1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There was this girl in my school who was an immigrant and didn't speak the national language. It was, I believe, second grade. Our whole class, including me, constantly laughed at her, and it was clear she wasn't enjoying it. She was somewhat of an outsider, never participating in social events, never properly socializing. I left that school the next year, so I didn't get to see her anymore.

I met her again in high school, six years later. She spoke the national language, integrated properly, and had many friends. I even met her through a mutual friend. We spoke normally at first, simply acknowledging our shared past, but some guilt gnawed at me. It's not like I couldn't sleep thinking about how I treated her, but I couldn't just pretend I've always been nice to her. So, one day, I took her to the side... and apologized. She was flustered, she clearly didn't expect that, nor did she hold a grudge according to her, but I felt way better afterwards.

Edit: spelling

I remember it being blacklisted in Reddit's r/piracy megathread, supposedly they used IGG's cracks or something. I, however, never had any problems with them.

Tread with caution. Use or other safe sources if you can, and if you have to use this site, at least be wary, read comments and scan the fuck out of everything.

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What is this, poop post v2?

I, uh... I shave hair like 5 cm around my bumhole. Paired with a bidet, you wouldn't guess how much easier it made it to wipe. I used to use 30-50 squares of toilet paper per wiping session, today I can manage with just 10

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One of my friends once admitted to have written a porn story involving some extreme version of piss play. I don't remember all the details, but I do remember someone filling someone else's bladder with their urine. Wild af

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Everything made sense but OpenSuse, what up with German made stuff?

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I once, out of curiosity, mounted an expedition to the darkest regions of the internet, aka The Dark Web.

There's some shit there that can scar you for life. Don't ever go there, seriously.

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I'd take two random words/topics, and try to think of something that involves both of them.

For example, I just thought of a bicycle and of curtains. I immediately imagined a person riding a bicycle with curtains stuck in their wheels, getting torn more and more as they tried to cycle away. That's a thought I don't think I ever had before.

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Tldr: something something Microsoft bad

Hi there, can attest: have a childhood friend whom I've known for years, know surprisingly little about him. I think it might be a cultural thing, for men to not bond too deeply, which is a damn shame.

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Heads up, your first link is borked

Who knows? But plan to find out

The only thing I'm dissatisfied with is their free hand with bombing civilians along with military targets. I can understand that Israel is angry, and rightfully so, but they fancy themselves a western country, being better than terrorist Hamas. They can't let their anger take control. Bombing civilians undermines their legitimatecy, I think they should try and be as surgical as possible, like they did in previous rounds of fighting. Other than that, I fully support their desire to root out Hamas. Though conquering Gaza only has any merit to it if they decide to stay and govern it themselves, otherwise Hamas would just rise up again.

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I tried the same experiment with Bard, same results. It only recognized the correct coat when asked directly if it's spotless.

I don't think there is any "government approved" educational material about the kind of activities you partake in. Look up something like "advanced bdsm guide" on Google and absorb as much information as possible. This kind of information is shared from experience only.

I genuinely don't remember the last time I cried. I'm a very stoic person. Stuff that makes people cry barely touches me, and that sucks sometimes. It doesn't feel good, knowing that that source of stress relief is just blocked for me.

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I don't know, what does it matter? They don't even acknowledge it, nevermind about using it. The only instance in which they might use their nukes is the Samson Option, which looks like something any country would do.

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Your intention is good, but that's not the way to fight this problem. Limiting LGBTQs' ability to adopt children so society doesn't pick on them is akin to disallowing knives because people can use them for stabbing purposes: it works, I suppose, but you're removing a lot of benefits. Like cutting an arm when you have a cut, instead of treating the cut.

I'll admit, I don't know what the real solution is, and if it's even possible to have a tolerant society and untraumatized children at the same time, but opposing the law entirely isn't it.

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...and a daughter.


May I recommend Tasks? Not only is it open source and doesn't collect nearly as much information as TickTick apparently does (according to Play Market), but it's packed full of features, and also interfaces with a bunch of other apps, like Google Calendar and Google Drive for backups.

Edit: it also is still maintained and updated regularly

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Ah, I see. No, they're not that stupid. Even if nuking Gaza didn't affect them because of proximity, they wouldn't. They rely on American help too much, and struggle as they do with international forces. Nuking Gaza would leave them ostricized and heavily sanctioned, if not invaded.

No, I actually have triple-ply. I developed a stupid habit of folding multiple papers and using them together, so I wipe with like 9 layers at a time. It helps the paper not break up even being wet, but wastes a lot more overall.

I'm fairly new to Linux as well, but have some experience. I'll try to share my first steps.

My very first step was gathering information: what are Linux distros? What's the difference between them? Which is easiest to learn? There are a bunch of articles and forum pages dedicated to these topics. I learned that you can dual boot (i.e. no need to wipe Windows drive), that installation happens with a bootable media, like USB, and that gaming is generally not a problem. My first distro was Pop!_OS, which I don't regret: it's based on Ubuntu, meaning old, stable foundation, uses Gnome by default (look up "desktop environments") which is gorgeous and very extensible, and had Nvidia drivers pre-installed, which is apparently a big thing.

