1 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 9 months ago


Alright, I'll bite. To start, this is a real person that we are talking about. A real person who did not consent. Does that mean anything to you? The fact that there is a very real person that exists in very real life that has had this happen to them?

Otherwise, I agree. Nothing wrong with the male libido.

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There is a lot to unpack, but you know exactly what they meant. The operating system people refer to as Linux or GNU/Linux or whatever is not the same thing as Android; if, under the hood, it has an older version of the Linux kernel. There is no command line required on an android phone for one.

Although, you are technically correct. The best kind.

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Right clicking on the UI: believe it or not.. premium feature.

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So no one said that he would or even may turn off the internet, but that he may use legalize and his emergency presidential powers, if elected, to do something crazy. The person talking about it was spitballing and included turning the internet off as a example of something crazy that he might do.

Edit: He indeed talked about geoblocking countries with groups like ISIS operating within them. At least that is what I assume he meant with his word salad. This is from post below mine. Still not turning off internet.

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Real men smell like ass.

I am using Grayjay. It has a number of different services that you can use, including Peertube, YouTube, Odyssey, Twitch, Nebula and more. The only thing that it is missing IMO is an auto-enqueue feature. It has the best UI of any of these apps that I have tried.

Newpipe is good as well.

Do you need their permission to distribute that art?

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What I have installed:

From Obtanium:

  • Most Fossify Apps
  • Nextcloud
  • Material Files
  • Immich
  • DAVx & ICSx (nextcloud contacts and calendar sync)
  • DNS66
  • Jellyfin
  • Spotube

From FDroid (really droidify from various repositories)

  • FUTO Voice Input
  • Breezy Weather
  • K-9
  • Libera Reader
  • FFUpdater
  • Joplin

The list is massive and I'm on mobile and hate tiny keyboards. I can finish the list later if you/y'all are interested. The only thing that I actively use that is not FOSS on my phone is Google Messages, which I guess is a bit hypocritical, but its too good. Just the ability to react to messages makes it worth it for me.

I also highly recommend Grayjay. It is the best (IMHO) YouTube replacement. It is cross service, like I have odysee, nebula, youtube, and various peertube instances added as sources.

As far as what apps to watch out for, someone mentioned Simple Mobile Tools. Otherwise, I would stay away from apps that are not being updated anymore or are otherwise way too old.

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For the hypervisor I recommend either Proxmox or XCP-ng. XCP-ng is technically a better hypervisor, but I personally use Proxmox because I like the UI.

For the NAS OS, I use and recommend TrueNAS Scale. You can run Docker containers on it. All this being said, I've never used Unsaid so I don't know how they compare.

Out of curiosity, why move from OMV? I was thinking about trying it out for a second NAS.

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Same. We are allowed to carry knives in to work so I carry a work knife in and it never sets the thing off, but my laptop in my backpack does every single day.

Something that is federated like PeerTube would solve that specific issue, I believe. Many sites with their own user able to interact with each other. The biggest problem there is that there exists no good app to interact with PeerTube. You can use NewPipe or Greyjay, but you have to know the PeerTube instances first, no what's popular in the fediverse tab.

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I pay for YouTube and use FreeTube and NewPipe. I try to pay for whatever services I use. I think this is the way, either pay or let the ads play. I do this because the YouTube app is trash for many reasons mostly having to do with trying to funnel me to the money making bits.

There are greedy corporations making the user experience worse and doing everything they can to wring every penny they can. Ultimately, I attribute this to the wall street investor model. A company can be making money and still be losing because their revenues shrank from the prior quarter. That is a broken system that will only eat itself. That being said, people gotta eat and that includes the janitors, etc.. at Google.

Point is, its a mixed bag. There are people on the other end making the product you are using, AND there is a soul sucking company making it worse for both their customers and their workers/creators. To be clear, there is something to be said about how poorly Google supports their creators. In many ways, they are taking advantage of the creators that use their platform. How is it that Google is making so much money in ads, but creators have to open Patreons?

I still don't think we should just expect stuff for free.

Tangentially, I need to be better about helping support the open source projects I use, especially the smaller maintainers, to be honest, but I do send to a few and I encourage everyone to do so as well as much as they can.

edit: Grammar

I can agree with you on principal. Just as long as you aren't distributing things like this I don't really see an issue. Not the tool, the distributor / platform. I also agree that these articles are meant to ensure that those technology can be held behind locked doors. I fully support the idea of making AI something that is self-hostable.

That being said there are people in this thread that see nothing wrong with distributing lewd pictures of real people (drawn, ai generated, or even hacked and stolen). That is the only thing that I was addressing.

I am using an OPNsense Qotom MiniPC as a firewall/router. I have three Zyxel Wireless APs that I flashed with OpenWRT. I also have two Zyxel switches (8 and 24 port) that I also flashed with OpenWRT. And lastly, I have two Netgear R7000s, also with OpenWRT, that are glorified smart switches. I am very happy with my setup. It works like a champ!

Yes, it is. I used some derivation of microwave a long time ago on some forum or another, but it's a common word so I threw it in Google Translate and started using this one other places.

