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Is anyone else super annoyed by the use of the word "jab" in news articles/headlines? It just sounds so unprofessional.

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Maybe if they didn't spend so much money on those horrible TV ads they'd have enough for R&D. And evergreening isn't innovation anyways, so idk what they're on about.

i dunno why you gotta call me out like that...

There's also a time component. Food can be quick, cheap, or healthy: but you can only choose two (at most). If people have to work for too many hours for shit pay, "unhealthy" becomes an undeniable option.

I've seen US publications use it, too. But knowing it's a UK thing makes me feel better about it for some reason...

It's funny. I thought I would just play through my SO's gargantuan library for a long while, but I'm pretty sure I've spent more on new games than I did on the Steam Deck itself at this point. So, yeah. They made the right call.

One of my favorite steam deck features is being able to use gyro controls for any game. It's not always as smooth as the Switch, but it works pretty well to add a bit of additional fine-grained control to the course-grained control of the R-stick.

i dunno, could just be something off with the photo color. whenever my avocados are underripe, the meat sticks to the pit. this one seems to have come out clean. i'd eat it.

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I've been experimenting with vegetarian options, and my go-to pantry-buster for stuff I generally always have on hand is this: sautee a chopped onion in a good helping of oil/butter. add a bit of flour (a tablespoon or so, but add it slowly while stirring) until you've got a nice roux-like consistency. Add a jar of curry paste, and a can of petite dice tomatos (with the juice) and a can of garbonzo beans (i drain mine). Add dried lentils and 70-80% the amount of water it suggests on the bag. Bring to a boil and simmer until the lentils are an acceptable texture. Enjoy with naan or by itself.

COVID really killed my faith in humanity, and it blindsided me. I truly believed people in general would come together in such a situation, but it just... didn't happen. Giving people shit for wearing a mask? Or, heaven forbid, having the audacity to request someone wear a mask around you? Let's not forget the people hoarding toilet paper like that's an appropriate response. I know it sounds small in the grand scheme of things, but it requires a certain level of "fuck you, i got mine" to buy three-dozen rolls of TP when the shelves are already bare.

I think it's because they want to appeal to a younger audience, too. They want a 10 or 12 yo to be able to play Pokemon and Mario, and it's hard to get parents to buy a $500 console for a pre-teen. So they need to hit a lower price-point than PS or xbox

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I would definitely suggest getting a good chair. Being able to adjust the height and stuff is really important, especiallyfor shoulder pain. Take a look at used gaming chairs and/or keep an eye out for recently discontinued models at brick-and-mortar office supply stores (mine was super cheap because they only had the floor model left).

The first album to sell over one million CDs and was a fully digital recording (most were still analog recordings at the time).

The first time i tried to talk to my parents about climate change, specifically sea level rise, my dad had us do an experiment where we filled a cup with some ice up to the very tippy top with water. Then, when the cup didn't overflow when all the ice melted, he noted that there's still the same amount of water whether it's liquid or solid (technically true, but obviously ignores some key details, like the fact that not all the ice on Earth is found in the ocean, and that there are impacts of melting ice other than just sea level rise). He concluded that we didn't have to worry about sea level rise, and it's all a hoax. I told my science teacher about it, and he simply asked me, "What about all the ice on land? Like Antarctica? That ice isn't already in the cup." This was the early '00s.

Sleeping with wrist guards really does make a world of difference. And maybe there is some way to do the repetitive tasks in a more ergonomoc way? For example, I crocheted a couple of pieces for friends' weddings in quick succession out of very tiny yarn, and it destroyed my wrists for several weeks after. Turns out, I'd been holding my crochet hook in a really stress-inducing way; I had just never had a reason to question my form until it started causing a repetitive stress injury. By just changing the way I held the hook, I started to see improvement almost immediately.

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i do this; i just have so much to say, and there are only so many conjugations and commas you can get away with -- without it becoming a run-on sentence (i may have a run-on mind).

I saw The Fellowship of the Ring nine times in theaters. Once i hit time #4 or #5, I realized i had to keep going until I could say i saw it once for each member of the fellowship.

I shall tell you the story of FrankenPod. One iPod had a broken hard drive; one had a tear in the connector to the screen. I managed to reassemble a funtioning iPod from the pieces of each. Eventually, though, it became too onorous to find the old-style iPod charging cables, so I had to move on. But I do miss FrankenPod.

I hope the new keyboard and mouse do the trick! I also was experiencing wrist/arm/shoulder pain after I started working primarily on a laptop. I got a split keyboard that i can angle in a more ergonomic manner, and that single change cleared my pain up. Repetitive stress injuries suck. and I hope you find relief with your new work setup.

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lol, thanks! TIL

I will keep it there for future historians.

great, now i have spit coffee all over the place. thanks for the laugh!

Except it doesn't hold up in the elements all that well, though (at least in a form that is still usable, the plastic is still there, just in little pieces and/or without the desired structural integrity). Plastics degrade when exposed to sunlight and oxygen (photo-oxidation). Combine that with mechanical action of waves, and now you have a bunch of little plastic bits floating in the ocean that are even harder to clean up (but easier for the bacteria to eat!). A glass or metal bottle will hold up much better than a plastic one, over a long enough time period.

But they even break down when exposed to temperature cycling and mechanical stress over long periods of time. I'm sure you've also noticed old plastic food containers, get harder and harder to clean and start getting cloudy: that's the plastic breaking down and micro-fissures appearing on the surface, thanks to repeated exposure to dishwashers, freezers, and still-hot leftovers. Once again, a glass dish is gonna hold up much better.

