1 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I'm an international student in MA, I remember getting SMS spam telling me to vote against it since it is aimed against retired people and veterans. Don't ask me how

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Recently went on Reddit and laughed hysterically at the amount of religious propaganda I saw in this format. Example:


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The problem I see with federated wikis is potential creation of echo chambers. Current Wikipedia is often a political tug-of-war between different ideological crowds. For instance, on Russian Wikipedia, Russian Civil War article is an infamous point of struggle between communist and monarchist sympathizers, who often have to settle at something resembling a compromise.

If both sides had their own wikis, each would have very biased interpretation of events. A person who identifies as either communist or monarchist would visit only the corresponding wiki, only seeing narrative that fits into their current world view, never being exposed to opposing opinions.

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Yes because every smartphone is a Pixel, apparently

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30℅ regular church attendance is still crazy, blows my European mind. I personally don't think I have ever met a person who attends it even once a year nor I ever knew of such people through friends.

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While I understand why FOSS community hates Discord, I don't know an alternative that is better at everything.

Discord's main problems:

  • Not FOSS / Privacy respectful
  • Hard/Impossible to index/search for data and organize tech support

However alternatives we have are not ideal either:

  1. Old-school web forums
    • Great for info archival / organized tech support
    • Separate accounts for every one of them, different sets of newsletters / email notifications. Basically, to efficiently be active on several forums you have to manually log in to each on regular basis and check what's new
    • Due to slower pace of communication, it's harder to just log in and "hang out" with community, everybody is more of a pen pal.

  1. FOSS messaging applications (e.g. Matrix since that's what most use)
    • Info archival is even worse then on Discord. Every time I tried to search for anything useful on Matrix I would give up due to poor results and HUGE delays for every search
    • Because most communities use a single Matrix chat, it's a huge disorganized mess for any communication and tech support. There's often 2-3 concurrent conversations in a single room and some just stop abruptly due to it getting confusing to keep up
    • it's FOSS and Private, though

Feel free to downvote me for this, but I think that Github for support & issue tracking and Discord for community hang out spot is currently the lesser evil approach until better Foss tools arrive

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$460 (64gb version + 1tb SD card)

The amount of people in the comments not understanding why open buds are relevant to some people / the concept of earbuds overall is quite funny. I guess there's some truth in stereotypical Lemmy user rarely showing up outside 🙃

I think many people in the comments suffer from some version of curse of knowledge.

Sure, this feature us quite irrelevant for a power user who is quick to navigate the browser and needs a split second to remember what tab it is simply by reading the header and seeing the icon.

However, many less proficient people can benefit from this feature. Not once I saw how someone who has 10 tabs open and needs to go to a different webpage, starts meticulously clicking through every single one of them because they have no idea how the page they are looking for is called, they are too overwhelmed by using web as a whole to take notice.

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Pretty simplistic, but I really like it :)

  • Arch
  • Hyprland
  • Lots of dracula
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It's not about viewership at all imo. It's extremely hard to completely change your lifestyle after 10 years of exact same work. I bet he'll be back very soon, perhaps on random schedule, but still doing the same stuff

Just vote with your dollar, unethical companies always lose market competition ☝️🤓

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I've always wondered how the Soviet Union and the Cold War fit into the NASA conspiracy. Did Korolev receive paycheks from across the ocean to fake Gagarin's spaceflight too?

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Since (I think?) these are community awards, they are just hype/marketing indicators. Average voter sees the most commonly known title and goes clickclickclick. I'm not even sure if they only allowed SD users to vote for it or it's just random people voting

An insectoid themed MMORPG! I'm not even a fun of insects, it's just such an endless creative potential given their variety. Can have different classes and factions, for instance a Rhino bug tank, mantis-assasin, druid ladybug, Butterfly magician; The Ant Insect's Republic, Wasp Protectorate, Holy Bee Empire! Also underground cities, tons of them!

Unfortunately won't ever be made since an average player needs to be able to play as a human warrior to be interested...

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I think Matrix suffers from some issues with large communities, for instance Graphene OS has already had to abandon 2-3 of their main group chats due to same bug and last time I checked (2-3 months ago) there has even been talks of switching to Discord. That is, just in case, a community of some of the most diehard privacy nerds btw

What is c in :3c? Is it like a second chin for :3?

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God bless brown cows!

Distrobox saved my ass during Computer Systems course I took in college. We had to work with xv6 OS and I for the love of god couldn't make it compile on either Arch or Debian.

After typing one command to set up an Ubuntu Distrobox container and waiting several minutes, it immediately compiled. Happy days

Honestly it could be that developing and maintaining these region-locked differences in OS might be more expensive than saving every last penny from not allowing piracy (which is the real deal for this fuss).

Big majority of android users don't sideload either, most people are so technically illiterate they don't really grasp the idea of an App Store overall, it's just a place for them the get an Instagram button on a new device

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I'm in US. My ISP Xfinity decided their users are too stupid to use router settings so they purged port forwarding settings from the router panel altogether. Now you have to use their mobile application which doesn't allow you to make port forwarding rules for a specific IP (because again, they think their user is an idiot that can't figure out IP numbers), instead it just gives you a list of devices and you have to select one to create a port forwarding rule. Wired devices are not on that list.

I really hope this will just replace the update dialogue, not add another one on top of it. Manually tapping "update" for all Fdroid apps is a huge slog already


Picture still appears below appendices instead of introduction

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I also run a lot of proprietary stuff like Discord or Instagram due to peer pressure but I let it slide and put my hopes on Android sandboxing the apps and GrapheneOS tweaks. In my opinion, making sure that proprietary app can't reliably access your data and never giving it anything sensitive yourself is a decent risk model.