I used Nicotine patches and would use dip patches on occasion, as well as eating a lot of cough drops while I was quiting. Not sure how good eating cough drops was but it worked better than candy for the oral fixation.

It took me too many years to finally quit the habit from when I determined that I was going to, but I am very glad that I did. Good luck, I am rooting for you.

It works perfectly well. I find the ui bit clunky personally, but functionally it works very well. I don't have much time to read anymore though, so I rarely use it to be honest.

Your reason to move from OMV is the same as mine for XCP-ng. It is supposed to be a better hypervisor, but I just did not like the UI at all. It doesn't help that you have to host a small VM just to have a webGUI.

  • Old Gaming Rig - Proxmox
    • Nextcloud, Immich, Grafana on VMs
  • Old HP ProDesk - FreeIPA
  • NAS - TrueNAS Scale
  • Couple Laptops - Docker Stuff
    • Wireguard, SearXNG, Nginx
  • Raspberry Pi 4 - Home Assistant
  • Rasberry Pi 3A+ - ntfy Docker
  • Very Old Dell - NTP Server
  • Qotom PC - OPNsense
  • Network Devices - OpenWRT
    • Zyxel Wireless APs (3)
    • Netgear R7000 (2)
    • Zyxel 24 and 8 port Switches
  • Gaming Rig - Windows 11 for now
    • Playnite, Sunshine, Jellyfin
  • Another HP ProDesk hopefully running an email server soon
  • UPS

Edit: Formatting

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You're probably right. I mean. I need most of the network devices, and I didn't list everything I am running on each, just big things. I do need to consolidate some if them though. Its been a trip and has made me a better IT though.

I agree that by and large most patent law is rigged in favor of corporations. All I'm saying is that things are always more complex than simple black and white. I chose a simple response because I believe that you have already made up your mind and it would be a very difficult and nigh impossible conversation. I do like the energy that you put into looking out for people though and that should be commended.

It wasn't AOC's appearance that was attacked. AOC just jumped to her (Jasmine Crockett's) defense after MTG attacked Crockett. Crockett, then, fired back at Greene.

TBF, they're both equally as dumb.

I can't stand it when a perfectly fine joke gets downvoted. Did you plan on downvotes? Did you you just sabotage your own comment?

I mean there are restaurants and a hotel, though.

  1. British colonialism bad.

  2. This goes far before the British. Before the British, there were the Mughals. This part of the indian culture is old and predates either of these two. The caste system has been around forever.

Edit: Bit of clarity.

This is the way.

Thank you. Sounds exactly like what I'm planning. I am looking at ISPMail now and will be attempting to follow the directions soonly.

My comment wasn't meant to negate yours. Waydroid was great to mention!! It is and can be very useful to accomplish alot. I just wanted to clarify that it, unfortunately, can't be used as a full replacement for Android or one of its derivatives.

edit: grammar

Its really more religious from my understanding. The idea that Jesus will come back sometime after the jewish temple gets rebuilt, I think, is what is being spread. Isreal has to be a sovereign nation for the end of the world to kick off.

You seem alright and I agree that gamebryo is typically crash heavy. I really didn't mean it as an attack on you personally and apologize for conflating your opinion with someone else's.

I do feel very strongly that whatever engine they use should support user generated mods, but let's be real, I probably won't have the time to spend on it anyway.

Nope. No issues whatsoever. DigitalOcean is great. Just curious what this community thought. My main concern is, again, one of choosing as ethical a solution as I can find. I cited Amazon because they are a nightmare company for many reasons and would rather not give them money. With that said, I would also like a service that I can rely on.

I am thinking about proton mail, but I want to try to host an email sever with one of my cheap throwaway domains to see if it would be worth self hosting for my main domain. That's the other part of why I am choosing to self host. I am genuinely curious how stuff works under the hood.

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I very much agree with what you are saying. If the engine changes we will lose mods, or at the very least there will be significantly fewer. I don't make a habit of playing many games from 2012... except for Skyrim. I also dont play many games from 2001, except for Morrowind. I will spend hours or even days setting up a modding environment. Please let me have that for future Bethesda titles.

Also people calling us folks that like user-made mods shills, when they are trying to force a shift to the very much corporate owned Unreal Engine is funny.

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I'm not a lawyer and can't even begin to answer that question. I was merely trying to get the conversation starting down that logical track, because I, personally, think that it is at the heart of the matter.

Looking this up, it seems that, at least in California, it probably would be considered illegal, at least according to this site.

There is only one VW factory in the US.

Then again, I spend most of my time in the terminal because I like it.

Same. And I spend more time setting things up then using them.

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I do think we may be over-prescribing these to a certain degree, but I know people whose lives are impacted for the better due to medication for ADHD, for example. Its easy to understand when you see someone with severe symptoms one day, then calmer and more focused the next.

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I run both, and I do not upload pictures to Nextcloud. I know it doesn't solve your problem about a Nextcloud instance already running with the photos, but I highly recommend moving over to immich for your photos needs and using it's file structure. I.E. reuploading the files and deleting them from Nextcloud. If someone does have a better way to do it, I could have used it a few months ago, lol.

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Not sure you do. Maybe you can use one to move the existing files on Nextcloid, but immich has an auto upload feature that works perfectly fine on their android app.