They have to use special additives for plastics intended for long-term outdoor use (the additives are like sunscreen for plastic, they absorb the UV so that the plastic doesn't) to combat these reaction pathways. And I'd bet money that if plastic-eating bacteria end up becoming a problem, there will be additives we can use to discourage them for appropriate applications.

But you'll notice that in the case of plastic in landfills, there's no UV light from the sun, basically no oxygen, and any mechanical stress or temperature cycling isn't enough for fast breakdown of the plastic polymers. These conditions are also very different from, say, your kitchen counter or hospital storage rooms. If the plastic-eating bacteria prefers the landfill habitat (or literally cannot thrive in any other environment -- which is not an uncommon phenomenon; in the article, they mention difficulties culturing bacteria for study in a lab environment), then we have a perfect tool for breaking down landfill plastics that won't impact in the slightest the plastics things we want to keep. Similarly, the kind of bacteria that could be useful for ridding us of fishing lines and nets floating around in the ocean would most likely not be well suited for non-aquatic environments.

I wear glasses, so 3D glasses on top of my regular glasses are annoying. Some 3D movies make me motion sick, too (not always, but sometimes). But i do it anyway because friends/family are worth a bit of discomfort . I don't feel super strongly about it or anything, but that's what I have against it.

There are two main types of smoke detectors, and one works better for smoldering fires (photoelectric), while the other works better for rapidly growing fires (ionization). IDK how different the two food-burning incidents are, but there is a Technology Connections video on youtube that goes into more detail on the subject. Fun fact: smoke alarms with photoelectric detectors have been growing in popularity, as has making everything in our homes out of plastic and other synthetic materials, which burn much more quickly than older materials, thus lessening the chance of house fires smoldering long enough for the smoke alarm to react before everything is engulfed in flames. Hurray for progress! Although, ionization-type detectors are much more likely to give false positives, which increases the likelihood that they will get disabled by the homeowner/tenant, and you definitely don't want that.

I think it worked really well for TotK. Unlike with BotW, I was actually kinda excited when my weapons broke because by that time, I had some new, better monster part I wanted to fuse to make a new, better weapon. It made it more fun having the weapons break so that I would be more likely to try new combinations.

As an American, I would just like to say that "aluminium" is better than "aluminum" because it matches the -ium suffix of most other elements.

But I am gonna have to disagree with you on the sulfur/sulphur debate. We already got shit like naphthalene and phenolphthalein to worry about spelling, i don't need any more spurrious "ph"s when a nice simple "f" will do just fine.

I used to hold it in the pencil position, but now i use the knife position example photo here. The pencil position requires you to use more thumb/wrist muscles, but the knife position helps me keep my wrist straight and use my forearm muscles more.

What exactly would be so troublesome with having a "special day" outside of the usual week/month cycle? You can still go worship on whatever day of the week applicable to your faith. Just make the last day of the year its own thing. We can call it "New Years Eve" and party together.

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The only time I uber/lyft is when i'm travelling and won't be able to take my car ($ uber < $ rental car), or when i'm gonna be drinking ($ uber <<< $ DUI). And even then I can often get a ride from a friend and/or DD...

South-eastern US checking in. I think "oppressive" is the most apt word. It feels very still outside; amazed I haven't drowned from the humidity. Even the birds sound exhausted.

Alas, I have too little counter space and too many small kitchen appliances 🤣

This sounds promising. I think he'd appreciate having the out-of-the-box niceties of a DE, too.

As long as i can make my keybinding changes in a text file that i can throw in my dotfiles repo, i'm ok with a bit of tinkering. i like configuring stuff, but only once lol. Openbox sounds like it ticks a lot of my boxes.

If I do go with a DE+alternative WM instead, i'm leaning towards xfce rather than kde, since (as i understand it) xfce is a bit more lightweight. The laptop is getting old, and the hardware wasn't anything to write home about even when it was new, so any extra performance i can squeeze out of the thing is a plus.

Exactly. The plastic we want them to eat is already degraded to some degree by the elements or usage, and is thus the low-hanging fruit. I'd assume it's much easier to digest, since it's partially broken down already and has plenty of convenient micro-fissures to exploit.

Agreed. A lot of it is due to misplaced or misrepresented priorities. If you don't account for human and environmental impacts in the proverbial "bottom line", you're gonna have a bad time. If we implemented metrics for sustainability and societal improvement as part of the "worth" or "profits" of a company, the world and our future in it may be a little less bleak of a place. Instead, the current system places waaay too much emphasis on short-term goals that are frankly not in line with what I would consider "productivity".

I'd be interested to see how charging wattage and overall battery efficiency correlate. I'd expect there to be deminishing returns at some point, either in battery life or simply utilizing the input power less ideally. I can definitely get behind your point about faster charging being a solid use case, but I wonder what the upper limit for that is.

You mean Cannibal! The Musical, the Trey Parker / Matt Stone classic?

I don't know how. I also have to just reinstall it, but i'm gonna leave this here in case you find out!

Yes! I cannot wait. I hope we get difficulty settings this time, but if not I'll just have my SO get me out of any sticky situations like he did for Hollow Knight lol (like that one grub in queen's guarden... omg so much spiky death)

But you'd be resting on the extra day, too (if you want, I for one will be partying). So you'd never go more than seven days without rest.

If that still doesn't fly, I suggest we combine the extra day and the previous day into a mega-day that is 48 hrs long. Then everyone except programmers will be happy (we're never happy with datetime conventions anyway, so what's one more if-else statement between friends).