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Joined 1 years ago

Vaccines will give you autism, microchips, actual diseases etc. It's one of the best medical breakthroughs in history and we have idiots ruining it.

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Is him being gay even relevant to what happened, or are they just trying to make this about something it's not?

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Relevant, for those interested in the history of grep. Computerphile

No, no, no, it's not Elon who's out of touch. It's the advertisers who are wrong! Just wait until all of Earth, apparently, hears of how these big mean advertisers killed the wondrous and righteous place named X. There will be outrage!.... so thinks Elon anyway. What a deluded moron.

I've heard this a bit. Treason is a crime against your own country, no? How is this treason?

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Aaaaand now we're back at the piece of shit acting like a piece of shit.

And this is how I, a foreigner, know the sun has risen over the US.

Boardgames. Especially big, rules heavy games like Mage Knight and Twilight Imperium. I'll happily spend a day playing a boardgame and my family just don't get it at all.

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Funny to think all that equals 42.

And she's a cunt, right?

Is Ted not commonly used as short for Edward?

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Not to mention Ace Ventura's too-long scene of showering, burning his clothes, using a plunger to make himself throw up etc. So you kissed someone you didn't know was trans, grow up.

Is that the Behind The Bastards Robert Evans? Love his work.

That's not what they're talking about. Some people/businesses have a "smart" caller ID so the business name shows up instead of their number, even if you've never heard of or been contacted by them before.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

If they enforced it from day 1 then you're right, no one would have cared. At day 1 it would be upfront and everyone would know what they're getting and far fewer people would have bought it. Enforcing it at day 40 or whatever is not cool. I, along with many others by the sounds of it, was looking forward to finally buying this game and now I won't be. In general I am so fucking sick of good-sounding games coming along just for them to be fucked in one way or another, i.e., missing content, under developed/tested, broken promises, "we'll patch it later", etc.


"Official Act" violence. Can't wait.

Never heard of them, until he's elected. THEN they'll all be best friends.

This is why we have "guilt by omission"

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True. Gotta wait til they hit puberty

Part of the solution is definitely weeding out the people purposely working against the good of the country.

The Simpsons has not been particularly funny since season 9, and I'm willing to die in this hill.

I know right. The logic seems to be "well he didn't get charged for it so I shouldn't be either". Yeah, but keeping weapons safe was your job, not his.

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I get SO frustrated when I see a date like 4/3/2024 and have to spend time trying to figure out if it's the 4th of March, or if some US company wrote the software I'm using and it has defaulted to silly format.

Are any flights involved? I feel some flights should be involved in this setup...

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That and what we generally think of as "Vikings" were actually Danes, which is an insult to Swedes.

Rich guys and private islands... I'm sure nothing bad has ever come of that.

The moon is a decent fraction if the Earth's mass. It has been a while since I calculated it but I recall the "shared gravitation centre" is actually outside the Earth.

You know how you have to prepare your house when someone is bringing their kids over (especially if you don't have kids of your own) ? That what this is. Things have got so bad that they have to bring in a bunch of new rules just so one adult can finish speaking without a other "adult" talking over them the whole time. Holy shit, this is what it has come to.

I don't like it

No I don't, never did

I don't like it

Yep, sounds Queenslander-y

The funny thing with tax is you don't get choose how it's spent. Tax money is public money that ought to be spent in the public interest, and NASA is a perfectly good example of this. Other good examples are infrastructure, parks, public healthcare and free education. Bad examples of tax expenditure are the ridiculous military complex, massive corporate subsidies and contractors doing poor work that the government should be directly controlling.

Australians wish! New Zealand tends to get things right.

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Taxes get spent on all sorts of stuff you don't want or need - that's the purpose of tax, so the country can spend money on things it needs but individuals don't necessarily want. You might as well complain about tax being spent to build roads you're never going to drive on, or social services you don't partake in. It's all the same pool of money.

Yes. That's how proxies work.

If history has shown us anything, it's that the shop is ALWAYS ready. It goes: build a store front, make a game around it, and lastly remove some features from the game and put them in the shop.

Yep, in 1975. We've been a bit of a puppet ever since.

Well yes, but apart from the plants and animals and terrain there is nothing deadly about Australia.

But hopefully he'll be caught dead in one.

True! We used to use pounds, shillings, pence as our currency and I'm very glad I never needed to deal with that shit.