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she was just speculating on government corruption

That "just" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Shes namedropping Rothschilds and talking about satellites which beam focused light down to earth. So while she never directly said "jewish space lasers" it is at least heavily implied by her.

Freefall, extremly good webcomic

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Nothing in this article said anything about the police in question being corrupt of abusive of their power.

It said US Police...

Yeah, but we have a problem with too many cars in germany. We can't continue to give everyone free parking space. Our citys are choking with cars and the quality of life for people suffers.

Same with the fuel prices, the CO2 emissions of traffic are huge and we have to do something against that.

Sucks that it makes your hobby more difficult and expensive, but we can't continue with the status quo.

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They are not a developer anymore. They are just a game store/directory.

CSGO 2 would like a word with you

You train neuronal networks with labeled data and those captchas are used to create the labels. Its not specified in the code what a bicycle is, but in the training data.

Yeah, moved the goalpost from starting a riot to confiscating money and goods.

many parking spaces actually got converted to charging stations.

How many? We have 160milion parking spaces and 115.000 charging stations, which is 0.07%. Compare this to 2.9% electric Vehicles and think about if it's really to many.

What is a solution that is as comfortable to use as a car? There is none. We also don't have space in cities to add other modes of transportation as long as cars take up most of public space.

But we still need to change our car dominant society to a more climate friendly and space and resource efficient one. And this is only possible if we take away privileges cars enjoyed for the last decades and make driving less attractive than public transit and micromobility.

People are lazy and comfortable, they will never give up cars willingly.

They are not going that fast. Don't know where those numbers are from... ebikes are limited to 25km/h to be considered a bicycle.

Why is the EDF in so much debt if they can produce so mich cheap energy?

We had a shooting with homemade guns in Halle in germany in 2019. A nazi assaultet a synagoge. But his weapons were shit and he couldn't kill anyone in the synagoge. So he shot random people on the street, killing two. If he had acess to reliable firearms the death toll would be much higher.

What do you mean with 100% Storage?

you would need a LOT of transmission capability that is not currently available

can be build faster and cheaper than nuclear, doesn't need fuel and needs to be build anyway. We get the cheapest, strongest and least dangerous grid if we invest in more renewables, storage and better transmission. And that's something we can get done fast and start harvesting the profits in a few years.

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The user you replied to probably build his pc from parts and thus not paid indirectly to Microsoft.

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You realise your argument is basically "We couldn't help one person, now we can't help anyone else or it would be unfair."

And noone who already paid off the loans is in a worse position if others don't have to.

Nuclear Reactors have a certain Limit on Powercycles. While you can power up an down with up to 10%/min that puts a huge amount of stress on all parts which leads to cracks and leaks. So you can't actually replace the flexibility of gas powerplants with nuclear, because the risk associated with leaks is so much worse.

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What do you mean with 100% Storage? And why would you need it for multiple days if you have a grid that transports energy all around the continent and in future possible worldwide?

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Nah, one side demonstrated over and over that they're not interested in a good faith discussion and won't compromise. After the x-th debate with climate change deniers the media should stop giving them attention.

Fusion is way better than fission

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nuclear is an effective option dollar-for-dollar and acre-for-acre

Dollar for dollar renewables are more effectiv and also we don't have enough time for nuclear. We need low co2 energy faster than in a decade

Russian arms sales dropped to sixth place after the invasion.

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Yeah, thats why I said sales dropped.

Everyones Favorit powerpoint artist Perun did an video calling Russias nuclear bluff .

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The reliability issue of regenerative energy can be lessend with better grids, because somwhere is always wind or sun. And then adding different storage technologies like battery, pressurised air or thermal storage should get us to a reliable power supply without emissions in the next decades.

Yes, but the first comment asked why games are so huge o the harddrive.

Just getting shit done

Ah damn, so easy, why didn't I think of that.

Iceland has so much renewables with water and geothermal, they can use it however they want.

What is the realistic alternative?

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He said he took pictures of old xp keys in second hand shops and upgraded them.

I've also never bought a windows license, i still use my education licenses after university a decade ago. I have not heard of pc parts with an OEM license attached, thats why I believe you can have used windows all your life without ever paying something to microsoft.

All around there is a 100m spell. In cities that's like everywhere .

Its out of sight, but at most 100m. So if you're not visible where you smoke you're fine.

you can't have legal weed yet.

Online apothecary is a way but also growing before April has been retroactively legalized. So as long as the police can't proof you imported it illegally it's also fine.

The law is not perfect, but its the best possible outcome given the political realities and i think of it as dooropening with further reforms still coming.

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If the large governmental investments go into renewables and storage we have more energy faster.

Also nuclear doesn't play nice with a energy network with a large fluctuating renewable part. As the running cost of a nuclear plant is minimal compared to the investment there is a huge incentive to let a nuclear plant run at max output all the time, thereby blocking the grid for renewables.

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Decompression uses the cpu, so you loose performance if you compress textures.

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God should stop willing a shitty world then.

High voltage dc transmission lines already exist and are already in use .

This is build faster and with fewer risks than nuclear.

Niclear has high investment cost and very low production cost which incentivises runnig at max output for as long as possible. This might block out renewables from the grid if their production cost is higher and make it less profitable to build them. So its really not a Symbiosis between nuclear and regenerative

Thats very aptly put. I would also like to not only work the supply side and make demand more flexible to better work with renewables. And maybe get rid of personal cars and get people to ride more bikes and so on... And if we manage to stall/reverse global warming in the next 20 years we hopefully have fusion for all of the really big energy needs.

But most importantly, we need to do everything to get rid of fossil fuels as fast as possible. And that's where I think we agree completely.

once you have reactor designs up and running, building a lot of capacity both cheaper and quicker.

But its the same with renewables and storage, they will improve as well and most likely keep their cost advantage.

And you seem to ignore Opportunity costs again. If we build to much nuclear plants and don't need the energy later we could have invested the money better in other areas, like education. Again, money is a finite resource.

And another reason why I prefer renewables to nuclear is decentralisation. With renewables everyone can partake in energy generation, while nuclear is only for big corporations or governments. I'd rather have a robust decentralised grid where almost everyone is consuming and producing local most of the time than a grid relying on a few huge producers, which are a huge target for sabotage or vulnerable to natural catastrophes.

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Building nuclear does not mean we stop building renewables, or that we build less of them.

Money as a finite resource as of now, so money spent on nuclear is not spent on renewables and storage. And that is the number 1 priority if we want to be carbon neutral as fast as possible. And if we manage to transition to an all renewable energy system and continue to need even more energy we can hopefully start with fusion in 20 years. But in the short term i would only invest in renewables.

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Don't talk to the police and you don't have to lie. Only selling cannabis is illegal. They can only use you as witness against your dealer.

Its a wrong analogy. We have limited resources and investment in renewables are faster and more efficient. Every dollar spent on nuclear doesn't go in renewables, so its better to focus the effort.