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Joined 1 years ago

Bad physics. Totally pulls me out of immersion.

No, Captain America cannot lean back and hold a helicopter that is lifting off. It doesn't matter how strong he is - he will be lifted once there is enough force generated from the propellers. Basically anything Batman does that involves gravity in the Nolan films is similar.

The magic I can get behind. The mutant stuff or dragons or even time travel in superhero movies doesn't bother me. It's the lack of sensible mechanics on an alleged Earth that I'm bothered by.

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Click bait article titles? I get it. Click bait lemmy post titles? Sorry but downvote.

Also my first thought was also the hope of removing tax filing. Oh well.

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The post is the exact format chat gpt uses to provide lists. You are right on the money with this one.

WHY. DO. THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOR. (Repeat a dozen or so times)

Sorry but no way they are non political. That's just one example from a more well known song. Haven't they publicly spoken on the Armenian genocide, too? If you need to separate your art from your politics, perhaps you should re review your politics. It's inherent in most aspects of life.

Overcooked is only fun if everyone is terrible or everyone is great. It's a great concept but definitely not going to work out for most groups.

For Mario kart, did you put on some bots? Without the NPCs, 2 player is lame, even if you are both quite good.

Have you played It Takes Two? This sounds like it hits your requirements.

For couch coop, I'd actually suggest Mario Deluxe over the very recent Mario Wonder if you wanted to try a side scroller. Wonder is great, but it's couch coop is poorly implemented unless you are both good or both terrible as with overcooked. Deluxe doesn't have that issue, in my opinion, due to the way the scrolling works in game. It might feel odd spending $60 on a 10 year old game from the WII U, but Nintendo originals always hold up well.

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Progressive is often used as a blanket term that basically means that you are farther left than the Democratic party. Not that he doesn't like progress, just that he is not pursuing the end of capitalism or something in that direction if even slightly.

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I don't vote much on any posts or comments for exactly this reason. I wish it wasn't this way.

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You answered it yourself. Police policy.

That's amazing. What's the most common issue you have encountered and how is it fixed?

Quite a bit of human development has been in the category of nurture, as opposed to nature. While humans have changed little biologically, I have an "appendage" in my hand that can communicate with an individual in space. Memes replicate and evolve much more quickly than genes do.

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Storage could be measured in what is needed for various files. They would have to be of various sizes, but not linearly increasing much like inch, foot, yard.

Launch Codes, Pledge of Allegiances, Constitutions, God Bless the U.S.As, Average individual's Patriot Act file (Pafs for short), etc.

My first thought for the first one is that a malicious devil will just reply that n=1.

50% of my messages here on Lemmy.

I'd guess more like 25% of messages at work and 75% on the discord server I use with IRL friends are deleted without being posted.

A light. Don't be a savage :P

You probably aren't going to get good results posting to social media about it. There is no handbook and we can't help you. You know what to do and what will happen.

Not quite. You missed the fact that it doesn't need to be the entire statement. "I always lie when I say that the sky is green"

Looks like the bot has an off by 1 error somewhere in the way it counts words. Not to mention the fact that it didn't seem to remove any.

Not familiar with RDR2, but I'm into ahk, and you said that you change the keys every round. Would it be helpful to have a prompt ask you what your 5 keys have to be? That way you wouldn't have to edit and rerun the program. Just control a again and it would open a new window asking what your keys will be.

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A wise man once told me that technology isn't about making simple things complicated. It's about making complicated things simple.

The code for the prompt would probably be twice the size of the rest, and would take quite a bit more time than it would save. Sounds like you had the right idea in leaving it out. I can never keep myself to those obvious limits and it's always such a waste automating for hours to save seconds lol

I agree that it is a limitation of the nature of federated software. All the same, it makes me nervous to interact. I would feel much better if it wasn't every instance owner, but just the owner of the one your account came from, or perhaps the one you were interacting with. I'm not anonymous enough to feel comfortable.

I always understood it otherwise, that progressive was more to the left, outside that neoliberal democrat stance. But these things change over time and I may have always just misunderstood.

Yes! This seems like the right movie. For a few seconds before he grabs the pole, he does just lean back, right? That is the part that concerns me the most. At least this in the image seems doable if somebody is cap strong and angry.

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I suggest memes as in the Richard Dawkins original definition, not funny haha memes but shared reproducible culture. We are social creatures, more than any other, and our social development has happened far more quickly than typical evolution ever could.

He isn't heavy enough to make that much of a difference before he grabs the ledge, is he? If the helicopter can manage lift, his 200 lbs shouldn't make that much difference. It's the part before he grabs the ledge that bothers me in this clip

My first thought was Pirate Latitudes, a book written by Michael Chricton, author of Jurassic Park. Never saw a movie adaptation but he is the Stephen King of sci fi, so maybe someday. Also my favorite book of his, despite what others may say

Then again a minute later, still very terrifying, and I just lost a shitload of zerglings to it.

It's those first seconds I am referring to. The pole does make more sense to me. Also not a physicist, but it irks me just the same.

I actually think that's what they called Mario deluxe for the WII U. Definitely look into it before buying a 2nd copy of the same game like I did. I mean, I've 100%ed it a few times now but still I wish I knew it was the same.

In fact, it's better on the Wii u. Player 2 can either play as a Luigi or play as god on the Wii pad. Putting down tiles and making the game dead easy.