0 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wanna see those tankies, who say it's all for good under some posts like that.

Yeah, don't use SD for something, that continuously writes data on it. One power outage and it will die.

Source: lost 2 sds on my OPi 3 lts.

Went here to write this.

Source: I've left Russia, where I've been born, after war started. Left there my whole family and all friends.

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Not as hard as for people from Ukraine, so, nothing to worry about.

Putin and his government has been killing and putting their opponents to prison since 2000-s. At the same time they were telling older people, that if they chose anyone from opposition, Russia will return to its darkest ages.

While doing this, they closed or took under their control all indepent media and made it illegal to say something, that doesn't fit their narrative.

And now people wondering why Russians aren't protesting or fighting that regime.

No, you can't. Your instance will go down, but all your posts and comments will still live in read-only mode on the instances they been federated before.

In mastodon (another activity pub service) you can export your account with subscriptions, but not the posts. So, if it'll happen, you gotta start from scratch.

Look at mastodon (or try it), after Twitter user exile it grows and shines like an independent big social network. Same will happen to lemmy.

And if original developers will shut down their instances, there will still be a lot of others. And if devs abandon their code, it's opensource, so anybody can continue supporting it. And if not, ActivityPub is a protocol, that's used to exchange data, and new software will be written, like kbin is a working alternative to lemmy.

So, the only thing to worry about is a userbase, we must form it to attract new creative people here.

I also did this. 5yrs and 1k karma.

I'm not that optimistic about lemmy's future (especially after defederation on beehaw), but I'm glad to be here.

If it won't work, I'll just stop wasting my time on reading things I don't need. If it will, that'll be cool.

We'll live, we'll see. Meta is showing its interest in mastodon, so we have a reason to worry. But I think, lemmy will change according to the situation, when situation will be present, not before it.

Maybe Photoprism isn't a backup strategy, but Syncthing for sure is, because you can have multiple backup units in it.

I'm additionally use software RAID on one of devices, that receives Syncthing backups.

  • Btrfs for local system backups based on snapshots
  • Photoprism for photos
  • Syncthing for other media
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That's for good. I've found myself getting back to reddit after account deletion, but it was unusable because big blocking interaction modal with "use an app", which I unable to dismiss, appeared. So, bye then.

Dungeon keeper 1. Real time strategy and first person shooter at the same time. Its like playing strategy game with a view from the top and then you can switch to Minecraft mode, dig the walls, build things, fight enemies.

Good luck, mate!

No ads and the fact, that it is open source and community driven.

Idk if I'm gonna stay, but I won't return to reddit.

These servers are exchanging info with others.

One instance starts that exchange if its user or other instance user has subscribed to community on it. Since then it will send and receive all posts and comments for that community to over instances, which has subscribed users on it.

Some instances may become blocked on other ones, since then that community users will not see posts or comments from blocked community users.

You can check the list of your instances connections in the footer, under "instances".


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I like vscode. Even after paying for intellij, I find it's look, which is much cleaner, and speed, which is far more better than intellij's.

Like it's a news. The only thing you should know about russian propaganda narrative is that it points to the inside auditory, they don't care about people from developed countries in most cases.

I'm curios to know how can I help with developing lenmy-ui. It is made with React fork, which I know very well.

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Use neovim then (if you don't like vscodium). It can be configured as IDE, but its hard to remember all keybindings.

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