My personal method of learning is as-I-go: say, I just installed Linux, and now I want to install Firefox. How do I do that? I apparently can't just run a .exe file like in Windows. So I googled it, and found out about package managers, and how to use them. My very first command wasn't successful, but with time, I learned to use it without looking it up, simply from recurring use.

If you do decide to install Linux, you may want to look up something like "top 10 things to do after installing [your distro]", sometimes these help deal with some annoying quirks out of the gate.

If jumping into the deep end isn't for you, then the best resource to find all about Linux is the Arch Wiki. Don't try to navigate it from the home page, it's like a maze. Instead, whenever you look up information, try to find a page about whatever you're looking up in the wiki.

Here're a list of things to look up for your convenience, to cover your base:

  • dual boot
  • desktop environments
  • Linux begginers friendly distros
  • Linux gaming reddit

That's just off the top of my head.

It's gonna be tough. Stuff won't work as you want it to, and sometimes you'll end up scrounging the web for hours because you searched the wrong words. Linux isn't plug-and-play like Windows is, it demands a lot of attention at first, and maintenance later on. But at the end of the day, you'll have an operating system that works for you, not the other way around. You'll have a gorgeous desktop that everyone who doesn't use Linux will be jelaus of. And you'll have a deeper understanding of technology, which today is priceless.

I hope this helps you, even a little. Oh, and don't pay attention to the snobbish Linux users. If at the end of the day you find yourself struggling too much, not wanting to invest the needed amount of time and energy into it... there's no shame in coming back to Windows. I admit, it's very convenient and easy to use, and with enough know-how you can customize it too. Just don't give up at the first sight of trouble.

Good luck :)

I can help a bit with software. I tried Godot a while ago, didn't personally like it, though I do recommend your son tries it, as it does work with Python and won't require learning a new language. Also heard it's beginner friendly. That's how I started at least.

Unity is my recommended game engine - it's more versatile and has quite a community, so it's easy to find answers to almost any questions your son might have (and trust me, he will have a lot). It does require learning C# though.

For big AAA games the answer is Unreal. It works on C++. Can say much about it, I haven't tried it myself, but I did hear it's has a bit of a steep learning curve. Would recommend this one only if your son becomes very invested and will have made a few games already.

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If you really think about it, why should life itself exist at all? The purpose of life is to simply reproduce. Well... what if it didn't? Nothing, it just wouldn't exist. It is a bad thing or a good thing?

You can get very philosophical with this one, but I do agree that we humans deserve to fade out. So many atrocities, so much... pain, and all for really stupid reasons.

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In theory. In practice, I doubt it.

The Israeli parliament consists of 120 politicians. Their children would need:

  • to not be Haredi, which are exempt from service
  • to be between the ages of 18-21, which is when their mandatory service runs
  • to serve in combat units

Chances are only a few of them answer this criteria (even less considering the extremist portion of this specific government which didn't serve, and their children likely don't serve either), and even they are likely not above pulling strings to get them out of danger. Except for that politician you talked about, apparently.

Is that even possible?

This is Pig Poop Balls, which shows that this person disagrees with my opinion, to put it mildly.

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My shoulder is available to all who need it

The Five Love Languages - explains the inner workings of love, and how to sustain long term relationships, especially marriage

I see. I'll think about it, thank you for the insight, and the kind words :)

By modern, then, you mean popular. It's an important distinction.

Let's... not go down that path.

How about "flower" instead?

I have so much to say over this comment. I'll try to be concise.

remove the blockade on Gaza, give everyone there citizenship and become a secular state

  • Israel doesn't trust Hamas. The blockade, which, mind you, is also enforced by Egypt, is meant to limit the group's ability to procure weapons. Water, food, fuel and other necessities are usually provided by both Israel and international help.
  • Neither Gazans want Israeli citizenship, nor Israel wants Gazans to be its citizens.
  • Religious and secular political forces quarrel in Israel daily. It can't just "become" secular. A big portion of Israelis don't want it to.

When has Israel not leveled civilian buildings? Have you not seen charts comparing Israeli casualties to Palestinian ones?

  • If not for Iron Dome, Israeli casualties would be way higher.
  • Any civilian casualties are to be condemned. Yet, you must remember that Hamas likes to base itself under hospitals, schools, mosques. Not only that, but Gaza is also very densly populated. They're some 2.5 million people over 365km squared. It's very difficult to carry out any strikes without damaging hundreds of people. Yet, in the 2021 conflict, only 260 Gazans died as a result of strikes, despite hundreds if not thousands of shellings. Israel claims that at least 200 of those were militians. If that is not surgical, I don't know what is.

I think Palestinians should be the ones who should be angry for the way Israel has treated them since inception.

Read a little about the history of the conflict, as well as about peace talks and different offers that Israel made.

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With so many great options, you went with purgatory music? :)

My personal favorites are I Was Lost Without You and Reflections

Isn't there a type of medusa that can "rebirth" itself and essentially live forever? Why can't we?

Not anymore. Not with Winget.
