds interesting, could you explain what advantages it and those filters give? As far as I know TB already blocks some elements within emails for security and privacy purposes

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Beta? It isn't experimental, it was an official feature that is no longer supported (even if it still works perfectly).

To mitigate this you can go to about:config (write it in the address bar) and search for a setting called browser.tabs.tabMinWidth, I usually change the number to 20 (the default minimum width is like 70) and tabs are allowed to become roughly as narrow as in chrome. It's a much simpler and stabler option compared to custom CSS

That's great, enjoy your holiday!

That's a great workaround, could you share the command?

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I had the same annoyance and ended up uninstalling it, I'll look into remapping the up arrow too, I never liked the way ctrl-r works anyway. By the way, do you know how to delete a command from history in atuin? I found a bunch of discussions in development about this and some comments saying the function was added, but never mentioning the shortcut or command to delete

Ooh I see now! I should have thought of it, most of my songs are in opus format, and tambourine is only picking up the flacs:

023-07-04 11:00:57.342 | ERROR | | Error while parsing music file: No Reader associated with this extension:opus

My bad, many music apps don't support opus. I have everything in flac on a separate drive, but there's no room on my laptop so I convert them. Opus is open source and compresses files in a much more optimised way than mp3, so you can get smaller files with way better sound quality.

I have no idea how much work adding support for it would entail, but I would definitely use tambourine if you decided to do it. Right now I'm using Elisa on KDE, which is nice but very slow to recreate its database every time I add or change something.

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Thank you, I didn't know about ydotool, I'll get it working on openSuse