3 Post – 393 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

random bald, fat, middle-aged Brazillian guy

Google Ads takes no responsibility for any damage that may result from these oversights

...and there it is, the root of the problem. If this kind of thing did any damage to Google's bottom line, I doubt it would happen frequently

This is satire, right?

In 2016 he had already spent years hiding inside an embassy. It's not that hard to conceive that hatred tends to build over time.

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It’s still my opinion that Google and Facebook have a large percentage of engineers that personally try to make them a genuinely good service

Most of those people were sacked long ago. Today's menu for those that remained is shareholder maximum value extraction sausage fest

Sounds instead like he realized he would never win the stalemate and was tired of house arrest

IIRC he wasn't under house arrest, he was at an actual jail

He was jailed in 2019. Are you telling me he still managed wikileaks from inside a prison in the UK?

what the fuck is rabbit and r

It's basically just a scam

actually feels like a really nice ad

first time I've seen someone around here who actually liked and praised an ad

Not like people would give a fuck about slashdot otherwise

19699113... RIP

He wasn’t in jail. He was in the Ecuadorian embassy. It sounds like you really don’t know the details here.

what? I did acknowledge that:

It was just a conjecture of how Assange might have thought about. I never said that there really is any link between him and Russia. And it was long ago, when he was still hiding inside Ecuador’s embassy, when the hypothetical link between him and Russia was new.


In 2016 he had already spent years hiding inside an embassy. It’s not that hard to conceive that hatred tends to build over time.

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That really is not an excuse for his relationship with Russia.

The enemy of my enemy is a short-term ally, that might be how he thinks, who knows. I have no side in this fight since I'm not a Assange fanboy and I have nothing but contempt for the USA.

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Okay, but you said it was short-term. That is not short-term.

It was just a conjecture of how Assange might have thought about. I never said that there really is any link between him and Russia. And it was long ago, when he was still hiding inside Ecuador's embassy, when the hypothetical link between him and Russia was new.

And as far as I know, Wikileaks is still very easy on Russia. So how long is this favoritism of his going to last?

I doubt he still runs wikileaks. Assange was in jail for years.

Why should that be what Wikileaks is about?

I don't know and I don't really care.

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Of all things you can (justly or unjustly) criticize the Chinese government, this is the most ridiculous. They're actually doing the right thing with their subsides for EVs, while the rest of the so-called "civilized world" is lagging behind.

Obligatory just switch to Linux plug

Rule 37? 34

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you can have only that little wooden cart while they are driving all the Ferraris and Porsches

still better than not having anything while they'd still drive all those supercars

set up some remote desktop in case you need to support them when your vacation ends

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No references whatsoever to false positive rates, which I'd assume are quite high. Also, they single out that they built this detector to catch chemistry-related AI-generated articles

I think the worst part of Huang's keynote wasn't that none of this mattered, it's that I don't think anyone in Huang's position is really thinking about any of this at all. I hope they're not, which at least means it's possible they can be convinced to change course. The alternative is that they do not care, which is a far darker problem for the world.

well yeah... they just don't care, after all the climate crisis is somebody else's problem... and what really matters is that the line goes up next quarter, mankind's future be damned

I'd hazard that YouTube consider as "authoritative sources" only right-wing, billionaire-owned news media conglomerates. Thanks, but no thanks

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Wow, a rabid American. I hope that the bitten lady has all her vaccines up to date

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and that's the only long-term winning move, because MS shenanigans will never end

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since they're gorging on reddit data, they should take the next logical step and scrape 4chan as well

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Prof Andrew Dessler, at Texas A&M University in the US, said the record set in 2023 was not surprising: “Every year for the rest of your life will be one of the hottest [on] record. This in turn means that 2023 will end up being one of the coldest years of this century. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

I feel sorry for those younger than me. It will suck to grow up with this climate and things are bound to get even worse

it's an economic bubble, it will eventually burst but several grifters will walk out with tons of money while the rest of us will have to endure the impact

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I feel sorry for the poor bastard

don't know about you folks but this sounded so arrogant to me:

There was a time when users of Facebook and users of Google Talk were able to chat with each other and with people from self-hosted XMPP servers, before each platform was locked down into the silos we know today. What would stop that from repeating? Well, even if Threads abandoned ActivityPub down the line, where we would end up is exactly where we are now. XMPP did not exist on its own outside of nerd circles, while ActivityPub enjoys the support and brand recognition of Mastodon.

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hey look, a billionaire bootlicker, what are the odds

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“Republicans” and “Democrats” need to be thought of as far right and left wing center-right coalitions.

I'm not American but I confess I'm relieved that he can't do that. Just try to imagine someone like him being able to fire nukes.

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The internet used to be difficult to use and that acted as a filter to keep the brainless masses away. It’s fine. It was BETTER back then.

yeah, that September never ends

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This is something I don't get. I live in a "third world shithole" (Brazil). Annually, we have to fill online form (that already comes pre-filled), for most people there's a minimal amount of work involved. Only very rich people need accountants and stuff. Why the USA can't (or won't) do something like that is beyond me.

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so much for "don't be evil"

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Nah, it's a failing empire. And there has never been an empire that fell before on humanity's history that had a peaceful sunset

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Danish cloud host says customers 'lost all data' after ransomware attack

I'd hazard that that Danish cloud host probably lost all customers after that happened too

hatred rules the world

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I don’t want anyone looking at my girlfriend’s source code

it's okay, dude, we all already did...

yeah, and they're all wrong