The only proprietary software I use and somewhat trust is Obdisian. Honestly, it's just excellent and I can't see myself moving away from it anytime soon.

I think you haven't seen how notification bar of a typical android user over 40 looks like. It's usually 3 meters of random application bloat, music/movie/audiobook ads and three different weather widgets.

Digital hygiene is something only a very small percentage of users follow, so such ad might as well work while surrounded by 5 other ads

I've literally put "☝️🤓" in the end though... Can't get more sarcastic than that

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Unfortunately it works the same way as with StarCitizen, you're aware it's a ripoff, but if you want to play this particular type of a game, pay up or leave.

With MMORPGs specifically, here are the options:

  • Free to Play. Enormous cash shop, often pay to win. Usually these games actually require the most money to play on high level, or waste your time by slowing down the grind and having an optional "premium" sub, which effectively makes it a sub MMO.

  • Buy to Play. Much less predatory, rarely pay to win, but often with huge cash shop. Get ready to see tons of cool cosmetics that are only available through micro transactions, and the base game often receives scrapes from the table. Still, some of these games like TESO effectively force you to pay a sub by introducing a mechanic (like bottomless reagent bag) that make the game without them miserable on high level.

  • Pay to play. Most obvious predator, nobody needs this much money to develop a game that already charges almost full price for base game and for all new DLCs, but also usually has the most tame cash shop. WoW for instance has a tiniest (comparing to games like TESO) cash shop with 20-ish mounts and pets nobody cares about.

This creates effectively a pick-your-Devil situation with these games. No good monetization, pick whatever feels least predatory for you

I also feel their number grew in the last year. I've recently tried using Mull again (mobile firefox privacy-focused fork) after using Bromite for a year, and it was so unbearable I had to switch back. I'd say I had less websites that worked than ones that did not

Main point in enjoying soulslikes is the approach. Modern action RPGs are very fast paced, very direct in their approach "hit A - enemy dies - get dopamine".

To make it work, slow down. Treat every enemy as a real threat, not filler between bosses. Pretending they are all real players and not bots might help. Keep your distance, bait out several attacks, see how they behave, carefully close in and make your move. Don't get greedy on the offence and only attack when the enemy opens and then break the distance again.

Also as others mentioned, game makes you commit to any actions you take. When you attack the enemy, take responsibility of every button press. If you start mashing, the game punishes you fast and hard.

I don't have the best reaction speeds, but I was able to steamroll most of the bosses under 10 tries, so the game is definitely not the "die until you memorize the moveset" type. If you play patiently and carefully build up your character it is definitely possible to tackle most threats on first sight.

Edit: Also, if you're on PC I don't mind giving you a hand sometime and playing together a little

For me, logout+login fixed all the issues. I thought it was broken too until I tried last night

I think everybody puts too much emphasis on it being a strict generational thing while imo it's mostly a force of habit.

I'm on my early 20s, and used to take around 10 seconds to read an analog clock. Fully digital mind. Bought an analog wrist watch this summer and merely 1-2 months into wearing it I started understanding it instantaneously and all of "half past" type phrases click immediately now.

Mine was a point-click quest written in visual basic that taught Russian alphabet. I was 2-3 years old, playing while sitting on my father's lap. Apparently this created some core memories since once I was 15-17 I found it and still remembered every dialogue word-to-word

Again, in my opinion you approach the problem like a power user. Using a browser is not a speedrun where every millisecond matters. Here is why I think it provides more comfort to an average user:

  • No need to divert attention and look around the monitor. When you're not well versed with a mouse, it's easier to click and look at the same place
  • Nothing distracts you unlike when you click through pages. Imagine going from dark theme page to a light theme page, the entire screen suddenly lights up
  • Depending on the way it is implemented (perhaps by keeping compressed page screenshots?), it might be faster to show a preview than to render the page again on a weak machine
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An additional thing you might want to look up is given color is a spectrum, some cultures have developed different sets of "basic colors" that are used in daily life.

For instance, Russian has a very common word "Голубой" which means light blue, and I personally remember being very confused as a kid learning English by a single word "Blue" presented in Eng. textbooks

Is there additional reading I can do on the topic? I've googled but found nothing but concerns from Nato officials that Russia could engage in seabed sabotage. This comment is universally praised so I guess it's some universal knowledge I missed. What are some instances when they did it?

No worries!☝️🤓 usually signifies a pick-me idiot who thinks they're the smartest in the room, it's usually used sarcastically to present a common but idiotic opinion. Emoji combination shows them at the moment of going "Uhm, akshually!!"

Typical Koldovstoretz graduates

My copied answer to other user in this thread:

I'm in US. My ISP Xfinity provides their own router and has decided their users are too stupid to use router settings so they purged port forwarding settings from the router firmware altogether. Now you have to use their mobile application which doesn't allow you to make port forwarding rules for a specific IP (because again, they think their user is an idiot that can't figure out IP numbers), instead it just gives you a list of devices and you have to select one to create a port forwarding rule. Wired devices are not on that list.

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It depends really. Big chunk of Imperial core is living somewhat fine without much of an outside threat. If you're luckly to be born on a planet that does well economically you may live a happy life of decent sci-fi.

Not every single imperial world is a hive world full of gangs and mutants that experiences an ork invasion, genestealer infestation, and a chaos corruption simultaneously lol.

Reading some of non-spacemarine novels like the Eisenhorn series shows a lot about how common imperial worlds live.

Yep, that's exactly why in the end of my comment I say that I currently believe a combination of Github+Discord to be best. Github for bug reporting, Discord if you want to socialize with the community, that's what it does best